***11-01-2014This is only the very beginnings- 10-29-2014- People - TopicsExpress


***11-01-2014This is only the very beginnings- 10-29-2014- People must read these next para-grafts for they are of the end-of Your Life- You cannot allow another to distract your attention spans and do/*\not allow another to interrupt your train of thought process- NOTE; I do not mean your Trained Thought Process- I mean your personal and direct attention using your concentration on Your Individual Thought Process- For those who are already familiar with the Breaking News of the Nibiru Solar System spinning its way towards the Earth and a long tail of debris that the Earth will revolve through at least Twice - ***10-29-2014- People must read these next para-grafts for they are of the end-of Your Life- You cannot allow another to distract your attention spans and do/*\not allow another to interrupt your train of thought process- NOTE; I do not mean your Trained Thought Process- I mean your personal and direct attention using your concentration on Your Individual Thought Process- For those who are already familiar with the Breaking News of the Nibiru Solar System spinning its way towards the Earth and a long tail of debris that the Earth will revolve through at least Twice - This debris which is the Dust Particles that are flying and being Burned Off Nibirus Surface that as foretold, stones from 60 to 100 pounds will be driving Peoples into the Earths Surface at very fast speeds- One second 4 People could be before your path and your next step could throw you into a hole that just was made as a room size stone drove the front four People straight down to any depth as a dud 2000 Thousand Military Bomb hitting as a dud- With the smaller more dense asteroids and meteorites their speeds vary to speeds faster than Rifle Bullets- The Dust Trail from a Planet Five, 5 or more Times The SIZE of Earth [traveling to] and [maybe] [Past the Earth] is Millions of Miles Long- It will snake-behind its predecessors- It will have extreme larger debris from Sad But True Huge Planets Traveling At High Speeds Leave Huge Pieces Of Debris, some perhaps as big as an Earth Continent- Nibiru is the Wormwood spoken of in many skipped-over passages and Prophecies, Intentionally Knowledge kept from you by your pastors and spiritual leaders They intentionally deceived you while accepting and asking of you - That result was controlling your education and understanding- The Shock of Tremendous Impact to the Earths Surface [can-also] apply to an Impact on the Mind and subsequently Your Thought Process- NIBIRUS Sciences; Laws of Physics and Chemical Composure, Substances and Dimensional Interacting ARE-NOT LIKE THE EARTHS SCIENCES The Nibiru Solar System brings with it an array of Other Universe Planets and Moons- The Earths Asteroid Belt was One Result of Planets Colliding- The Earths been struck plenty of times with objects big enough to Cut and Tear Away Holes in the Earth to significantly reduce the Earths Size--out a hole from the Nibirus Passings THAT THE AMOUNT OF THE EARTHS SURFACE THAT COULD BE BLASTED OR CUT AWAY COULD REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE EARTH by Two OR More Continents Easily People, with entire Oceans being Splashed Away in Seconds to Minutes! Your Teachers and Leaders and Controllers have kept this from you and all the Police, Militaries of; UN, US, Russian and Chinese Troops, Merks, Israelis, Saudis, American Merks from anywhere that will Disarm and Murder Christians and Unarmed People as in every Country they have Invaded With Islam and anti-Christian controlled Forces of the Vaticans Rothschilds and Corporations of the Extended and Bartered Rome unto the Satanically Build and Controlled Vatican with the Crossbreed Alien Reptilian crossed with either an Ape Species or a Person Black and this Beast not born of God but the counter-part Satan is a Huge Beast, eater of Human Flesh especially the children given it by the Governments, the Illuminati and their Jesuits, Masons Corporations and Private Businesses in Trafficking Humans for what-ever reason- Aliens use Humans for Study, Research and Humans are subjected to the full spectrum as evil Earthlings do anything that has Life- Aliens Eat Humans and Humans can also eat Aliens and sustain health- They have as their counterparts here on the Earth- They live for Centuries into Thousands of Years- This Black Pope Beast Rules the Earth from the Passages under the Vatican and always has since the Aliens returned to Communicating with Super Powers of earth and not just trying to secretly feed on captured Humans for breeding and genetic purposes to achieve Human Appearance to rule from the Day-Light looking as you or I- Buy Humans for Food has existed since before the Days of Noah, and many generations of Humanity has Passed since the Days of Noah- Many times the 3500 to 4000 Years Taught You that the Scriptures are in age- Again have You allowed yourself trained in thought process to deceive you constantly unto ignorance, as when some idiot tells you that a Blue Jay is a Magpie, All the Processed Chicken Parts should have broken bones instead of Truth about the Massive Abuse and Insane Cruelty of Contained Living things- Americas Erected Guillotines will soon be Illustrating the Scriptures as Prophecy does warn for the End-Days- The Popes are mostly converting to Islam and the Bushes admit to be Muslim, descendants of the Nazis of the Vaticans Germans bound to follow Lucifer the shinning one Satan and his Evolving Earth Lot- When a Person, [You] reach a point of questioning your own self about the Leadership of this World to be Butchers, Devils, Aliens and Alien Want-To-Bes VERY CONTENT WITH WEALTH, who are monstrous from boredom and rejection that their Power Tripping has relinquished their Soul unto Satan if they ever had One to begin with- These few of Earth are killing all Life and destroying all secondary sources of Life Sustainable Substances and Poisoning all Life in Every Way- They are using new Regulations and Ordinances to Conjure-Up and Create a Plan to Herd People to their Doom- Intelligent and Knowledgeable People are sought along with the stand-up men and women who will fight in some or any way to warn and tell others of the Hidden Knowledges- predicting and warning People of Future and re-occurring Cataclysmic Events such as a Possible Planet-Killer with a History of Killing Planets- These who are robbing and worse, murdering and corralling you up for efficient fema prison disposal have kept an even Bigger Secret fro Your thought process in learning unto accumulated knowledge- With what You have, you need to think about and ask Yourself that if these few who so cruelty control so many and they are gathering-up all the goodly leaders and thinkers and doers for fast isolation and eradication then where will that leave you- Are you an ignorant person that cannot comprehend whats happening and perceive the end results- Is not these believers and doers of evil your enemies? They will collect you as well in your turn when most of or all of your defenses are taken away from you- They keep secret from You that there is a Good God that they have distracted you from to the Point Of Total Disbelief- Yet these few believe and do the will of their god that they believe on, so where does that leave You? Those of You who profess to be Christians already and turn away from whats happening, are forgetting Scriptures taught away from your minds by those whom you chose to follow and allow to think for you and TRAIN YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS away from the Forbidden Scriptures- Over 65 Percent of the Entire Bible reads of Goodly Peoples Fighting for Equality against the evil tyrannical and oppressing Rulers, and now these days Gods Word is changed to not fight? Seriously People Open Your Mind- Almost all Soul-less Being know not of God in a Emotional and Philosophical thought process as do Humans especially those with friendly spirits and goodly Souls because they have not the Breath Of God thus no Soul and descendants with Reptilian such as the descendants of Cain are but most all without Souls as the Reptilian did defile the Eve in the Garden and spoiled the Creation of a Good and Righteous and Loving God- The arms and legs thus removed from the shinning one and History records thus forward unto Your Personal Question- With History Past and Scriptures fulfilled unto the Point of Tribulation and then Judgments with the Return of the Great and Wonderful Jesus and those appointed [which is not and has never been recorded}? The Return of Christ is near- *Does it not stand of reasoning that the Prophecies are Truth and The Return is nigh- This could really mean that Jesus is real and You had better get a Bible and learn quickly without other than the help of The Holy Spirit- I encourage you to read with what understanding that you have and then if meant to be for You, something will gird up your loins and you will become change and know to follow all the scriptures and not just some as taught to You to deceive you unto submission to the god of most so-called Christian Leaders who use Popularity and Fame and the evil Media to promote and conspire your destruction, death and submission of Your Soul to the wrong god- Ask Yourself, Can you believe in only One god who happens to be bad and just hates good to destruction continually over the Thousands of Years with all the goodly being sought for destruction and no relief or change ever? Read the Good Book and see where You are in Time- From the Scriptures of the Holy Word Of God Written to Scripture and Prophecy All are near Completion of Prophecy and the Appointed One will soon Return as the Final Days of Scriptures are Fulfilled before Your eyes and ears- Satans Lot will consume your mind and Soul and Nibirus Passing will result in another Great Deluge as in the Days of Noah so it will be again- The Earth Today is as it was in the Days of Noah- After the Earth is Laid Bare and Burned up and pounded with Fire and Brimstone just as Scriptures so clearly will happen to People, the chaos and grief will be maddening as it has been in the last 35 Countries that these same devils have done and with your support and money- Read the GOOD BOOK and stand up quickly for what you chose- Your time either way is very short to weeks or perhaps a few Months- But you had better take the Great Destroyer and Wormwood as serious as a bullet to your guts that its back and will consume your body either way- Stand-Up and Mean-It to your assassins and oppressors as the Scriptures Command in the Word of God- gwt
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:45:24 +0000

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