[10:12, 9/4/2014] +233 24 467 4473: Nana Ohene Ntow, spokesperson - TopicsExpress


[10:12, 9/4/2014] +233 24 467 4473: Nana Ohene Ntow, spokesperson for Alan Kyerematen has attributed his candidate’s low performance at the just ended Super Delegates congress of the New Patriotic Party to intimidation and victimization of his supporters. “though it is too early to make any analysis about the election, I think there are one or two instances that nearly marred the beauty of the whole process.” Speaking to Kwami Sefa Kayi in an interview on Monday, Nana Ohene Ntow said reports from Eastern region during the election on Sunday alleged a situation where the regional chairman openly asked delegates to declare their votes to show that they indeed voted for Akufo- Addo while those who failed to do so were victimised. Major constituency declared their vote for Akufo Addo and definitely, it has a certain psychological effect. It is true that we have finished the voting but…in the Eastern Region, a constituency chairman called me to inform me that a Regional Chairman asked him to raise his ballot paper for everybody to see who he voted for; whether he really voted for Nana. It took the intervention of the police for matters to calm down. [10:12, 9/4/2014] +233 24 467 4473: Good Morning, Please remember that when your neighbours house is on fire, it is time to memorise the Fire Service Emergency numbers. NPP is in TOTAL DISARRAY...Alans Team will make sure Mr. Nana Addo is buried. Arthur Kennedy has said all we know about Nana already....a disorganised, non-inclusive, corrupt tribal biggot whose intemperate language and love for VIOLENCE has made the NPP HQ a war zone. Arthur-K has called on Nana to denounce his All-die-be-die mantra and condemn as well as call for a full scale police investigation, arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of the recent violent machete, guns, bows & arrows attack at the NPP Headquarters, which saw the NPP General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong fleeing in his car booth. Mustapha Hamid, speaking for Mr. Nana Akufo Addo, has indicated that Nana will not condemn any violence especially as the Party Chairman Paul Afoko has asked that the matter though criminal should not be made a Police matter. Joy FMs Evans Mensah who was interviewing the two on their evening News programme yesterday was quick to save his party by discounting the need for the police to look into the CRIMINAL ACT. We must along with all right thinking GHANAIANS DEMAND THE POLICE LOOK INTO THE GUNS & MACHETE ATTACK ON THE NPP HEADQUARTERS and make their finding PUBLIC ON TELEVISION like the Election Petition and World Cup Commission. We must along with all right thinking GHANAIANS DEMAND THE FULL INVESTIGATION BY EOCO AND IFC OF THE FRAUDULENT FOREX ACCOUNT that the NPP Chairman Paul Afoko and General Secretary MADE PUBLIC AT THEIR ILL-FATED PRESS CONFERENCE for which they sacked the NPP Director of Finance Mr. Opare Hammond. We must along with all right thinking GHANAIANS DEMAND THE FULL DISCLOSURE AND PROSECUTION OF THE NPP FRAUDSTERS WHO OPENED AND RUN THE FRAUDULENT FOREX ACCOUNT in the name of NPP under the watch of Mr. Nana Akufo Addo, IMMORAL Jake Obetsebi-Bungalow and Sir John. The level of corruption and mal-administration exposed by the Afoko-Agyepong Whistle Blowing Press Conference forr which they were nearly lyynched by Nana Akufo Addo loyalists must not only be condemned by all civil society groups (IDEG, IMANI, Occupy-ghana, WANEP, Peace Council) but also the Clergy, Imams, Chiefs and the Media but the State organs must initiate action to deter any future occurrence. Arthur Keneddy who was Mr. Akufo Addos 2012 Campaign Communications Director is right, when he says Nana Addo is not FIT FOR LEADERSHIP; reminiscent of Haruna Attas I cant sleep if Nana Addo is made president of Ghana, it is not safe, it is not safe statement and one can only agree with Nana Ohene Ntow and HE John Alan Kojo Kyeremanteng that on October 18th the NPP must save itself and purge itself of the evil dwarf. The decision by about 800 elite NPP Big wigs cannot be representative of 141,000 grassroots delegate who elected Alan Loyalists (Afoko & Agyepong) and sacked Nana Addo Loyalists (Jake & Sir John). As we await October 18 to end Mr. Nana Akufo Addos Presidential wet dreams, let us say a prayer all in the NPP and demand the investigation of death threats (poisoning) which NPP Bigwigs are trading among themselves. That is unbecoming of a serious party, a credible opposition party nor an alternative government. Certainly the NPP is not ready to Govern. JDM needs not be distracted, he is delivering on his promises and we must all support him do just that. We must learn lessons, of what not to do, from the NPP internal wrangling and keep the NDC focused on retaining power. Ghana will NOT DIE! God Bless our HOMELAND GHANA!!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:15:05 +0000

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