#2 I some how knew that, that will happen, I tend to think that - TopicsExpress


#2 I some how knew that, that will happen, I tend to think that a guy is looking at me but they are not. Then Aya gave Ntombi the money, then she gave it to Khulu. Aya:Ntombi uthi uAnele cela uze pha kuwe for lunch and you can bring Asanda and Manda. Ntombi: ok I looked at Khulu and she nodded. Khulu:bring them back before 8 ke Aya: ok ma Me:thanks ma We got up and left when we got outside, i saw my second favorite car, C-class exclusive. Me: omg is that a C-class exclusive? Aya:yeah it is, u like? Me:i like , you asking me if i like, offcoz, who wouldnt. Ive always wanted to ride in it. Aya:then today is your Lucky day sweetie hop in the front seat*i was so excited, he then opened the door for me* Asanda looking really pissed got in the back with Ntombi, Aya got in and drove off. I was still admiring the car. Aya: i see you love cars Me:i love th-*then asanda cut me short* Asa: she never used to love cars until i introduced them to her*WHAT!?* Aya: oh really? Asa:yeah really so what do you do? Aya:im currently studying you? Asa:me too, do you have a girlfriend? Aya laughed Me:haibow asa chommy. Asa:im asking? Aya:heeeh i dont have but im looking. Asa: oh I could see that Aya was shocked to hear that question, so was I. We arrived at Aneles house, which was huge offcoz. We got in and Asa was having a chat with Aya, i didnt mind then i just got in and looked for Anele who was chilling on the couch with his friends. Anele:here comes my first favorite person in the world. Me:and you are my third fav. Person in the world. Anele:huh why third? Me:hai klk kuqala uKhulu then umama then you. He laughed and gave me a hug, he also gave Ntombi a hug and a smutching kiss. Me:sies dont do that infront of me*laughing* Anele:hahahaha usengumntana kanti Me:ewe tshini he laughed Anele: oh if utsho, babe i want to introduce you to the rest of my friends, guys this is Ntombi my future wife*they greeted* that there sitting next to Aya is her sister. And this one here is my bestfriends niece, please ningamjongi, she is only 12 *they laughed* i kicked his foot, he looked at me Me: im 14 not 12 Anele: oh sorry point of correction she is 14*that laughed again and i joined them* ndiyeza babe* he pulled me to his room upstairs* Me:undisaphi? Anele: ikhona enye into ndafuna ubenayo*he gave me a watch* Me:a watch?? Anele: this is not just any watch, it belonged to your uncle, it was his lucky watch so i thought that you should have it. I still remember the day her passed he saidtake good care of Amanda and her mom because they are very important to him Me:wow really, he said that? Anele: offcoz and im trying my best here but i have never seen your mom. Me:you will oneday, if you were not dating already i would have hooked you guys up a long time ago. Anele:hahahaha wow im flattered, you like the watch nhe? Me:wow thanks*i hugged him* anyway nice room you have here*looking around, then my eyes caught a fotor album, i took it* and this? Him: thats all my stuff, pics of me and Akhona and you too. I looked at it and when a was about to reach the end i saw a pic of a young lady who looked just like my mom. Me:nd who is this* he quickly closed the album and shaved it way* and then? Anele:thats nothing, and that was no-one sweetie, lets go join the others. We went down stairs and i didnt see Aya and Asa there but Siya was there, I sat down and chilled. Siya:uphi yen uLikho Ntombi:kowabo, khange aye eschool Siya;why? Me:uzoya nyani umtu aschool kodwa-*ntombi closed my mouth* Ntombi:hai marn Amanda Siya:let her talk Ntombi*she let go* you were saying? Me: i was saying that uzoya njani eschool ebethiwe nguwe nje*then there was silent* Anele i wanna go home. Without hesitation he got up and drove me home and when i got home i saw my moms car outside, heeeh what happened wa early kangaka Me:heeh thats weird Anele:what*parking the car* Me:my moms car is here, she must be back early.*getting off* Anele: oh ok kandisose ndithathe uboyboy*he got off* i opened the door and i heard my mom shouting at Khulu, i got in and looked at me. Ma:where the funk have you been, i have been worr-*then Anele walked in and there was silence* i turned around and i saw Anele shocked as ever, it was like they both just seen a ghost. I looked at mom then at Anele heeh do this two know each other?? Me:mom*waiving*Anele*andahoyiwa*Mom *i shouted* they both snept out of it. Both:WHAT!! I looked down Khulu:ningakhe nikulinge nindishoutele umntana mna. They both looked at each other then Anele took his Baby and left, no goodbye nha. Me:ma and that? She didnt answer she just went to her room and locked her self there. Me:Khulu could you care to explain? Khulu:nam andazi nto tuu. I was confused as hell. There is more to this then meets the eye. (AMISH)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:02:22 +0000

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