(5.13) I’ve been framed . . . One of the hay-balers told me - TopicsExpress


(5.13) I’ve been framed . . . One of the hay-balers told me twice that he is ‘going to a senimar in Liverpool’. I thought the rain had started early but it was just a very large moth caught in the skylight. The rain did start at 06:45 though, and then the electricity went off! Rolling thunder but no sign of lightning. Two hours later it was still raining. Were the animals worried by the sudden downpour? Apparently not. They were all wet, indicative of a night out in the open, but completely unbothered by the rain, as they were unbothered by the sight of their breakfast. Their lack of interest was disappointing, considering how much I work my fingers to the bone on their behalf (I sound like my ageing mother!) but they must have gorged themselves in their new surroundings, putting me very low on their list of priorities. As I used to say to my kids, ‘if you don’t eat your breakfast now you’ll have it for your tea’. New Biker was on site today, titivating his campervan (I think he’s in love with an inanimate object!) but he was destined to help me too. The ‘bundle of sticks’ I talked myself into buying yesterday (no money has changed hands yet though) had been outside since last week and, to avoid warping, I wanted it indoors and laid flat. Now then, 5m lengths of wood, warped or not, will not go through the barn door sideways so manual dexterity was required. And through the course of this interesting, fascinating and ultimately exhausting exercise I counted my paces and undertook some mental arithmetic (it’s a very small world I live in!). Each trip (barn to woodpile and back) was 104 yards (95m) and I made the trip 52 times = 3.07 miles (4.94kms). For the outbound trip I was unburdened, but each return trip had me carrying 2 x 5m lengths of 3x2 timber, weighing approximately 9lbs (4kgs) each. So in three hours I walked 1.5 miles (2.46kms) unburdened; and 1.5 (2.46kms) miles carrying 17lbs (8kgs) of timber; or I carried 8cwt (416kgs) of timber for 52yds (47metres)! And you thought life in the country was boring. About to slurp a very welcome cup of tea with my sister, New Biker declared that he had finished titivating and was ready to help me. Once he had finished his cuppa off we went for my lesson in framing. I want to hide, from prying eyes, all of my stuff but my area of the barn is bounded by half-height breeze-block walls, or no walls at all. To encircle what I have I have been using building-site, wire-mesh fence panels but the farmer wants to tidy up the barn so some proper panelling needs to be considered. New Biker had volunteered to show me how to build frames from my new wood. And I was shocked to learn how easy it was, yet how complicated I had made it in my mind. It all makes sense now, though I had to climb ladders, scale hay bales and trudge up mounds of winter salt to achieve ‘sense’! With my advance in years generally, and my lack of fitness specifically, I could barely lift my feet above the ground to shuffle slowly back to my sister’s for another cup of life-giving tea – but I made it. The frames will be covered in plastic sheeting, not plywood as it’s expensive and the sheeting is for nothing, and I’ll cover the frames both inside and out for privacy and insulation. Should I survive the whole experience I will take pictures. Should I not survive, you will have to use your imagination! The animals assembled for their tea but their indifference was irritating. They were all in a good mood, and without any ailments, but they couldn’t wait to get back into that new field. And when I looked they were sat on the hillock with not a care in the world. With all the physical activity of today I was lured to the nearest chip shop. A portion of chips later and I felt a whole new person (and was slapped about my face for my intrusion. – joking!) The Business point? Keep yourself fit, mentally and physically, as you might be called upon to scale new heights, lift new weights, walk for miles. Pay attention to yourself, don’t let things slip. Sit in the rain sometimes, it’s only water. And, occasionally, let the world go by without you. You don’t control the universe, nor does it control you. Learn something new every day. These are recommended activities. The Daily Llama
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:16:44 +0000

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