#003 female delhi first of all i would like to tell you, you r - TopicsExpress


#003 female delhi first of all i would like to tell you, you r really doing good job to save the relationship... i m in relationship from last 6years startings days was so nice so romantic after 7month everything went down into hill.. fight has enter, irritation starts frustation takes d new places in our relation.. just cz of not having a trust.. i found out my guy was having a online affairs with anothers girls and hes sending text to them with his email id and mobile no.. i asked him hes lie my friend did this from my id.. we had fight then you know in relationship on and off going on.. we joined d college together i saw there many girls r saying hello to him and not to me,, try to sort off but he didnt satifly me with his answer,, i was start having a doubt that after finising d class he use to pick d girl from our college and doing droping duites . i never come to know cz i used to go home with my dad.. my dad is so strict .. i havent got a chanace to c him with whom hes going... while writing to you my heartbit is pumping so fast and its paining too, then he start having a bad behaviour with me after 7month i mean i met him in 2005 so from janurary to august was good time after then that thier is alws screaming abusing hitting all sort off thing were going on in our relationship.. life was totally finished i was treating very badly alws torching i lost my freedom my momdad lock me at home no purmission to go out not even for college, life become hell. anyhow i covence my dad i complete my qualification but there was no enjoyment from last 3years hes having a another relationshipp with some1 , hes making her to lisen my conversation , while talking to me on d fone he alws put me on d loud to make her lisen that wht we talk.. while talking to me on d fone he alws message her... actually he doesnt have anything to spk to me just hes calling and talking to me for 10minutes and rest off time he is telling me to speak ... he goes out wd friends he works he knows about life so wht he want me to speak , i m alws sitting inside of house not having friend due to restriction . and if once i start speaking to him he cut me and trying to edit , its such a irritating things . life is gone i m still crying when my hubby my jaan my baby wil leave this all ... at last everyday fight i cant take it, he puropsley make me to feel that c some1 is lising our conversation or c i m riting text to her .when i ask wht was that sound he s like you r mentally ill, you lisen some noise but i cant, trust me while riting this all my heart is just coming out and screaming and saying its very unfair.. i had given five years and still with memories but i havent got anything and i never demand.. but he hurts me when he liying to me, i never want him to trouble but he alws create prob in my life im full i dont want any guy now i have taken a decision not to talk to him bcz there is no use.. its going to b 1week and i havent spoke to him truely my sister is still in contact with him and she told hes still d same nothing change, for whom he is doing keepon messgin infornt of everyonecall n\making her badly gf to lisen each and every things.. this has been told by many person whom he talk to him i have no soild prrof or evidence and hes still making fool i cant rite more bcz my heart is paining very badly but i m really in love him, i wish he wil decided wht he want , i wish he wil feel whos best for him, there is no hope if im not there hes busy talking and chatting with another girls is every guy do this? is every guy want keep d option aside? i need your help to come out from all this// his parents know about me they want him to marry me but wht is d use until unless hes mentally prepared. hes ready to marry me if in one week he cant stop talking to that girl wht he wil do after marriage, i cant go everytime with him? hes not loyal also if he wil tel me i have in this serious relationship i wil accept him but hes not telling its horrible feeling even i had a friend but i told him today in fight he taunt me with those name... if i wil go back to him wil he ever change? no o dont think so if he want to he change in one day... my younger sister told that my dad is looking groom for my sis , hes like good she wil b happy his talking style is full of taunting, irritating., misbeahving. and hes not matured.. for got sake wil you tell me wht type of relation its ? its love its time pass its just played with my heart including his family in my life wil i get someone who can just loveme? i dont k my beauiful relationship has changed into ugly .. Love Guru : Phewwww that was loads of issues you are carrying in your head little girl. I think this might have consumed a lot of energy&time. See I can judge one thing from your problem, you are a victim ofMISTRUST.If you were sure about he having affir with some other girls in the 7th month itself why did you drag this so long. Because you stayed on with loads of doubt&restlessn ess it just went worse. You always feared of losing hin and the fact is you never had him. See, you should relax for a while, yake a break, go for a vacation with your friends. Give time to yourself from this relation, I feel you will definitely meet a guy who will just love for the person you are. Take deep breath&just understand that Love is a part of life not LIFE ITSELF. As an immediate step --GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT, GO FOR SHOPPING, GO OUTING&BE WITH FRIENDS.It would ease out a lot. You need proper councelling n you can meet me personally on sunday if u wish to. Meet me inbox
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:22:13 +0000

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