#14 posted by Debdut Mukherjee My interview was different from - TopicsExpress


#14 posted by Debdut Mukherjee My interview was different from most people because I was selected through @Codevita which is the Programming Competition conducted by TCS. Had it not been for Miss Solanki Bhowmick I would not have written this long essay.Thank you for asking me to share.. :) My Interview Experience:- Me: May I come in Mam: Yes come in. I was standing and did not sit unless I was asked to. Mam: Please sit. Sir: So your name is Debdut Mukherjee?You are from which school? Me:Told Sir: So how you got interested into coding and did you do it all by yourself? Me: Told why I am interested and said that this was a team work I alone did not solve everything. Mam: Ok so she opened note pad and the code was there.It was all jumbled up without indentation or any newline. It was like: import java.io.*;public class Solution{ public static void main(String args[]){int i,........................ ........................................................................................ ...........} This made me comfortable because I understood they were not actual technical people and hence great relief that I can manage easily with all the knowledge I have.This was further verified when the mam herself told Mam: You do not need to explain the code just explain what is the logic and in simple words. Me: I explained the codes that were written by me in simple words. Mam:Ok fine and she was looking at my CV Mam:So you have done a film? Tell me something about it and the character you played. Me:Told. Mam: So you did this film all of a sudden? Me: I told that I was going through a tough time so in order to divert myself from that I wanted to do something I have never done before. Sir: Why?What tough time? Me: Sir I had a break up. They were curious and asked more about it. They asked who she was,how it all started,what was wrong,what I feel is the reason it did not work out,why didnt I accept the other proposals after that etc. All personal questions. Mam to Sir: Will you ask only these (laughing) what about the other codes? Sir to Mam: These codes are there this story is interesting I want to know everything. So after all these,both asked how I could cope up with it? Me: Sir,I started to watch videos of relationship counsellors. Mam: So why didnt you do to some counsellor? Me: Cant afford mam as I have to take care of my expenditures by giving tuitions. Sir: Which classes do you teach? He told that He also used to teach while He was in college.He told that teaching is good. Mam: So what else did you do to cope up? Me: Mam I was in terrible situation and so did not know what to do.This affected my last semester as well.It was the worst till date. I started watching videos of Srimad Bhagvat Gita.(This was also mentioned in my CV as part of interests). They asked how did it help as they were surprised. Me: Explained the verse on Nishkam Karmayoga and concept of Stith Pragya(Balanced neutral mind) and how this helps me in daily life They seemed impressed and while I was explaining it to Mam Sir was searching something on his Phone. Sir: duhkhesv anudvigna-manah sukhesu vigata-sprhah vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah sthita-dhir munir ucyate do you know what it means? Me: Sir I know the concepts but I cant memorize the sanskrit words. Sir: It means One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind. Good I like you. Me: Yes sir this is the state of Stithpragya.One who is neither excited in happiness nor frustrated in sorrows failure. Because Neither sukh is sthai i.e Neither Happiness is permanent nor Dukh is sthai i.e Nor sorrows are permanent.Today if anybody is happy he should not get attached to it because that makes him forget this truth that this happiness or success wont stay forever and sadness is comming just after this.Similarly One who is sad today should not be so because this phase is temporary.We always try to hold onto things like in my case when she left me I was so disturbed because I was so attached to her that I could never believe that I will lose her.That is why Lord Krishna Said We should be free from Asakti or Attachment and become sthir Buddhi calm. This all happens because of our desire.But if we give up desire and just do our work as duty without worrying about the fruits then we will be at peace. This is because in either way the fruits are not in our hands. Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kada chana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani which means You have the right to perform your actions,but you are not entitled to the fruits of the actions. Do not let the fruit be the purpose of your actions, and therefore you won’t be attached to not doing your duty. Like for simple example Many people say you need to practise R.D sharma,M4maths to get TCS.But this is not true.The moment we do some work for achieving something we focus more on the outcome and give less focus on the work or the action.But If we practise R.D Sharma because it is our duty to improve our Aptitude no matter if that gets me TCS or not. They seemed really interested but there was lack of time so they started hurrying. Mam: Ok just tell me few things.What is Public static void main(String args[])throws IOException Me: Told Mam: Will it affect If I change args to some other name?and what is the purpose of String args[]? Me: Told Mam: Why do we need to write throws IOException? Me: Told Mam: ok if a=0,b=0,c=a/b what type of error will occur? Me: Told Mam: what kind of exception is that checked or unchecked? Me:Told Mam: swap two variables without using third variable Me: Mam Give me two minutes.I donot remember codes so give me two minutes will work out the logic I asked for a sheet and after one and a half minute made the logic: if x=5 ,y=10 y=y+x; so y=15 x=y-x; so x=15-5=10 y=y-x; so y=15-10=5 so x=10,y=5 Mam: Ok I understood correct I am sure.So did not even check. Mam: So are you aware of the TCS bond? Me: Yes Mam Mam: After 5 years where do you want to see yourself? Me: Told that if I get TCS I will stay here. Sir: Why wouldnt you switch to some other companies like Oracle,IBM? Me: Sir those companies recruit students from mainly colleges like IITs,NITs,IIITs and JU.They donot come to recruit freshers from WBUT.So I will need some time to enhance my skills so that I can crack it in the first go so I will utilize this time. Mam: So Do you have any questions? Me: Mam what kind of projects do we need to do? Do freshers get projects initially?as i like making softwares and small applications which she saw already in CV. Mam: Yes they do withing the first three months itself.You will be taught some technologies but you might not get a project on the same technology that you learnt in the ILP. Mam and Sir both: So you can leave now. Me: May I come in mam: HR: Yea sure sit down Are you sure this is you?Because I was expecting someone with a mustache and beard and someone more manly like in the picture.But you look different in a clean shaved look. I smiled and told this is me. She was a humorous person. She asked questions about my family members so I understood this was more of a background check HR: So would you like to relocate if you are asked Me: Yes mam HR: You sure your parents wont mind if you are asked to stay abroad for some project? Me: No mam HR: So which country would you like to go to? Me: Germany HR: Why so football?German supporter?Good for you they won the world cup this year I smiled and nodded and told yes I am a great supporter of germany HR: As she flipped through my CV,She asked So you have done a short film? Me: Yes Mam. HR: So how was the experience?what was your role?Who is the director? Me: Told HR:So which is more important to you IT or Acting? Me: IT obviously.I like programming and problem solving.I try to build something based on the situation.Even though they are simple applications yet they are extremely effective and beneficial to people. HR: So tell me something that you made which solved a genuine problem. Me: Mam For this TCS placement procedure we have to sit for the verbal test.There we have to write an email with the given phrases under 10 mins. I was searching for some websites to practise that but the one or two I found,there the question sets were fixed.So I thought today if I want to practise any question of my choice,I need to type in MS Word and have a watch beside me but that is manual process.While giving the test we will have an application. So I went to TCS seesame and saw how the application worked and build an application in java by which we can copy the phrases first and when we click on the timer,the timer will start and I also added this feature which automatically counts and displays the approximate no. of words typed dynamically. I also shared this with my fellow friends thos e who have come here for TCS placement drive and many have used it for practising for verbal.So this is a good achievement for me as I had shared the application with almost 100+ students and will try to share this with students from other colleges so that more students can get benefited from the application. HR: Thats excellent.Even We can Use that too for TCSs talent search purposes.Good job keep it up. HR: It was a pleasure to meet you.Please ask your friend to come after you leave.So you can go home now.The results will be declared on 26th.All the best. Me: Thank you Mam.. So thats all for my interview...I hope this will help you..:) ***** To know more about Codevita and how to crack it please contact https://facebook/debdut.mukherjee..:)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:53:56 +0000

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