#30 *We didnt say much on the way,We were listening to Radio - TopicsExpress


#30 *We didnt say much on the way,We were listening to Radio when they started talking about women and children abuse and how it affects victims at a later stage that we must report and also that true man dont abuse blah blah,We both kept quite until what was left was the awkward silence,It was not comfortable at all,atleast for me,I dont know about Thapelo...Thapelo continued driving like nothing was happening or being said,He pretend like he wasnt listening but I knew he was. We finally stopped at my home and we gave our goodbye kisses and I left,My sister wasnt back yet as usual so I opened the fridge to check what I can keep my mouth busy with,I found some chocolate slab and it was just what I needed,The melting chocolate tasted like heaven in my mouth,little fairies moon walking in my tongue,I Took off my sandals and felt the coldness hit my legs,I was reminded again that I was home,I missed the smell of my home,Hospital scents are nauseous. I went and put my new phone on the charger,It was the same model as my old phone so my sister wont even notice it,I switched on television but I found it to be boring,I was actually bored,I was used to the hospital environment,nurses coming in and out of the wards,patients going up and down and Thapelo on my side. I decided to go and lie down on my bed,I even forgot that my bed was this comfortable,My scent was all over it,I started thinking about my future,my life and the choices I was making,some of the choices I wasnt proud of,infact all of them but I told myself that I have to change,I need to change but how,this is my life,this is who I am and as I was questioning myself my phone disturbed my deep thoughts,it was Kelvin Hospital admin..* Me: Hey you,Thanx for saving me earlier Kelvin: It was nothing,look I heard you were discharged this morning,I couldnt come and visit cause I knew that Thapelo was there day and night Me: Its cool hey Kelvin: Listen I want to make it up to you by(I cut it) Me: You dont have to,I totally get u Kelvin: Please,I feel bad about what happened the last time Me: Yeah,Id rather not talk about it Kelvin: Me too,but lets go out,Just me and u,a park maybe Me: I dont know hey,I dont think its a good idea Kelvin: come on fefe,You cant shut me out like this,I wanna make it up to you Me: I know but its dangerous and you know it Kelvin: Ok,atleast think about it okay Me: Ill try Kelvin: Ok chat later then *What Kelvin did when Thapelo caught us was very stupid and childish but I cant blame him,Thapelo is intimidating plus a soldier as well,even I would have ran away if I got the chance,but I cant risk it this time,I cant go out with him,Thapelo has eyes and ears everywhere,I dont want him to kill Kelvin or worse me. Kelvin is making my life difficult than it is,He texted me to find out if I thought about it,I hate to disappoint him,so I said Ill go with him to the park only on one condition,We dont go to the local park and he said cool..then it means Ill have to disguise myself...*
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:05:46 +0000

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