(1.37:2) It [the miracle] acts as a catalyst, breaking up - TopicsExpress


(1.37:2) It [the miracle] acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly. This places you under the Atonement principle, where perception is healed.” Ken Wapnick in JTTT: The Atonement principle is that the separation never happened. This means everything that appears to have happened since the tiny, mad idea is made up. First I want to say that everything I write is from experience. I was asked yesterday to write about my personal experience or personal journey with the Course, which I almost never do any more. I think the purpose of the Course is recognition of “universal experience,” which in my opinion is what is always already happening but is generally denied or hidden by the “veil of guilt” projected by the “wrong mind” of the Son of God. Even when I quote the Course I don’t quote anything that I haven’t seen the truth of in “my own experience.” Or if I do happen to quote something I don’t know from experience to be true, as I sometimes do, especially in answer to questions of “creation,” I always try to remember to qualify that quote by saying “I don’t know but the Course says …” That’s not to say I may not be misunderstanding passages I quote. Not at all. Only that if I quote something it’s because “my experience,” which I don’t think is “mine” at all but “universal” seems to have demonstrated the truth of it. The way I see it, the entire purpose of the Course is “healed perception” that allows for recognition of “universal experience,” which is always what already appears to be happening but goes unnoticed because it is hidden by belief in individuality, body identification, time/space, etc. This is a “simple course,” intended to aid recognition that “only reality is true.” It isn’t intended to teach us ‘what love looks like” or to make us “more loving” or “more peaceful individuals,” although it may temporarily do that. It is intended to remove the blocks to “awareness of love’s presence.” In other words, it’s never about becoming something we are not but recognition of what we already are. And that recognition is impossible as long as I think I am what it teaches us to be and someone else is not. Any such “someone else” can only be a projection of what I deny in myself. The miracles isn’t a process of accepting and believing that separation never happened so the “you’s” I call “brother” are really “at home with God” even as I see them doing “unloving things here on earth.” It returns me to the “holy [whole] instant” before I attributed “unloving or fearful behavior” to a body or “individual mind/doer” I called “you” or “brother” and “loving behavior” to a “me.” So I recognize what appears to be happening as a projection of the mind we share, not the activity of a me who is different from you. By returning to the Holy Instant or Holy Relationship before ego defenses were “waved like magic wands to make facts unrecognizable,” perception is “reorganized.” My thoughts ABOUT the event are no longer based on belief in separation and projected from my own individual past but proceed only from “Awareness of Love’s Presence” in “the Present.” Thus the miracle is always an “undoing” not a “doing.” It has nothing to do with acceptance or belief – which always projects its own doubts -- and everything to do with “reorganized perception.” It is natural and “not consciously chosen” because I am not the author of the “Holy Instant” from which it proceeds or extends but only the observer of it. And the extension of love that proceeds from the miracle is always maximal regardless of whether appearances change or do not change because belief in separation has been withdrawn. And in my experience, the miracle need never be repeated because whatever was believed prior to its occurrence can never be believed again. I didn’t take the time to look up references for the Course quotes I referred to because I didn’t know if you or anyone else needed them or would take the time to look them up anyway. But I will go back and do that – and will do it in the future – if it would be more helpful.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:01:55 +0000

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