#4: Confessions Of A Xhosa Girl 2 I woke up smiling from ear to - TopicsExpress


#4: Confessions Of A Xhosa Girl 2 I woke up smiling from ear to ear in the morning. Yesterdays dinner at the investors mansion was like waking up into a dream. I was in a good mood, Hakeem sent me a good morning text. After getting Hakeems text, I got a phone call from a private number. I answered the phone call and it was the manager of Jump Cafe. He told me what I wanted to hear, You got the job, I screamed with excitement. He told me I was going to work part-time, I was happy either way. I was going to start as soon as the next day. Finally I will be able to look after myself and my family. I shared the good news with my new friends, they were happy for me. I felt like having a mini celebration, I gave Hakeem a call, his phone was on voicemail. The girls suggested we have breakfast at a restaurant, it sounded really expensive but Vanessa said she will take care of everything. I took a long shower. After I was done showering, Sihle told me that Hakeem called and she told him I was still showering. I decided to return his phone call. Good morning Hakeem, I laid on the bed on my stomach, swinging my legs. Hey Yoliswa. I saw your missed call, is everything okay? He asked. Yeah, I just wanted to share good news with you. Remember I told you about the job at the restaurant? Well, I got a call, Ill be working as a waitress part-time, I shared enthusiastically. Really? Thats amazing. Im happy for you, he said. Now Im going to eat out with my friends, have a mini celebration and stuff, I said. Sounds fun, I wish I can join you guys but Im really busy at work, he said. Its okay, you do your work, I said. I dont think I will see you today, I have loads of work to do, he said. Its okay really, I said. Okay, enjoy your mini celebration. See you soon, he said. Alright, bye, I ended the call. Just about ten minutes after giving Hakeem a call, I saw a tall, well-built white man entering the apartment. He had tattoos, his hair was spiky, he was wearing a white vest showing his tattoos and muscles. He was also wearing jeans and flip flops. Vanessa hugged this guy. Yoliswa this is Frankie, hes a good friend of mine. He doesnt speak good english, said Vanessa. Hi...Im Frankie, friend of Vanessa, said Frankie with an italian accent. Im Yoliswa, I shook his hand. You new girl I hear, he said. Yes, I nodded. Vanessa give me a call...er...she says, Frankie come over and join us for breakfast. I was...er...eat the banana but I left it there on kitchen counter. I cant cook, my mom is the good cook. When I woke up, I didnt know what to eat. I was er...happy for the call, he said in his italian accent. Frankie was very talkative, his broken english was really annoying though. I had to make sense of what he was saying at times. Frankie had a beautiful Range Rover, he drove us to the restaurant. When we got to the restaurant, it looked really fancy. We got in. This is er...beauty - beautiful, said Frankie looking around. I knew you would like it, said Vanessa. She sat next to Frankie. Breakfast is on Frankie ladies, Vanessa told us. Sihle looked at me and winked. So we can order anything? Asked Sihle. Babe, anything, replied Vanessa. I wasnt complaining. We looked at the menu and order what we wanted. I got to know Frankie a bit more. He grew up in Italy and he moved to South Africa four years ago. His parents own a massive Italian restaurant in Pretoria. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He talked about himself more often in his broken english. He was very arrogant and selfish. Apparently he met Vanessa in his parents restaurant in Pretoria. After spending hours in the restaurant, we went our separate ways. Vanessa had a 10pm shift, Puleng went to work and Sihle went to college. I was lonely, I wanted to go to the book shop but something told me not to go there. I couldnt wait to go to work. I went to window shop at the mall and I met Nosipho carrying shopping bags. I havent seen her since Hakeems party. Nosipho, hi, I greeted her. Hey, she replied How are you? I asked. Im doing good and you? She asked. Im okay. I got the job by the way, I said. Oh, she said. She didnt seem happy. Okay then, let me get going, I said. Wait - , she stopped me. I heard you said some nasty things about me when I was drunk, she said. I was surprised. What? I was just speechless. Who told you that? I asked. It doesnt matter but I just want to make one thing clear, Im not stupid, she said. I never said you were stupid, I said. You go around talking shit about me, you dont know me and what I went through, she said. Nosipho, what did I say about you? You dont know what you said now? The only thing I remember saying was that I hate the way you acted when you were drunk. You were mad at Hakeem for inviting your ex, if youre over him, why did you get angry? I was really annoyed by your behaviour thats all If you knew what I went through with that guy, you would understand why I didnt want him there. Hakeem knows what his friend did to me, thats one of the things that got me angry So he shouldnt have invited his own friend because of one person who didnt want him there? Thats insane You dont know me Yoliswa, if you knew everything you would understand What did Raymond do to you? I dont want to talk about it. You will probably hear a lot of things about me, thats if you havent heard already Ive heard everything Why am I not surprised? Your friends had a discussion about me, right? They filled you up with anything and everything you wanted to hear, right? Im used to this I dont care about the things youve done in the past, it was your decision anyway Whatever, I dont have time for this childish bullshit. See you at work Yoliswa. Bye I didnt know what to make of that conversation with Nosipho. I knew for a fact Mbali told her everything me and the girls said about her when she was drunk. I didnt apologise because I meant everything I said. Im not confident about my relationship with Nosipho, we will work in the same restaurant soon and Im not ready to be around her most of the time. Maybe when time goes by, we will get a chance to know each other a little better but in the meantime, Im not really feeling her. I spent most of my afternoon at the mall. I dont have money, I was just window shopping. I got an SMS from Hakeem saying he wants to see me and that hes heading to the apartment. I quickly rushed to the apartment. On my way to the apartment, I saw Metaphor. He was handing flyers. Hey Yoliswa, here, he handed me a flyer. Our small book shop is moving to a new place, bigger and better, he said. Oh, thats cool, I said. Yeah, I know right? I spoke to my friend that works at Home Affairs, he agreed to help, he said. Wow. Thats good to hear. So, what does he want in return? I asked. Metaphor laughed, I got this, okay? Trust me. I know you got trust issues but you can trust me. So when do you think he will get the info? I want us to meet, I said. I dont know but I told you, you should give me directions to where you stay so I can go there and deliver feedback, he said. Its okay, I will go to the book shop, I said. If you say so, remember were moving. The address is on the flyer, not far from where we are located currently, he said. Okay Metaphor, take care, I left. I remembered Hakeem said hes coming to visit me, I ran to the apartment. When I got there, I was breathless. I was greeted by loud laughter when I got in, Hakeem was chilling with Vanessa and Sihle. At last you arrived, said Hakeem. I thought you said you were going to be busy the whole day, I took a seat, I was breathing heavily. Whats up with you? Is someone chasing you? I thought I was going to be busy the whole day but Im here now. We can celebrate, he said. Right now? I asked. How about tonight? Vanessa suggested. Sounds good, we can have dinner at some fancy restaurant, said Hakeem. Or go out clubbing, said Vanessa. No clubbing for me tonight, I have to be at work tomorrow, I said. So? I go clubbing most of the time and I go to work the next morning, said Vanessa. Maybe we can go out and have dinner, said Hakeem. Sounds good, said Sihle. Dinner it is, I said. Vanessa didnt like that everyone was against her suggestion. She always likes to be heard, shes bossy. Ive witnessed that for myself. Vanessa and Puleng call each other, Sweetie, theyre tight friends. Before I arrived, Sihle was a loner, now shes not because were pretty close. We sleep in the same bedroom, I think that is part of the reason why we grew closer. I was sleepy after roaming around the mall, so I decided to take a nap. Hours later, Sihle woke me up. The time was 6pm. Get ready, were going out, she said. Dinner? I asked. Yeah, get ready, she rushed out of the bedroom. I checked the time, I couldnt believe I napped for many hours. Hakeem entered the bedroom. Damn girl, you can sleep, he said. I was really tired, I said. Were going out for dinner. Get ready because were leaving in five minutes, he checked his wrist watch. Okay, I got out of bed. I quickly got ready then I went to join everyone. We all rode on Hakeems car. He took us to a fancy restaurant. Unlike Vanessa, he didnt invite anyone to tag along. When we got to the restaurant, it was really quiet. Nobody was in sight. Whats going on here? Asked Puleng. Surprise! Hakeem shouted enthusiastically. Hakeem whats going on? Vanessa looked at Hakeem puzzled. Hakeem held my hand and he led me to a table which was at the corner of the restaurant. This is all for you, he whispered in my ear. The girls stood far from us in amazement. I hope you girls dont mind. I want to have a more intimate dinner with Miss Yoliswa, said Hakeem. So we tagged along to your date? Vanessa went to our table. She didnt know about this, Hakeem defended me. This is a pathetic joke, you know that? I dont have time for this, Vanessa expressed dramatically. What must happen now? I asked Vanessa. Enjoy your dinner, Im out, she walked away. Puleng followed her. Sihle just stood there alone. Hakeem I really appreciate the gesture but I cant have my friend sitting alone while we enjoy each others company, I said. I really wanted us to have dinner together but maybe next time. Lets join her, Hakeem stood up. We went to join Sihle, she was busy on her phone. Im really sorry guys, I can imagine how special this would have been for you, said Sihle. Its okay, I said. Vanessa is such a drama queen, did she really have to do that? And Puleng? Shes such a follower, said Hakeem. Im starting to get sick of her. First she invited her italian friend who cant speak proper english to our mini celebration this morning. Now she storms out because we wont join them for dinner. This is really childish, Im sorry, I said. Remember when you showed us the dress Hakeem bought you? She didnt want all the spotlight to be on you, she quickly went to fetch her dress and the whole topic changed from Yoliswas dress to Vanessas dress. You felt for it, you complimented the dress and talked about it, I was so mad, I was like, Cant she see shes shifting the focus to herself only? I was pissed, said Sihle. Well, she didnt win tonight, I said. We all laughed. If you stop talking about her right now then she really didnt win, said Hakeem. We shifted the conversation. I couldnt believe Hakeem hired a restaurant for me. We had an incredible time, we got home at 12am. I had an early morning so I went to sleep immediately after we got back. In the morning, the mood was really different. Sihle left for college, I was left with Puleng and Vanessa. They were calling each other, Sweetie and I was annoyed. I couldnt wait to get out of the apartment. Subliminal messages were being thrown around, I just kept quiet and I got ready for my first day at work. Vanessa was off that day, but tomorrow we will be on the same shift at work which will be awkward if we dont sort everything between us. I left for work, with my brave face on and my mood switched manually to happy although I was feeling down. When I arrived at work, Nosipho was chatting to another girl. This girl looked older. I looked around, the only person I knew there was Nosipho. The manager came to welcome the new employees and he told us if we want to know anything we must ask the supervisor, Vicky. After the managers short speech, the doors were officially opened and customers started coming in. I adjusted my apron, Nosipho came to me. Hey, she saluted. Hey, I saluted back. Your shift is ending at 1? She asked. Yeah, yours? I asked. Same time, she replied. Doesnt everyones shift end at 1? I asked. Nope, some will end at 1:30, she replied. Weird, I said. Welcome to Jump Cafe. Its not a fairy tale, people are really mean. They will give you a tough time but you have to treat them with respect either way, she said. Vicky is a pain in the back. Oh, shes coming, make yourself busy, Nosipho went away. Vicky looked mean. Heres your name tag Yoliswa. When a real one with a pin is made, you will get it, she said. Thanks, I placed the name tag on my new uniform. You look really familiar, have we met before? She asked. Im new here, I wouldnt say weve met. Maybe you saw me at the mall or youre mistaking me for someone else, I said. Or maybe you look like someone familiar. You will be hearing that a lot around here, she smiled. Vicky looked mean but she was nice. Its a restaurant after all, I said. Welcome Yoliswa, now get to work, she patted my shoulder. I thought being a waitress was an easy job but I couldnt wait for my five hour shift to end. A tall black man in a tuxedo walked in. He was carrying a briefcase and newspaper. Nosipho looked at me and smiled. What? I asked her. His name is Tyler - Tyler Ndlovu. Hes a regular customer. The girls have a huge crush on him, not me though, said Nosipho. Oh, I said. Go take his order although I know he wants Ground Round Steak with salad and potatoes and also a diet Coke, said Nosipho. I went to take this guys order. He was reading a newspaper. Good day sir, can I take your order? I asked. He continued reading the newspaper, without looking at me he said, I would have a Ground Round Steak with salad and potatoes - and a diet Coke. Thank you. I went to the kitchen, Table six wants a Ground Round Steak with salad and potatoes and a diet Coke, I said. I took the order to this Tyler guy who was serious. He took his food, he didnt even say thank you. I went to Nosipho. Why do girls have a crush on this rude guy? I asked. Nosipho laughed, Hes just serious, thats all. Youll get used to him, she said. My first day at work was okay, my shift ended at 1pm. I was so tired, when I got to the apartment, I took a nap.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 13:19:33 +0000

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