#1 Aries When Angry! When Aries gets angry, it can be difficult - TopicsExpress


#1 Aries When Angry! When Aries gets angry, it can be difficult for them to see the bigger picture. They explode without considering the ramifications of their words and actions. While they have their reasons to get angry, this volatile anger is partially caused by their enthusiasm and need for excitement. #2 Taurus When Angry! Just like a fracture in a river dam, it cracks slowly until completely breaking and destroying everything in sigh. When a Taurus is on the verge of going ballistic, they will become silent and cold, and since they believe they are always right, they will not forgive easily unless the other party gives in first. #3 Gemini When Angry! Most people will confuse their passion for exchanging ideas as anger. With that being said, their anger is all words, particularly big words, and the bigger the word the better. If they can’t express this rage, they will throw something. If you retort with something illogical, they will ignore it and fall silent because they don’t dally with idiocy. #4 Cancer When Angry! There are three stages to Cancer’s anger. They will first begin sulking as a warning. If it goes unnoticed, they will send off another warning by shrouding their growing anger in a form of passive-aggressiveness, and then the final stage, all hell breaks loose. #5 Leo When Angry! A Leo’s anger is one loud nuclear disaster. They have such bad tempers that their anger isn’t anger, it’s rage. Their rage is all noise, and the louder they are, the better. They will say anything to shake your confidence, and even if they didn’t believe it then, they will believe it after. They won’t apologize, they will only forgive. #6 Virgo When Angry! Virgo’s anger is about how much they can hold in. They’ll try and suppress their anger as much as they can until it festers into digestive or health issues. Once they can no longer hold anymore in, they will usually explode at something trivial. Because of their sudden anger over many different things, their anger is often awkward and an incoherent mess. #7 Libra When Angry! Libra will first question the justification of their anger, and if they decide that it’s fully justified, they will act extremely irrational. There’s a good and perfectly sensible reason for their deranged fury, but because of their naturally calm and balanced demeanor, people will often dismiss their reasonable and coherent explanation that they give before hand. #8 Scorpio When Angry! They will tell themselves that they are above anger, and for the most part, that’s true. They’ll stay on the defensive side and get far away from you as possible, not because they are scared of you, but because they are afraid of the damage they will do when they get angry. Some anger will show through their glaring eyes, sarcasm, and brutal criticism. They may never let it go when they get truly angry at you. #9 Sagittarius When Angry! Their often blunt way of talking usually gets misconstrued as being angry, when in fact it’s just their humor. When they get really riled up, they get serious and what they think during this is absolute. Any logical argument you use will be considered absurd, and when they get completely immersed in anger, will use languages and metaphors that would make a person sob. However, they can get easily sidetracked and forget their original cause of aggravation. #10 Capricorn When they get mad, they get authoritative. Rather than saying that they are angry at you, they will declare that you have disappointed them, that you are horrible at something, or that you have failed them. Upon getting really upset, they’ll start to del like they’re having an out-of-body experience, so they may try to disengage and leave the scene to prevent getting provoked more. Finally, they may decide that they are no longer friends with you. #11 Aquarius When Angry! Even through the beginning stages of anger, they remain aloof. Their anger takes the form of agitation, and they continue to get agitated until they blow up. If they are able to, they will ignore you entirely, and there’s nothing you can really do as they excel at this. When they get really infuriated, they get extreme. They become wild and unsympathetic with threatening ideas. Some will merely fantasize these ideas while others will say it to your face. #12 Pisces When Angry! Pisces will try to avoid emotional confrontations and arguments by first talking it out with you. Unless they’re constantly in emotional upheaval, it will take a lot from them to get heated. They get utterly terrifying when they get angry because of their extreme and unparalleled emotions. Basically blanking out during their emotional rage, they get violent and self-destructive all while crying oceans. You want to cry with them, but you’re also scared for dear life.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 16:43:58 +0000

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