•• 4 •• Tears were at the brim of her eyes as I was - TopicsExpress


•• 4 •• Tears were at the brim of her eyes as I was looking into them. Searching. Searching for this pain that she was feeling. Any clues whatsoever but I got none. I just saw a broken woman. Tears spilled freely out of her eyes as she repeated the exact same words over and over and over again it cant be him. It cant be him... with tears threatening my own eyes I poured her a glass of water and made her sit down. She took it with shaking hands and downed it up until halfway. What - are you talking about? She was crying heavily but silently and was unable to answer me. I didnt know what to do so I cried with her. Everyone came downstairs and looked at us with bewildered looks on their faces. Ayanda ran to her mom but she got up and walked to her room without looking at her daughter in the eye. Whats going on here? dad asked while Thando came to my side and brushed my back. I wiped my tears off as I had stopped crying and drank the water Buhle had left on the table. Thando waited for me to finish up before giving me a warm hug. His hand was over my shoulder with mine around his waiste. I cleared my throat. I dont know dad. was all I could utter. My voice breaking I downed the rest of the water before talking again. I told them what happened. You cant leave her here alone dad. You cant. I begged my father. I wont. Catch Thando. he threw the car keys at Thando and ordered that we go to school before we were late. Thando was ecstatic but didnt show it. He just smiled to the side and nodded. The three of us made out way out to the car and we were on our way to school. Are you okay? Thando asked concentrating on the road. Im just afraid youll kill us. I never knew you could drive. You never asked. I smiled at him and breathed in. He dropped Ayanda off first and we were on our way to my school now. What do you think she was talking about? I dont know! Thats the thing. Im going insane trying to figure it out. Had something to do with Okuhles dad though. Hmm... was all he said before turning the radio up. This car will inflate your ego. He shouldnt have given you the sports car. he chuckled before sticking his tongue out at me. We arrived at my school and I got out with a kiss on the cheek from my brother and a good luck. I wished him off as well before he sped off. Thandi was waiting for me by the gate and walked up to me giving me a hug before I even reached the gate. I smiled faintly confused at the sudden change of heart. This girl confuses me. I honestly dont know where I stand with her. One minute shes cold and the next were besties once again. Where are your friends? I asked switching off my phone and placing it back in my blazer. Giving me a look she replied Good morning to you too friend. I rolled my eyes as I thought friend. Yeah right. The Bell rang just in time. Everyone hurried to their exam venues while revising their work and lined up. I was confident about my test. I was only a tad bit stressed since we were writing maths but I was confident about it. I was only gonna be excited about the holidays after this one test since it was the second last day of school. The exam was writable. I walked out confidently counting down the days for the report. If I didnt get an 80% average in maths Im killing this man. I had forgotten about this mornings saga or I was trying to. I just shoved the thoughts to the very back of my brain and locked them in My imaginary brain box. I took my bag and threw it over my shoulders then took my phone out of my pocket and switched it on. Lisa.. I turned around and met Angelas pretty face.In her matric jacket and skirt she looked very mature and gorgeous making Me insecure of having her in a room alone with my boyfriend. I shoved the thought away into my small box and looked at her rather bewildered. Yes? I need to - talk to you. Urgently please. Ohk... Look if this is about what happened yesterday. By that I mean what I said Im really sorry. I dont normally make people cry and stuff. What I said was uncalled for and I really am sorry. She was waiting patiently for me to finish talking then smiled. God her smile was beautiful. Her eyes smiled as well making her face lift and. .. This girl is beautiful. Chuckling lightly she replied Haha um wow... Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. she opened her arms and we hugged rather warmly for people that hardly know each other. I broke it and looked at her whilst smiling. Soo... What did you wanna talk about? Oh! Uh - Uhm - about that never mind your apology totally blanked out my mind. I forgot. Haha silly me Im sure it was nothing serous wethu. her eyes were darting everywhere and she flashed a genuine smile at me. Oh ok then. Haha thats no problem it happens to everyone I guess. Yeah ... Thank you for the talk but I have to go. Bye. she staggered away not giving me the chance to say bye back. I turned around and made my way to the gate while on my phone. I didnt even notice someone was walking beside me until they nudged me with their elbow. I looked up and met Lungas gaze. Hi stranger! he opened his arms welcoming me to his embrace. We hugged. His arms went around my waiste, he was holding onto me just a little too tightly and he breathed in as though taking in my scent. You can let go now. I said in his ear since I couldnt exactly breath properly with distance being a stranger to our upper bodies. He released his grip and we carried on walking in silence. That wasnt just any hug but I brushed the thought off. Look.. I really need to talk to you. Right now if possible. I looked around. I was afraid of asking what he wanted to talk about so I just stood there looking up at him. Lisa...? I really need to talk to you. Where is Thandeka when you need her? Uh - sure. Now? Please. Can we pass by the tuck shop first? Just wanna get a few things. he chuckled softly and we turned back. Bought a big packet of Doritos, a can of coke, bottle of water and biltong then we made our way to the school stands. The furthest ones from everyone else and it wasnt all that packed. I gave him the can of coke and shut him up before he complained about me buying him stuff. I almost forgot just how old fashioned this guy is. Hates it when a girl buys him something. We finally reached the stands and went up to the top then began eating the chips and biltong while talking about anything and everything. He suddenly went from laughing and looked at me. Admiring my face. Uhm - you said you wanted to talk? he snapped out of it and cleared his throat. Promise me you wont be mad at me? I squinted my eyes. I cant promise that not knowing what youre talking about. Do you remember when you were at the hospital? I nodded. Do - the - our kiss, the moment. We shared a moment there Lisa. I thought back to the moment when I first told him I loved him. Our kiss. The moment seemed infinite. At the time of course. Where are you headed here Lungisani? I asked while shifting uncomfortably from where I was seated. Ok - well ther- my ringing phone interrupted him and I smiled apologetically before answering it. Hello? Ive been waiting for you and my patience is running thin. Yiza. then he hung up. Talk about cranky! I focused on Lunga again. .. That was Thando. Hes waiting for me at the gate so bye. I scrambled down the stands then hurried to the gate. Knowing this guy he could leave me alone here and let me take a taxi. Thandi was coming towards me but I just said bye and carried on walking. She didnt turn back though. Just waved back and carried on walking. Here I am Bhut No Patience. I said to Thando while closing the door. He just looked at me and began driving. Fast. Slow down Luthando! This is a sports car and it was meant to be driven fast. he said cockily not reducing the speed. I fastened my seatbelt and took out my phone to distract myself from this death wish Thando had for us. We stopped at Ayandas school and she got in then we headed home. I was the first one out the car as I was still incredibly worried about Buhle. What I saw was... Wait, what! I rubbed my eyes just to make sure my eyes werent deceiving me. Thando stopped dead on his tracks as well and Ayanda decided to join the club. Dad and Nobuhle were sleeping on the couch together. A light blanket covering them and Nobuhles face tucked away in dads chest and his arm was covering her protectively. There were tissues all over the floor and I could clear see Buhles slightly puffy eyes. The parents are getting back together #ShmoneyDance :v ♡
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:29:10 +0000

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