#3431 Real talk this new smash bros game aint all that. Like its - TopicsExpress


#3431 Real talk this new smash bros game aint all that. Like its fun but its over hyped, and its an excuse for people who are good at spamming to be good at something. The formula for whats makes a character good hasnt changed. Just like with Melee and Brawl there are these three categories the characters fit into. They have one side of the roster that can get your damage percentage up to 150 instantly but never get a deathblow off because their A attacks are either: slow, impractical, or have no range, and their B attacks though more effective, get easier to dodge depending on the amount of people fighting. Thus they are considered Bad through Okay Like Sonic, Ness, Pickachu, diddy kong, etc.. Then you have the other side of the cast that most normal people play who dont have anything too crazy, but because they actually fight like they wanted to fight in the first place they can kill you at like 60%. These characters are considered good and you get the influx of conceited A and Dodge mashers bragging about how good they are with: Shulk, Captain falcon, Link, Zero suit Samus, Greninja, Lucario, etc. . Then theres the characters who end up in tourneys because they are blatantly bullshit yet the tournament community and ALOT of the jerks youll end up playing will say things like, Its completely fair, or or Its in the game. This can consists of everyone in the previous list of fighters who like I said actually want to fight, but more so currently: Palutena, Rosalina, and Lil Mac. My point is Smash bros doesnt deserve this great acclaim. It never has, its a lame fighter where you press two buttons. Sure its fun, but its not the best ever like people try to say it is.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:49:21 +0000

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