......*15* We finally reached home after about 5 hours. We got - TopicsExpress


......*15* We finally reached home after about 5 hours. We got to our home back at rural areas. My grandmother was siting outside by the fire. I guess she heard the cars and quickly stood up. Loots dad got in first then Loot followed. The minute Loot parked I ran to my grandma. Me: gogo I missed you so much grandma: I missed you too its a pity we reunited under such circumstances. Me: am doomed Grandma: dont say that my child Ill always love you, after all you are my only reminder of your mom. I was touched that someone appreciated my presence. I loved my grandma. Loots dad, Lindo and Loot came to greet my granma. Me: grandma these are the people I told you about over the phone Loots dad: please to meet you Loot and Lindo: molo makhulu Grandma: its great meeting people like you. I guess you are tired and Ive prepared three huts for you to sleep in and some food. Me: ngybonga gogo Loots dad: thank you ma We were given food but I didnt feel like eating. As for the rest they ate up. Loot and his father were going to sleep in the same hut. Lindo is the other and me in the other. I went to the hut and got into my bed. I was crying. My grandma walked in and sat next to me Grandma: I know how you feel sthandwa saam. I lost your mom and your grandpa the same year and it was hard. When your mom gave up your twin sister it was horrible because she loved her so much. She cried for months after giving her up, she was heartbroken. After I heard you were reunited I was happy because you had found your other half. You bonded and had the best life but her sudden departure has killed your other side of the heart. Tomorrow is going to be hard n I suggest you get some sleep. I love you my baby Me: I love you too grandma She kissed my fore head n I managed to sleep after that. I was woken up around 7am to bath. I woke up and did the bed. Then walked out of the hut. We were in the rural areas so there wasnt electricity. I went outside and found my grandma taking out my bath water. Me: morning mama Her: morning sweetie, we have a long day ahead of us its best you prepare Me: yah I know Her: Its going to be hard and painful but hang in there Me: atleast she is at a better place with mom Her: you better bath people will be arriving soon Me: ohkay I took the water and went to take a bath. After that I went to my hut. I got there lotion(ed) myself then wore. I wore a black polka dot dress, with my black high heels and a black doek. I wore a necklace that had one half of a heart. We bought these necklaces with Lungie. She had the other half. I finished n went to check on the others. They all dressed. Lindo wore a black and red dress with a tailor feathered hat and black peep toe heels. Loot was wearing a black tux and white sneakers. Loots dad was wearing a silver suit. I greeted them. They were eating but I still didnt have the energy to eat. The service was at church then we were going to come back home for the body viewing. They finished up and we were set to leave. yoh my granny was dressed in a grey suit and had a hat on. She looked amazing for her age. She got in with Loots dad. Me, Lindo and Loot we were in the same car. We went to the church. It wasnt that far, about 30mins. We got to the church and the bus had arrived with the people we invited. I saw Bandile and I ran to him and hugged him. Him: beautiful you remind me of my cupcake but shes gone for good Me: yeah life is not fair I could see he was deeply hurt plus I looked like her that made things worse. We got inside the church and Lungis coffin was at the front with flowers and her pictures smiling. We went to sit at the first row. Everyone soon came in and settled down. The priest stood at the alter. Dearly beloved we are here to send of a beautiful soul to the world of the dead and sincerely hope to meet again in heaven. She was taken away from us very early. She was the most loved person. But from dust we came and to dust we shall return. Death is a painful thing but it is only the things of this world. We will be together in heaven with Christ and Lord God our father. Your heart maybe heavy now but time heals broken hearts. Losing a beloved one is terror but that will be forgotten in time. The dead cant speak but one day we will be reunited dont loose hope. I would like call up the twin sister. I went up to the altar. Me: * I said these words crying* Psalms 23, The lord is my Shepard I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul, for his name sake even thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I shall fear no evil. For you are with me, your rod and you staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. With this chapter I have hope of seeing my sister again. I have to say I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped away. I love her so much. She was my pillar. She was my voice when I was voiceless. My ear when I was deaf. My eyes when I was blind. The one and true sister. The reflection of my mirror. No longer can I see that reflection, no longer can I have that voice, no longer can I have those eyes lastly no longer could I have that ear. She was my bestfriend. I love you those were my last words to her. She said I love you too. I know she is gone but I dont want to believe it. Who will I share my secrets with. Those naughty things we do together. Stressing my mom then laugh about it. Where ever should I find someone to laugh with, someone that looks like me. I want to have those twin jokes, wear the same clothes and laugh or argue about who looks like who. Those silly things. I thought we would have twins and share to them the secret relationship behind twins. I was going to grow old with her. How I wish for her hug, her voice. I wish we could have never had fights. I regret be angry at her some times. It is sad that today I will see her for the last time. She will be buried with my other half of my heart. Forgetting her will be highly impossible. I love her so much not loved because no matter what she will stay in my heart forever. I went and took a sit, that time I couldnt hold my tears I just screamed and cried. My grandma took me outside. It really felt like someone was stabbing me continuously. I no longer had a heart. I stayed outside with my granny until it was over and we herded home to lay her for her final resting place. We got home and Loots dad and other men were holding the casket towards the house. They got to the house and opened the coffin for body viewing. People went by to say goodbye n I was the last one. Me: hamba kahle gundwane laam. You will be forever in my heart. I love you so much. I will make sure no one ever replaces your place. You were my flower but now you gone. Its true what they say, you never know the value of something until its gone. Now I know what a huge part you played in my heart and life. I love you gundwane laam see you in heaven. I know mom will now take care of you wherever you are. After that they took coffin behind the house a few metres away where they had buried my mom. The hole had already been dug. Tears filled my eyes when I saw the coffin going down. It was horrible. What pained me was that mum never got to say goodbye to her. It was placed down six foot under. The priest took some soil and said while throwing it, from dust to dust, from ashes to ashes, from soil you came to soil you will return. Bandile came forward and picked some soil, farewell my love, I will always love you. You taught me a lot in life and for that I thank you Loot came and did the same thing and said, no matter what I always loved you. You were that little sister to me. I love you dear. Hamba kahle. Everybody said their piece n I was next. I picked up some soil and I threw it, with you away I will be lost in the world but I promise to never forget you After that the undertakers buried her. This day was sad and heart shattering I tell you. :( Writing this insert was hard because I had to take you back to that day :( but someone wise told me Time heals broken hearts.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:23:55 +0000

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