#1 thing to know - The term Pyramid Scheme has a finite - TopicsExpress


#1 thing to know - The term Pyramid Scheme has a finite definition. In other words, in order for something to be a pyramid scheme, it has to meet certain criteria. And the #1 thing that ties all pyramid schemes together: they offer no legitimate product or service. Instead, they offer promises they never intend to keep. Unlike the Plexus brand which offers amazing products which actually transform lives, pyramid schemes are solely dependent upon attracting new recruits in order to pay earlier recruits, but there is no real product or service of value. This is why it is called a scheme. #2 - Pyramid Schemes are 100% illegal; Multi-Level Marketing, on the other hand, is not. Multi-Level Marketing is not simply another name for a pyramid scheme, MLM, as it is known is, in fact, altogether different. Legitimate MLMs offer a real product or service in exchange for money. Simply put, MLMs use word of mouth for their advertising, instead of paying for ad space. The success of an MLM is largely dependent the quality of the product or service that is offered. MLM represents a major slice of the American economy, and many very reputable businesses have been built through it. Think of Mary Kay and Avon. Even many well known and respectable insurance companies are structured to be Multi-Level Marketing companies. #3 - There is no magical formula to getting rich in Plexus. You either share the products because you believe in them, and give other people the opportunity you have been given, or you sit on it. There is nothing illegal or wrong about making money by sharing a valuable product with others. Dont get me wrong, Plexus is an unbelievable opportunity, and you CAN make a lot more money by working hard at it than you can with most any other job, but there is no scheme to it. You simply work hard, like everything else, but YOU set the limits for what you can achieve. #4 - Some MLMs have given the industry a bad name. Some MLMs have tried to establish themselves through a lot of hype, but when it really comes down to it, the product or service that is offered is lackluster. There is nothing illegal about this, and this does not make them a pyramid scheme, because again, they are offering an actual product that has some value. What it does mean is that their product is bad, and as all bad products, they deserve to land in the dump heap of history. Unfortunately, some MLMs also market themselves as ways to get rich quick. While the MLM structure can lend itself toward making a good living, it is still dependent on working hard and offering a good product. Plexus offers excellence. There is no magic here, and there is no scheme. We just offer something that people are desperate for, we work hard, and our product delivers results.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 23:57:07 +0000

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