5 Creatures found below Antarctic Ice 5 Creatures found - TopicsExpress


5 Creatures found below Antarctic Ice 5 Creatures found below Antarctic Ice. These 5 somewhat scary creatures can all be found under Antarctic ice. They might look like scary monsters but they are mostly harmless. 5. Comb Jelly Jellies like this can be very abundant in Southern Ocean surface waters and it is widely suggested that they will be amongst the big winners in the more acidic, warmer ocean that results from high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 4. Sea Pig This was one of the most common and abundant animals caught off the coast of Antarctica by the international research team aboard the BAS Royal Research Ship James Clark Ross. Mostly found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, some related species can be found in the Antarctic... 3. Hoff crab The Hoff crab is an undescribed species of deep-sea squat lobster which lives on hydrothermal vents near Antarctica. The crustacean was given its nickname in 2010 by UK deep-sea scientists aboard the RRS James Cook, owing to resemblance between its dense covering of setae on the ventral surface of the exoskeleton and the hairy chest of the actor David Hasselhoff. 2. Sea Spiders Sea creatures can get huge in Antarctica, thanks to the high amounts of oxygen in the water. Gillless creatures such as sea spiders breathe through holes in their bodies, which allows more oxygen to be absorbed into their bodies—thus allowing them to grow bigger over time. That second picture is from a hoax by the way, someone claimed it was an Antarctic seaspider but it was actually a prop from Alien3... The other picture is real. 1. Blackfin icefish These fish are highly adapted to life in the cold waters of Antarcticas continental shelf. Their blood is filled with anti-freeze, but no red blood cells. They are among the many creatures recently photographed by the British Antarctic Survey in the Southern Ocean. youtu.be/dNBsZPwJBaA
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:00:37 +0000

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