[5 Things That You Must Know About Post Rehab from PTDC Coach Dean - TopicsExpress


[5 Things That You Must Know About Post Rehab from PTDC Coach Dean Somerset] 1. Youre not a physio, so dont try to be. You are a strength coach/personal trainer/expert of awesome. Make sure if youre working with an injured client or someone with aches and pains, you find out why. Refer them out for a diagnosis and directives on how they should be trained, and then follow instructions, but be a trainer first and foremost. 2. People arent fragile little flowers. They can typically take a lot of pushing, as long as youre smart about it and not loading an injured area in a way that would cause further issue. If someone has a low back problem, keep them away from the leg press and go for split squats instead. 3. Network like a mad person. Your ability to generate referrals to your services will differentiate you from the pack, and having 5-10 quality health professionals who believe in you and what you can do will make you a business with minimal to no marketing or effort. Plus, these referrals are typically pre-sold for you, so conversions are much higher. 4. Train post-rehab clients less to feel faster gains. A shoulder injury doesnt need an hour of exercise three days per week to get it better, and typically this will only flare it up as the endurance of the tissues is still low. Ten minutes is all you need to see improvements initially, then spend the rest of the session focusing on other aspects that contribute to the issue. 5. Post-rehab takes a bit more work. As a result of this, you should be charging slightly more for these clients, or raising your rates as a cogent to working with this population. You need more knowledge, organization, networking, and should be willing to compensate yourself for it. --- Learn more about post rehab and turning it into a business at theptdc/2011/09/how-to-build-a-post-injury-rehabilitation-practice/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0000

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