“300” is a graphic (warning – very graphic) historical - TopicsExpress


“300” is a graphic (warning – very graphic) historical fantasy movie released in 2007 depicting the battle of Thermopylae fought in 480 BC. Today’s audiences expect the graphics and the battle, which was truly heroic and history changing, deserves recognition. The Spartans, who stood in the face of an overwhelming Persian force, didnt stop the invasion (they all died) but their heroic stand slowed it down and provided a rallying cry for the rest of Greece to rise up and defeat Persia a year later. Their stand was crucial in preventing the fall of Greece into the darkness of a Persian occupation and ensuring God’s plan to use Greece to take down the Persians 150 years later. That wasnt the first time God used 300 soldiers for His purpose and glory. Weve been looking at Gideon the reluctant warrior and on Monday saw that God reduced his army to 300 before letting him attack the Midianite army. Like the events in Greece the opposing army was, “like locust for multitude; and their camels without number” (Jud 7:12). Unlike the Greek battle this one led to immediate victory in one decisive attack, and this 300 survived. Besides their survival there was a significant difference between Gideon’s 300 and the Spartan 300 – God. The Spartans were Greek pagans and, while I believe God used them for His purpose in that battle, they relied on their superior training and tactics instead of Jehovah and they died. With Gideon’s 300 it was simple trust in God that won by His unconventional tactic. They surrounded the army and made so much noise the Midianite army fled in fear and confusion (Jud 7:21-22). How many of us face seemingly insurmountable difficulties? Perhaps we need to be like the 300 and take a stand (Jud 7:21) trusting God to see us through to victory in Jesus.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:54:07 +0000

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