#3377 @every dtuite . What is engineering about? Although I - TopicsExpress


#3377 @every dtuite . What is engineering about? Although I am an engineering student, I dont have any answer for this question. Yes, I dont know what is engineering about. In fact, more than often, I find myself totally out of this place. I dont understand what am I doing here, or where am I heading to, and I suppose that I am not the only one to feel that way. When I came to DTU, I was one among many engineering students who didnt know why did they opt for engineering or why did they sit for JEE. IITs,DTUare cool, I was told, what teenager doesnt want to do something cool? I didnt know what I was going to do in my college. For two years, I had an aim: crack JEE. And now it was done. What next? I would ask myself, and I didnt find any answer. Some time passed, first midsems were there. Once again, I had an aim. I studied very hard for the midsems. And then, midsems were over. Within one week, I forgot what I studied, because I didnt use it anywhere. Because I didnt know what was I supposed to do with what I studied. Then, the endsems came, I mugged up once again, and forgot everything after. And then, this started to happen every semester. I would have temporary aims, to submit the assignments, or to finish the lab reports, or to pass the exams. But what was the ultimate goal of it? I didnt know. When I couldnt find an answer myself, one day, I asked all my friends what is engineering about. Some said it is to money. If engineering is all about earning money, why arent engineers among the richest people, I wonder. Some said it is about inventing something unique, then why so many engineers end up doing a job in a bank, I wonder. Some said it is about becoming a scientist, but then why is it taught separately from science, I wonder. These days, I feel like a tired race horse, the one who ran very fast but now when the race is over, he doesnt know what was he running for. And I am sure I am not the only one. #Mech #notfrustrated #just_a_opinion #DTU
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:12:17 +0000

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