#1533 A success story which may inspire us. Can a 5.66 pointer - TopicsExpress


#1533 A success story which may inspire us. Can a 5.66 pointer in first year at an IIT end up having a 8.5+ cpa at the time of completing his/her degree? Hi, I just finished Dual Degree in Civil engineering (Structural Engineering specialization) from IIT Bombay. Here is my story, First year was really very bad for me (I rarely attended any classes and was playing sports most of the nights in the hostel and chilling out with friends) with a CPI of 5.66 but no backlogs (I barely passed all the courses). Second and third years were okayish with around a CPI of 6. I was really ashamed of myself. I didnt have any Positions of responsibility, didnt go to Inter IIT sports meet in any of the sports (I was playing a lot of sports but really not consistent at any of them), didnt get any internship. I was really worthless. Then I decided I should really do something and comeback. I realized my strong point was actually academics right from school. I dedicated myself to academics for the next two years and got a fruitful result. I finally became an 8 pointer right at the end. En route, I got the “Institute Academic Award of Excellence” for being the Department Rank 1 in my 4th year.I also got placed in a very good structural design company. CPI after each year (5 years) : 5.66, 6.18, 6.62, 7.46, 8.07 Last 5 semesters were unbelievable for me with a CPI of 9.53 (SPI breakup : 9.33, 9.46, 9.00, 9.69, 9.77). So yeah, it is absolutely possible to comeback. But keep the following things in mind if you want comeback in academics at any IIT 1. This is hard but the most important step. You should attend all the classes. 2. Be interactive with the professors. Most of the professors are very kind and eager to help you. 3. Choose your electives wisely. As in, take those courses which are easy (do some groundwork with some seniors) and in areas which you are interested. 4. Stay focused and concentrate on one course at a time during exams. 5. Dont lose belief in yourself at any point. Once you start performing well, you will get confident and believe more in yourself. 6. Don’t be reluctant to get help from anyone, whether it be friends or professors. Nothing is really impossible if you put your heart in it and dedicate yourself. Electrical #GANGA
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:39:39 +0000

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