$10,000 FINES FOR LEFT-LANE (PASSING LANE) DRIVERS Most of you - TopicsExpress


$10,000 FINES FOR LEFT-LANE (PASSING LANE) DRIVERS Most of you know that it takes A LOT to get me angry, unless youre a person who drives in the Passing (Only!) Lane. Grrrrr! ;) I put on tens of thousands of highways miles a year, often in congested city traffic. At the front of nearly EVERY traffic jam is either (1) an accident or (2) a driver who thinks that the left lane its just another option. Seriously, I think that people should get $10,000 fine. Not because their carelessness makes me mad, but because of how they damage our economy! The loss of production, damage to the environment, and missed family/down time is mind blowing when you look at the math. Slowing down just 20 divers (forget the 2,000 drivers you slow down in places like Los Angeles) for just 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week, 40 weeks a year, at just an average of just $15 per hour in productivity means that fresh of YOU LEFT-LANE DRIVERS (LLDs) cost our economy ... 20 drivers x 10 minutes x 3 days per week x 40 weeks = 24,000 minutes (400 hours) in wasted time. Multiply that times $15 an hour and thats $6000 a year that each Left-Lane Driver costs our economy each year. Add to that the damage caused to our economy by the numerous accidents that they cause (usually without ever knowing that they caused them) and I think a $10,000 fine is perfectly just. In L.A. and places like it those numbers could easily multiply by a factor of 10 (or $60,000 a year) pretty LLD! Spending thousands of hours stuck in their traffic messes over the years Ive had a lot of time to think about all the implications of this bad habit. (I wish I could charge LLDs my hourly rate for lost productivity... They wouldnt like that fine!) Seriously, given the tens of millions of cars on the highway each day, this is truly one of the biggest drains on our nations economy. The only people who win are the Oil Tycoons! People who care about our environment may want to think about it in terms of pollution emissions instead of dollars. LLDs are among the highest contributors to Global Warming! Seriously. Just do the math! The implications of this ignorant act are far reaching and effect us all on just about every level from food prices to lost family time to eco concerns to health factors to...you name it. Its a very bad and costly habit. Please, if you ever find yourself casually driving in the left lane with no intention to pass a car and remember this rant, for the sake of your nation, the environment, childrens health please... GET YOUR ASS OVER!!! (Wow, that felt good! Hehe ;)
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 20:08:58 +0000

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