#33 To be quite frank, being in and out of hospital had - TopicsExpress


#33 To be quite frank, being in and out of hospital had literally drained me. Seeing Sthe when he was injured, when I was also injured from from broken glass, when mom had problems with her diabetic condition and now this. Hospital has just almost turned into my second home. This is not how I want my life to be. Ngyoze ngibe I-regular laseybhedlela. I probably passed out when I had cramps cause I absolutely have no idea what happened next. I woke up sengisesibhedlela. The sight was blury, but I was able to see Sthe. I moved my hand and tried to lay down in a more comfortable position. Sthe: Ferreror youre safe now. Please dont- Me: my kids! Daniel where are the babies?tears filled my eyes. Sthe kissed my forehead and hugged me. Sthe: the kids are alright baby. Dont stress please baby. Me: baby I dont want to lose them. I dont want Sne to poison me like how she did last year baby, Im scared. Sthe: baby dont cry, nothings going to happen to you or the babies, okay? Try to calm down. You putting pressure on yourself and the kids. Me: Baby I feel so weak. Please hold me tight... A doctor came in. Doctor: Miss Mkhize Sthe helped me sir up straight. Doc:Theres no need to stress about anything. Those cramps are just normal, but from the tests I gathered that you short of vitamins and fluid in your body. You need to ensure that you have enough vitamins and fluid, lest youll put both the babies and you in danger. Sthe:well make sure of that doctor. Doctor: maam do you have regular check ups? Sthe and I looked at each other. Me: no doc. Doc: that too can have an impact on your pregnancy. You need to have regular check ups Miss Mkhize. Me:yes doctor. Doctor: I suggest you check up once a week or in two weeks especially to ensure that you know you on the right track. Me&Sthe: Thank you doctor. Doctor: I guess that will be all. Ill get a nurse to sign you out. Uhm...any questions? Sthe cleared his throat and I quickly looked at him ngifuna ukuzwa kahle umbuzo wakhe... Sthe: uhm..you know...Im a father to be...and expecting another creche of kids.. I looked at him in shock. . He continued. . And I just want to know something...you know... because theres already two babies in here growing, is it possible to engage. .you know. .have intimacy and add maybe another baby?? The doctor and I looked at each other and laughed until tears started filling my eyes and we eventually calmed down and tried to stop. Shame Sthe was just sitting there with his hand covering nose and half his mouth. Doctor: uuhm..sir. ..well through Gods miracles, Im sure. Can I please be excused. He left and Sthe and I were left behind. Me: baby ufuna ukukhulisa? Sthe: what you think? Me: hhay baby...I cant wait for this nurse baby, cela ungikhiphe sihambe. Sthe: and that nightie? Me: soykhumula phela. Please get my clothes for me. Sthe: what we doing is not right though you know... He passed me my clothes and I changed engibuka and when we were done we sneaked out sahamba saya ekhaya. It was already the Sunday which we were planning on announcing our Gods gift. We went straight home and we opened the gate sangena. But the doors were locked which was quite obvious ukuth bebesase sontweni so we just decided to chill outside and wait. Sthe: yho baby Im tired yaz Me: ya sorry baby i know you didnt rest kahle hey. Sthe: amakinati ethu nje. Me: kodwa ayazi phatha kahle maan! Inkinga ibakhona mase belwa apha kum , omunye eshaya u-kung Fu omunye eshaya I-karate. Sthe: mele ubakhuze baby, bazozilimaza. Me: kanjani mos? Sthe pulled me closer to him and we shared a long passionate kiss, sending love messages through my body with his irresistible effect. He pulled away. Sthe: sorry...so when are we gonna tell them since we didnt go to church? Me: ey...I dont know...but I think the sooner the better. Sthe: I want you to move in with me again. How about we tell them when they come back from church? Me: okay...we can tell them, but you know that I cant permanently move in as yet because of moms condition, but every now and then Ill come to our home. Sthe: I understand love. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. Sthe: you need to eat kahle Ferreror yami and drink water futhi. You heard what the doctor said. Me: alright baby dont worry. Sthe; and well go for regular check ups together. Me: okay, baby thx, I heart you. Sthe: I heart you too chocolate yami. We spent a couple of minutes just looking at the view and talking about random things until the family came back. Mom: sorini bantwana bami, kade nihleli na la phandle? Sthe: hhay mama akukdalanga. Sindy took the keys from moms bag wavula and we all went in to the dining room. Sindy: Hellow malum Sthe She said, hugging him. Sthe: hey ntomb yami, how are you? Sindy Ngyaphila. She sat in between me and Sthe. I love how Sindys attitude has changed towards everything. Shes just gone back to being the little respectful and humble little girl. Mom: The way you two get along...ngathi ubaba nengane. Sthe faked a smile and pinched me. Sis Mavis: ngsayokwenza ukudla. Me: uhm.. hhay sis Mavis cela uhlale phansi, sthe and I have an announcement to make. Uyangiceba sis? Sindy asked whispering in my ear. And I shook my head. Mom: nahleba nodwa manje? I was ready to tell them, but I just didnt know how to say it. Me: uhm...mama...uzoba nabazukulu. Sthe: A grandmother of two. Sindy: you pregnant? There was silence in the house. Sthe held my hand from Sindys behind. Sis Mavis played with her nails. Moms eyes were filled with tears, she looked up and then looked down, kwaqathaka izinyembezi.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 11:47:28 +0000

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