(2 Timothy 1:7) When we consider cities such as Detroit, Chicago, - TopicsExpress


(2 Timothy 1:7) When we consider cities such as Detroit, Chicago, St Louis etc, we realize that we in the body of CHRIST must pray and take action. Because of fear we have allowed many of our communities to be taken over by gangs and other illegal activities, no even in Delaware we have gangs operating on the streets. Its time for the Body CHRIST nation wide to evangelize and do more outreach. In these same neighborhoods are people who have given millions of dollars to television ministries and other markets, but who will take a stand and deal with the situation in these neighborhoods and cities? The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST was also meant to be spread outside of the walls of the Church because it is ministry and thats what GOD has required. The opposite of faith is fear and GOD doesnt operate in fear neither has HE called a coward to HIS work and will. It is time for us to get angry and the works of satan and let him know we are fed up and we are not going to take anymore. We are putting the enemy on notice and we are letting him know that we are not going to tolerate this anymore. I;m not making this a black thing because JESUS is for all nations and people but we have to get sick and tired of our young black people killing each other as well as those cops that will racially profile our children and take their lives without any regard. As a Soldier in the United States Army I have been around the world in the defense of this Nation but we must not neglect our own problems we have right here in America. The enemy must know that the Church is more than a midnight musical, a new dress or a new suit or a Christmas concert, this Church is a living organism built on the foundation of CHRIST HIMSELF. Its no time to fear this is a time of faith, prayer and action according to the Word of GOD. Only JESUS brings about true change.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:05:40 +0000

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