(23/01/14) [ON THE WING OF HIS PRESENCE 1] Exodus 33:14-15 reads - TopicsExpress


(23/01/14) [ON THE WING OF HIS PRESENCE 1] Exodus 33:14-15 reads “And he said, my presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto him, if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence”. I would like us to take a closer look at the life of Moses and learn from his experience. Moses was a man who understood strategy. He was very strategic in his operations to lead the children of Israel to the Promised Land. This was a land he had never been to; He did not have the benefit of a GPS system, but nonetheless he was given the responsibility to take the entire nation to their destination. Instead of groping through the wilderness, exposing the entire nation to unnecessary challenges and risks, he decided to look for someone who had already been to the place, someone who already knew the way. Moses relied on the presence of God - what a great lesson! Moses’ dialogue with God in Exodus 33 provides such interesting insight: We see Moses entreating God that if indeed he was so special and had indeed found favour in His sight, that God should let him in on His plans, telling Him in verse 14 to call the journey off ‘If Your Presence does not go with us.’ The value that you place on a thing is a measure of what you will withdraw from it. Moses placed a high premium on the Presence of God; he had a burning hunger for the Presence of God. Moses had had first-hand experience of the power of God and yet he desired God’s Presence. He had seen the Lord’s miraculous provision of manna and quail and fresh flowing water gushing from a rock. Despite all of these incredible experiences and demonstrations of God’s power, Moses still hungered for more of God and refused to move without His Presence. There is much for us to learn from this. We cannot simply rely on experiences; we need the Presence of God – nothing of significance can be achieved without it, it is the greatest asset that we could possibly have. WE MUST RECOGNIZE THAT THE BEST PLACE FOR US TO BE IS WHERE GOD IS AND THE WAY TO GO IS GOD’S WAY. In John 15: 5, we understand that without Jesus we can do nothing. We can make no impact without Him and therefore there is great wisdom in seeking the face of God in all that we do. The Presence of the Lord guided the children of Israel through uncharted territory; it was available to lead the way, going ahead of them to create a river in the desert, turning impossibilities into realities. Friend, if Moses needed the Presence of God so do you. Selah! Pray with me: LORD, let your presence go with me in this year. AMEN God Bless You. Remember God loves you; and so do I. Do Have a Sweet Thursday.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:47:59 +0000

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