23rd March Message from Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan to all - TopicsExpress


23rd March Message from Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan to all patriots of Pakistan/Kashmir Assalamu Alaikum! March 23rd constitutes an important milestone in the manly struggle for emergence of Pakistan as an independent, sovereign state on the world map. Quaid-e-Azaqm Mohammad Ali Jinnahs all-inspiring statesmanship and unique leadership brought about Pakistan within seven years of the epochal Lahore Resolution passed on March 23, 1940 at Minto Park Lahore. Emergence of Pakistan is part first of the mighty struggle fought by the Muslims of South Asia to have a separate country for them to evolve their lives as per Islamic principles of governance. Quaid-e-Azam united the scattered Muslims of South Asia, making them as one nation having distinctive culture, civilization, norms of life and social and economic justice. He exhorted that Musalmans are one entity, one millat, one body, one book and there civic life is moulded by sharia. By definition as national of Pakistan all citizens are equal in human rights irrespective of professionalism or social mobility. Quaid wanted to build Pakistan as modern Muslim State. May I remind my country-fellows including the struggling masses of Jammu and Kashmir that in the turbulent year of 1944 when the Founder of Pakistan made his last historic visit to Kashmir, he graciously upheld the ideological unity of Muslim League and Muslim Conference as one entity; Muslim Conference is performing its role in Jammu and Kashmir, mirroring what the Muslim League was doing in British India for the welfare and prosperity of Muslims as a whole. This was his historic vision and far-sightedness. The people of Jammu and Kashmir, of AJK and IHK, are playing their role according to what the July 19, 1947 Accession-to-Pakistan Resolution dictated. This Resolution is not a piece of paper. It defines the directions of the struggle of Kashmiris. My party - All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference is very much clear in its charter of action and forward movement. The dispute of Jammu and Kashmir is the focal issue of the grand Pakistan Movement. It is the incomplete agenda of the South Asian sub-continental divide. And we all are unanimous that this incompletion will have to be completed by us. Since August 1947 the people of Jammu and Kashmir have made immense sacrifices, ranging to 600,000 lives, in the way of freedom struggle. And since December 1989 over 100,000 have laid down their lives, disappearances, custodial killings by Indian occupation forces apart. Over 12,000 unmarked mass graves have been discovered in Kashmir, denounced by OIC and European Parliament. All those sacrifices have lent a fresh verve into the ongoing Kashmir struggle. Recently both the United States and Great Britain have stressed early resolution of Kashmir dispute. We all are not sitting idle, we have built up sound basis of international understanding of Kashmir dispute and its dividend to whole of Asia in case of its settlement. The people of Kashmir want to contribute towards the settlement; they are ready to be a peace bridge between Pakistan and India. I appeal to the world community to help stop brutish atrocities, abuses of human rights, custodial killings of Kashmiri youth, molestation and rape of women as an instrument of state terror. I pay heartiest tributes to APHC for standing steadfast in the Kashmir struggle. My advice to all ideological forces, members of society, all-tier members of All J&K Muslim Conference is that we all have had to devote our energies towards the culmination of the Kashmir movement: J&Ks accession to Pakistan. Well-wisher, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan President All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference Member Legislative Assembly Azad Jammu & Kashmir Former Prime Minister Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir website: sardarattiqueahmedkhan Facebook Page: Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan (Official) Cell: 0092 301 522 6569 Office:0092 51 929 0582 Fax: 0092 51 929 0581 PO Box: 184, Satellite Town Rawalpindi (46000) Pakistan
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 08:37:21 +0000

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