- part 1 of 3 - Chapter 5 Igod Tsih - TopicsExpress


- part 1 of 3 - Chapter 5 Igod Tsih Eilehi -------------------- Igod Tsih Eilehi (Short Stick Art) should be done from both sides. Learn and practice performing it one grip with the left hand forward and then the same grip with the right hand forward. Then, learn the next grip with the left hand forward and then the right hand forward. After the grips, learn and practice the stance and postures using the same procedure. In these cases, starting with the left hand and leg forward and then the right hand and leg for the stance and then the same routine for each of the postures, one at a time. The daandii (fundamentals = kihon) are the individual strikes, sweeps, and thrusts, such as: Bidah Dahszii Yinltlish (Front Standing Strike = Shomen Dachi Uchi). The Eight Directions Striking (Tsebii Haagoti Yinltlish = Happo Uchi) and 31-Count Practice (Tadin Dalaa Hotag Hadildego) and/or Formal Solo Excersize (Gochital Dasahn Hadildego = San Ichi-Renshu) should be learned one daandii at a time from each side before adding the next daandii in the Striking, Practice, and/or Practice. * shutokukan.org/join_the_ryu.html baltimorejodo.org/ shinto-muso-ryu.org/ Practice the following at different times during each day. For example, in the morning and evening. They are written in the form: Ndee = English (Japanese) page number in Lowry, 2005 Ndee - Japanese similarities I. Nayitihgo or Honta = Grips (Nigiri) p. 36 Nayiti- = Nigi- (t and g are close); -go = -gi- Honta = Honte, Hon-te, or Hon Te; -ta = -te (Te means hand and hands are used to grip) 1. Daandii Bigan Nayitihgo = Basic (True or Fundamental (Hon)) Hand (Te) Grip (Nigiri) pp. 36 and 74 Hon-te Nigiri or Honte Nigiri or or Daandii Bigan Honta Daan- = Hon (d and h are close); -dii = -te (d and t are very close); Daandii = Honte Honta = Honte People grip with their hands. These words are related. 2. Yikizhi Bigan Nayitihgo = Reverse Hand Grip (Gyaku Te Nigiri) pp. 37 and 74 -i- = -u or Yikizhi Bigan Honta = Gyaku-te Nigiri or Gyakute Nigiri yik- = Gyak-; 3. Naki Ilta Nagoilnaa Nanayidisgeed Nayitihgo = Two Different Methods Combination Grip (Ketsugo Nigiri) p. 37 -ki Ilt- = Ket-; -go = -go or or 3. Naki Ilta Nagoilnaa Nanayidisgeed Honta II. Dahszii = Stance (Dachi or Dai) p. 40 Dahszii = Dachi Ilniyu Binii Dahszii = Half Facing Stance (Han Mi Dachi) p. 40 or Han-mi Dachi or Hanmi Dachi Bi- = Mi (b and m are very close) or Taagi Dahszii Triangular Stance (Sankaku Dai) p. 40 III. Nagozaa = Postures (Kamae) p. 41 Pay particular attention to the postures [Nagozaa = Kamae]. They are the result of experimentation, frequently conducted on the ultimate testing ground - the battlefield. The way we hold the [igod tsih] in a particular Nagozaa is the most effective way of holding it, period. Those masters who created these Nagozaa did so at the risk of their lives and until or unless you have done the same sort of experimenting, stick with the traditional [nagozaa]. (Lowry, 2005, p. 35). 1. Ildi Nagozaa = Middle Level Posture (Chudan Kamae) pp. 41 and 74 2. Hadag Nagozaa = Upper Level Posture (Jodan Kamae) p. 42 3. Bide Hagon Nagozaa = Rear Angle Posture (Waki Kamae) pp. 43 and 78 IV. Yinltlish Nagoilnaa = Striking Methods (Uchi Kata) Techniques. Kata means method and/or technique) pp. 49, 190, and 191 or or Yinltlish Hizhoohi Striking Techniques (Uchi Waza) -oo- = U-; hi = chi; -oohi = Uchi; Hizhoohi = It shakes or moves (Waza) - in other words, a Strike is a Technique; a stick in and of itself, just laying there, is not a technique, but, striking with a stick is a Technique. Therefore, Hizhoohi and Uchi are variations of the same word and came to mean Technique and Strike. ...It is possible to strike with the [igod tsih] in the six basic methods of cutting with the sword [hal]: 1. Front [Bidah = Shomen and/or Overhead (Bitsita = Otoshi); Bidah Yinltlish = Front Strike (Shomen Uchi) and/or Bitsita Yinltlish = Overhead Strike (Otoshi Uchi)], 2. Left [Ishgane = Hidari; Hagodn Aagee = At An Oblique Angle = Naname or Diagonal = Naname; Ishgane Hagodn Aagee Yinltlish = Left At An Oblique Angle Strike = Hidari Naname Uchi or Left Diagonal Strike = Hidari Naname Uchi, 3. Right [Dehenaa = (Migi); Dehenaa Hagodn Aagee Yinltlish = Right At An Oblique Angle Strike = Migi Naname or Right Diagonal Strike = Migi Naname Uchi, 4. Left Side [Ishgane Zhineego = Hidari Yoku] and 5. Right Side [Dehenaa Zhineego = Migi Yoku], and 6. Thrust [Yitsiitsih = Tsuki]. In addition, the [igod tsih] can be used to [Nagolshoh] Sweep [Barai or Harai] or [Yinltlish] Strike [Uchi] from [aagee] angles [naname] that go from low to high or high to low, largely because of the freedom you have in lengthening, shortening, or reversing your [Nayitihgo or Honta] grip on the [benaitseedi] weapon (Lowry, 2005, p. 49). B. Dahszii Yinltlish = Standing Strikes (Dachi Uchi) In classical nagondzoog = combat, the Haashkee was educated to consider every hizhoohi complete unto itself, sufficient to accomplish the purposes of the Haashkee. Naturally, the Haashkee practiced Nanayidisgeed Hizhoohi = Multiple Techniques or Renwaku Waza but the Haashkee treated each of them in the sequence as lethal. It must be assumed...that there will be no second chance. The initial action must be delivered with complete resolve. It should never be blended in with a succeeding hizhoohi. Dalaa (One) Daandii (fundamental = kihon) is done two times (three, in the case of number 3. Hagodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish (At an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) Standing Strike = Naname Dachi Uchi) without pausing between the Daandii in each pair (and triplet in the case of number 3.) of the following Nanayidisgeed Hizhoohi (Combination and/or Multiple Techniques = Renwaku Waza): 1. Bidah Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Dahszii Yinltlish = Front Standing Strike - Front Standing Strike (Shomen Dachi Uchi - Shomen Dachi Uchi) pp. 50 and 74 2. Bidah Hogodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Hogodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish = Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) Standing Strike - Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) Standing Strike (Shomen Naname Dachi Uchi - Shomen Naname Dachi Uchi) 3. Bidah Ildi Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Ildi Dahszii Yinltlish = Front Middle Level Standing Strike - Front Middle Level Standing Strike (Shomen Chudan Dachi Uchi - Shomen Chudan Dachi Uchi) 4. Bitsita Dahszii Yinltlish and Bitsita Dahszii Yinltlish = Overhead Standing Strike - Overhead Standing Strike (Otoshi Dachi Uchi - Otoshi Dachi Uchi) Starts the same way as 5. 5. Hagodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish and Hagodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish and Hagodn Aagee Dahszii Yinltlish = Diagonal Standing Strike - Diagonal Standing Strike - Diagonal Standing Strike (Naname Dachi Uchi - Naname Dachi Uchi - Naname Dachi Uchi) pp. 52 and 78 6. Ildi Dahszii Yinltlish and Ildi Dahszii Yinltlish = Middle Level Standing Strike - Middle Level Standing Strike (Chudan Dachi Uchi - Chudan Dachi Uchi) Starts the same way as 5. 7. Hayaa Dahszii Yinltlish and Hayaa Dahszii Yinltlish = Lower Level Standing Strike - Lower Level Standing Strike (Gedan Dachi Uchi - Gedan Dachi Uchi) pp. 56 and 78 or or 7. Hayaa Dahszii Nagolshoh and Hayaa Dahszii Nagolshoh = Lower Level Standing Sweep - Lower Level Standing Sweep (Gedan Dachi Barai - Gedan Dachi Barai or Gedan Dachi Harai - Gedan Dachi Harai) pp. 56 and 78 8. Bidah Haghahgo Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Haghahgo Dahszii Yinltlish = Front Rising Standing Strike - Front Rising Standing Strike (Shomen Age Dachi Uchi - Shomen Age Dachi Uchi) pp. 64 and 76 -agho- = Ago 9. Bide Hagon Haghahgo Dahszii Yinltlish and Bide Hagon Haghahgo Dahszii Yinltlish = Rear Angle Rising Standing Strike - Rear Angle Rising Standing Strike (Waki Age Dachi Uchi - Waki Age Dachi Uchi) pp. 58 and 76 -agho- = Ago L. Ildiyu Dahszii (Hishzhiizh) Yinltlish = To Half Standing (To Kneeling) Strikes (Han Dachi Uchi) p. 60 1. Bidah Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Bidah Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Front Strike to Half Standing - Front Strike to Half Standing (Shomen Uchi Han Dachi - Shomen Uchi Han Dachi) or or 1. Bidah Yinltlish Hishzhiizh and Bidah Yinltlish Hishzhiizh = Front Strike to Kneeling - Front Strike to Kneeling (Shomen Uchi Han Dachi - Shomen Uchi Han Dachi) 2. Bidah Hogodn Aagee Ildiyu Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Hogodn Aagee Ildiyu Dahszii = Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) to Half Standing Strike - Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) to Half Standing Strike (Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi - Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi) or or 2. Bidah Hogodn Aagee Hishzhiizh Yinltlish and Bidah Hogodn Aagee Hishzhiizh Yinltlish = Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) to Kneeling Strike - Front at an Oblique Angle (Diagonal) to Kneeling Strike (Shomen Naname Han Dachi Uchi - Shomen Naname Han Dachi Uchi) 3. Bidah Ildi Ildiyu Dahszii Yinltlish and Bidah Ilda Ildiyu Dahszii Yinltlish = Front Middle Level to Half Standing Strike - Front Middle Level to Half Standing Strike (Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi - Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi) or or 3. Bidah Ildi Hishzhiizh Yinltlish and Bidah Ildi Hishzhiizh Yinltlish = Front Middle Level to Kneeling Strike - Front Middle Level to Kneeling Strike (Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi - Shomen Chudan Han Dachi Uchi) 4. Bitsita Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Bitsita Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Overhead Strike to Half Standing - Overhead Strike to Half Standing (Otoshi Uchi Han Dachi - Otoshi Uchi Han Dachi) Starts the same way as 5. or or 4. Bitsita Yinltlish Hishzhiizh and Bitsita Yinltlish Hishzhiizh = Overhead Strike to Kneeling - Overhead Strike to Kneeling (Otoshi Uchi Han Dachi - Otoshi Uchi Han Dachi) Starts the same way as 5. 5. Hogodn Aagee Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Hogodn Aagee Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Diagonal Strike to Half Standing - Diagonal Strike to Half Standing (Naname Uchi Uchi Han Dachi - Naname Uchi Uchi Han Dachi) p. 60 or or 5. Hogodn Aagee Yinltlish Hishzhiizh and Hogodn Aagee Yinltlish Hishzhiizh = Diagonal Strike to Kneeling - Diagonal Strike to Kneeling (Naname Uchi Han Dachi - Naname Uchi Han Dachi) 6. Ildi Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Ildi Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Middle Level Strike to Half Standing - Middle Level Strike to Half Standing (Chudan Uchi Han Dachi) Starts the same way as 5. or or 6. Ildi Yinltlish Hishzhiizh and Ildi Yinltlish Hishzhiizh = Middle Level Strike to Kneeling - Middle Level Strike to Knelling (Chudan Uchi Han Dachi - Chudan Uchi Han Dachi) Starts the same way as 5. 7. Hayaa Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Hayaa Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Lower Level Strike to Half Standing and Lower Level Strike to Half Standing (Gedan Uchi Han Dachi - Gedan Uchi Han Dachi) pp. 56 and 78 or or 7. Hayaa Nagolshoh Nagolshoh Hishszhiizh and Hayaa Nagolshoh Nagolshoh Hishszhiizh = Lower Level Sweep to Kneeling - Lower Level Sweep to Kneeling (Gedan Barai Han Dachi - Gedan Barai Han Dachi or Gedan Harai Han Dachi - Gedan Harai Han Dachi) pp. 56 and 78 8. Bidah haghahgo Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii and Bidah haghahgo Yinltlish Ildiyu Dahszii = Front Rising Strike to Half Standing - Front Rising Strike to Half Standing (Shomen Age Uchi Han Dachi - Shomen age Uchi Han Dachi) p. 64 -agho- = Age or or 8. Bidah haghahgo Yinltlish Hishzhiizh and Bidah haghahgo Yinltlish Hishzhiizh = Front Rising Strike to Kneeling - Front Rising Strike to Kneeling (Shomen Age Uchi Han Dachi - Shomen Age Uchi Dachi) p. 64 -agho- = Ago F. Yitsiitsih = Thrusts (Tsuki) p. 66 1. Daandii Dahszii Bigan Yitsiitsih and Daandii Dahszii Bigan Yitsiitsih = Basic Standing Hand Thrust - Basic Standing Hand Thrust (Hon Dachi Te Tsuki - Hon Dachi Te Tsuki) p. 66 2. Yikizhi Dahszii Bigan Yitsiitsih and Yikizhi Dahszii Bigan Yitsiitsih = Reverse Standing Hand Thrust - Reverse Standing Hand Thrust (Gyaku Dachi Te Tsuki - Gyaku Dachi Te Tsuki) p. 68 3. Bidah Dahszii Yitsiitsih and Bidah Dahszii Yitsiitsih = Front Standing Thrust - Front Standing Thrust (Shomen Dachi Tsuki - Shomen Dachi Tsuki) p. 80 4. Bide Dahszii Yitsiitsih and Bide Dahszii Yitsiitsih = Rear Standing Thrust - Rear Standing Thrust (Ushiro Dachi Tsuki - Ushiro Dachi Tsuki) p. 70
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:06:12 +0000

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