#10Companions: Al-Zubayr b. Al-ʿAwwām Al-Zubayr was a cousin - TopicsExpress


#10Companions: Al-Zubayr b. Al-ʿAwwām Al-Zubayr was a cousin of the Prophet (ﷺ) his mother was the sister of Ḥamzah, the Chief of Martyrs. He was one of the first and youngest companions to accept Islam; he was reportedly 8 when he converted. Al-Zubayr was the sixth person to be promised paradise, in his life he immigrated twice, first to Ethiopia and secondly to Madīnah. It is reported that Al-Zubayr was the first to draw a sword for Islam. He was in Mecca, and heard that the Prophet (ﷺ) had been killed; he rushed out of his house with nothing but his sword drawn. To his surprise, he saw the Prophet (ﷺ) who inquired what he was doing, Al-Zubayr explained and then the Prophet (ﷺ) supplicated on his behalf. When he accepted Islam, his father attempted to coerce him into rejecting the faith, but he remained committed stating, “I shall never return to disbelief.” He took part in many battles including Badr and Uḥud, and fought valiantly, it is said that his chest was peppered with scars. The thing we often overlook is that the companions were completely devoted to the Prophet (ﷺ), Al-Zubayr was no different, and was often seen fighting alongside ʿAlī. ʿAlī said that in war Al-Zubayr would attack like a lion. Al-Zubayr was bequeathed with considerable wealth; it was all spent willingly in the service of Islam or charity. This continued long after the Prophet (ﷺ) death. He was entrusted by ʿUmar to part of the committee that decides who the third Caliph should be; ʿUmar believed that Al-Zubayr had all the qualities to be Caliph himself. Al-Zubayr did not fight at the Battle of Camel, as he refused to take sides, but just as he turned to leave a man named Ibn Jarmūz killed him near Baṣra, allegedly when he was busy in prayer. It is reported that in his will he left behind a house for each of his divorced daughters, the rest being divided amongst his widows and children. May God be pleased with him, and fill his grave with light.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:37:21 +0000

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