~ 5 likes (: O1 ; where was ur profile picture taken ? my - TopicsExpress


~ 5 likes (: O1 ; where was ur profile picture taken ? my bathroom O2 ; have you ever lost a friend ? yes O3 ; what did you listen to last ? ride like that - travis porter O4 ; how many siblings do you have ? ( main ones ) 5 but theres more O5 ; what are your brother / sisters names ? breeona , calvonta , caveon , && reneja O6 ; where do you wish you were right now ? where I am lmao O7 ; ever had a near death experience ? yes O8 ; something you do a lot ? talk/text O9 ; are you currently angry w . someone ? yes 1O ; when was the last time you cried ? uhm , 4 hours ago 11 ; is there anyon you would do anything for ? yes , reneja , caveon , calvonta , && demonta 12 ; what do you think bout before you fall asleep ; what imam do the next day , lbs 13 ; who was the last person you texted ; deonta 14 ; what are you doing right now ? talking to my brothers (: 15 ; have you kissed someone in the passed weekend ? yes 16 ; who is ur friend that lives closest to you ? kayla , demonta , david , calvonta , && caveon 17 ; describe ur life in one word ? good .. 18 ; what shuld you be doin right now ? talking otp 19 ; who was the last person you gave a hug ? my dad 2O ; who was the last person to yell at you ? my lil cuzin 21 ; whats ur natural hair color ? black && brown 22 ; who are ur main friends ? A lot .......
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:18:15 +0000

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