#3 - RULES OF ENGAGEMENT WARFARE PRAYER FOR NIGERIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < Important: Before starting, please read the post titled The Battle Belongs To The Lord for more information > Pray this aloud and finish it BEFORE proceeding to #4 - PRAYING DOWN TERRORIST ATTACKS IN NIGERIA. Begin here >>> Heavenly Father, we agree with King David in Psalm 144:1-2 where he writes: Bless the Lord who is my rock. He gives me strength for war and skill for battle. He is my loving Ally, my Fortress and my Tower of Safety, my Deliverer. In the New Testament, Paul the apostle commands us to put on the full armor of God in Ephesians 6 as we ready ourselves to wage war against principalities, powers and rulers in the heavenly realms. Therefore, we put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of the gospel of peace and take up the Sword of the Spirit, while praying in the power of the Holy Spirit. In addition to that, We plead the redeeming and cleansing blood of Jesus and we cover our bodies, minds and souls, our family members and all our loved ones, and our material and financial assets and possessions with the protective blood of the Lamb of God. We draw the bloodline around ourselves, our families and our loved ones, and all our material and financial assets and possessions and we create a boundary that Satan and his wicked spirits cannot violate. As we war against the devil with God, His Word and the angels as our confidence, we stand in firm agreement with Jesus Christ in Luke 10 where He said, I saw Satan fall like lightning... I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. We also agree with the Apostle Paul who wrote in Romans 16 that, The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet, and we join with Jesus in His mission to destroy the works of the devil according to 1John 3 and to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free as Isaiah 61 prophetically promises about His work. We know that apart from You, Lord Jesus, we can do nothing, but we also know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. > We acknowledge that Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth and we exercise His authority over this prayer session. > We have no authority of our own; it is only in His authority that we intercede, and it is by His authority that we now confuse and shut down the enemys communication system as God did to Babylon, and block the enemys ability to overhear discussions of the intercessors. > We forbid any interference in this prayer session and forbid any attack on any of us in any way. > We specifically bind all spirits of confusion, running, trance, fatigue and drowsiness, and forbid them or any other spirits from influencing me or anyone else in any way during this session. > We also forbid all astral projection, whether human or demonic, and forbid any surveillance or monitoring spirits from operating. > We also bind and curse all spirits that are sent to investigate this session or any of us who are praying in order to report back to a coven or Satanic cult or group what they saw or heard. > We flatten your hierarchies and cut you off from every other spirit, bind you separately and forbid you from receiving any help, strength, or information from any other spirit, human or demonic, and we cancel your assignments against all of us. > We also forbid all back up systems and replacement spirits assigned to rebuild evicted strongholds. > We command that there will only be one way traffic of evil spirits out of BOKO HARAM in Nigeria and to the place where the Lord Jesus Christ sends them. > We command all spirits assigned to BOKO HARAM in Nigeria to remain whole spirits and forbid them from dividing, restructuring or multiplying in any way. > We cut off all spirits around BOKO HARAM in Nigeria from connecting with any spirits within BOKO HARAM and we forbid any territorial spirit or other spirit with any authority or assignment to aid those on the inside of BOKO HARAM. > We command all spirits that have rank over other spirits in any part of BOKO HARAM in Nigeria to pull out all spirits who are under their authority. > We also forbid any revenge against myself or any other intercessor on this prayer team, as well as our families, friends, possessions, finances, pets, jobs or those of anyone whose lives touch our lives. > We declare that these ground rules will be in effect anytime we, or anyone else, intercede for BOKO HARAM in Nigeria and that they do not have to be restated. > They can also be amended at any time by myself or anyone else interceding for BOKO HARAM in Nigeria. > These are the Rules Of Engagement and any spirit that violates them will suffer pain and torment without mercy. > We declare these rules as established in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth – God Himself who came in the flesh. > And Lord, we also ask You for an increase of faith and gifts of miracles, discernment, words of knowledge and revelation as well as angelic assistance for all intercessors in warring against all demonic spirits and strategies of the enemy. > We ask You to set up an impenetrable barrier of angels around the property we pray on today and that You would send angelic assistance to help us destroy the works of the devil in BOKO HARAMs organization. > We stand as rulers and victors today with Christ in His defeat over all demons, principalities, powers and rulers in BOKO HARAM in Nigeria and in the heavenly realms. > We decree and declare all these in the mighty name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:33:46 +0000

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