[151] ROOM 237 - On the surface, Stanley Kubricks The Shining - TopicsExpress


[151] ROOM 237 - On the surface, Stanley Kubricks The Shining (which is a very different thing from Stephen Kings The Shining) can come off as deceptively simple. Which is why it is entirely justifiable for there to be a movie like this, which posits just how much more there is than meets the eye. To be perfectly honest, though, most of these theories are overloaded bullshit that finds people reaching in ways that go beyond desperation. It also suggests there are people out there who simply have too much free time on their hands. That doesnt mean the theories arent interesting in their own right and entertaining to ponder, no matter how far fetched and nonsensical. And some notions, such as Kubrick inserting subliminal imagery into the frame, do hold water - even as the motivation may have actually been purely stylistic and visceral - as opposed to political, which is the slant of some of these theories. Look. Ive seen The Shining countless times now. I find it to be a fascinating film full of rich detail. So, no matter what, a documentary like this has merit. That being said, I dont believe Kubrick wanted to talk about the slaughter of Native Americans, or the Holocaust... I dont believe Kubrick faked the moon landing. I really, truly dont believe ANY of this shit. Why would he bother? Why would he stick all these elaborate codes into a mainstream horror film that has absolutely nothing to do with any of that? But the fact is, images have power. And cinema is a seductive medium with the ability to hypnotize and transport the viewer to different levels of consciousness and experience. I can think of few illustrations of that truth that are more pervasive than this documentary and, for that reason alone, it is practically a must see. The fact it exists - whatever your opinion on the ideas presented therein - is testament to the lasting power of cinema.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:13:37 +0000

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