$5 standard constructed at 7:30 and Theros booster draft at 7 PM - TopicsExpress


$5 standard constructed at 7:30 and Theros booster draft at 7 PM for our FNM events tonight. 2 PM standard tomorrow and 2 PM free EDH on Sunday. Heres our looking for list so no need to wait with anti.... Theros White ($0.10)Celestial Archon-+26 ($1.50)Chained to the rock- +1 ($17.50)Elspeth, Sun’s Champ-8 ($0.75)Fabled Hero - 1 ($0.10)Gift of Immortality - +2 ($4.00)Heliod, God of Sun - +1 ($0.10)Hundred-Hand One-+1 ($1.50)Soldier of the Pantheon-+2 ($1.50)Spear of Heliod - 2 Blue ($0.10)Artisan of forms - 0 ($1.00)Bident of Thassa - 0 ($0.10)Curse of the Swine - 1 ($0.10)Dissolve + 1 ($7.50)Master of Waves - 6 ($0.10)Meletis Charlatan+8 ($0.10)Prognostic Sphinx - +1 ($0.10)Shipbreaker Kraken - +26 ($1.25)Swan Song - +1 ($7.50)Thassa, God The Sea-5 Black ($0.10)Abhorrent Overlord-+17 ($1.00)Agent of the fates-+1 ($6.00)Erebos, God of the Dead-7 ($8.00)Hero’s Downfall- 8 ($1.00)Hythonia the Cruel - 0 ($0.10)Nighthowler-0 ($10.00)Thoughtseize - 7 ($2.00)Whip of Erebos - 6 Red ($2.50)Anger of the Gods- 4 ($0.10)Ember Swallower-+28 ($1.00)Firedrinker Satyr-0 ($1.25)Hammer of Purphoros- 0 ($0.10)Labyrinth Champion-0 ($0.10)Lightning Strike-+42 ($1.25)Magma Jet-+12 ($7.50)Purphoros, God Forge-4 ($0.10)Rageblood Shaman- +2 ($0.10)Spark Jolt-+78 ($17.50)Stormbreath Dragon-7 ($0.10)Titan of Eternal Fire-+13 Green ($0.10)Anthousa, Setessan Hero-+61 ($0.75)Arbor Colossus - 4 ($2.00)Boon Satyr - 1 ($1.00)Bow of Nylea - 3 ($2.00)Mistcutter Hydra - 3 ($0.10)Nemesis of Mortals - +41 ($5.00)Nylea, God of the Hunt - 6 ($6.00)Polukranos, World Eater - 6 ($1.00)Reverent Hunter - 1 ($0.10)Sedge Scorpion - +71 ($4.00)Sylvan Caryatid - 0 Gold ($0.10)Anax and Cymede - +1 ($2.00)Ashen Rider - 0 ($10.00)Ashiok, - 6 ($1.00)Daxos of Meletis – 0 ($0.10)Destructive Revelry - +40 ($5.00)Fleecemane Lion - 0 ($1.50)Medomai the Ageless - 1 ($0.10)Polis Crusher - +12 ($1.50)Prophet of Kruphix - 0 ($0.10)Psychic Intrusion - 0 ($1.25)Reaper of the Wild - 0 ($0.10)Spellheart chimera - +25 ($1.50)Steam Augury - +1 ($0.10)Triad of Fates - 3 ($0.10)Tymaret, - +1 ($2.50)Underworld Cerberus - 0 ($9.00)Xenagos, the Reveler - 0 ARTIFACT ($0.10)Akroan Horse - +2 ($0.10)Colossus of Akros - 2 ($0.10)Pyxis of Pandemonium - Land ($7.50)Nykthos, Shrine o Nyx - 0 ($2.00)Temple of Abandon - 0 ($3.00)Temple of Deceit – 5 ($1.50)Temple of Mystery - 2 ($4.00)Temple of Silence - 4 ($3.00)Temple of Triumph - 6 White ($3.50)Ajani, Caller – 6 ($.10) Ajani’s Chosen – +1 ($3.50) Angel Serenity – 0 ($0.10) Angelic Skirmisher-5 ($15.00)Archangel of Thune -7 ($1.25)Blind Obedience – +1 ($2.00)Bonescythe Sliver – 0 ($.10)Celestial Flare - +17 ($1.00)Devout Invocation - +2 ($5.00)Fiendslayer Paladin - 0 ($0.75) Frontline Medic – +1 ($3.00) Gideon, Champion-4 ($.10)Hive Stirrings - +24 ($1.00) Imposing Sovereign - +12 ($0.75) Indestructibility - +2 ($.10)Luminate Primordial-0 ($0.10) Lyev Decree - +10 ($.10)Martial Law -2 ($0.10) Planar Cleansing - +2 ($.75)Path of Bravery - 6 ($1.00)Precinct Captain – +1 ($0.75) Renounce Guilds - +1 ($1.00) Rest in Peace - 0 ($0.10) Riot Control - 6 ($.10) Scion of Vitu-Gh - 3 ($0.10) Sentinel Sliver - +20 ($.10)Seraph o/t Sword-+2 ($1.00) Silence-1 Blue ($2.00) Aetherling - 7 ($0.10) Colossal Whale - 3 ($.10)Conjured Currency +12 ($2.50)Cyclonic Rift – 8 ($.10) Diluvian Primordial+1 ($0.10) Dismiss Into Dream - 0 ($0.10) Domestication - +17 ($0.75) Elite Arcanist – 2 ($.75) Enter the Infinite – 0 ($2.00) Galerider Sliver – 2 ($0.10) Hidden Strings +2 ($12.50)Jace Arch – 7 ($4.00) Jace Memory Adept – 8 ($0.10) Jace’s Mindseeker – +1 ($1.00) Quicken – 2 ($0.10) Realmwright – 2 ($.10)Search the City –+3 ($0.10) SimicManipulator-3 ($.10)SphinxofChimes+6 ($.10) Stolen Identity – 2 ($.10)Syncopate – 5 ($2.50) Tidebender Mage - 0 ($0.10) Tome Scour - +9 ($.10) Trait Doctoring - +3 ($1.00)Traumatize - 2 ($0.75)Windreader Sphinx - +2 Black ($.10) Blood Scrivener -1 ($0.10) Bogbrew Witch - 0 ($1.25) Crypt Ghast – 0 ($.10) Dark Prophecy - 3 ($7.50)Desecration Dem - 8 ($.10)Grave Betrayel – +1 ($.10) Grim Return – 0 ($6.00) Lifebane Zombie – 1 ($2.50) Liliana o/t Dark Rea – 1 ($1.00) Liliana’s Reaver - +3 ($1.50) Lord of the Void – 4 ($.75)Necropolis Regent – 7 ($0.10) Nightmare - 1 ($.10)Ogre Slumlord -5 ($2.00)Pack Rat – 8 ($.10) Pontiff of Blight – 3 ($1.75) Rise o/t Dark Realms – 3 ($1.50) Sanguine Bond – 1 ($.10) Sepulchral Primor-+1 ($0.75) Shadowborn Apostle – +5 ($3.50) Shadowborn Demon – 0 ($1.00) Syphon Sliver – +1 ($.10)Ultimate Price - 6 ($.10) Undercity Inform –5 ($.10)UndercityPlague- +9 ($1.50)Underworld Conn -5 ($2.50) Xathrid Necromancer - 0 Red ($2.50)Ash Zealot – 0 ($0.10) Awaken the Ancient - 1 ($0.10) Blur Sliver - +7 ($3.00) Burning Earth – 0 ($20.00) Chandra, Pyromaster – 5 ($2.50) Chandra’s Phoenix – 3 ($.10)Chaos Imps - 0 ($.10) 5 Alarm Fire – 5 ($0.10) Goblin Diplomats – 2 ($.10)GuildFeud-+7 ($1.00)Guttersnipe-1 ($.75) Hellkite Tyrant – 2 ($2.00) Legion Loyalist – +1 ($0.75) Mindsparker - 0 ($2.00)Mizzium Mortars – 8 ($.10) Molten Primord –1 ($1.00) Ogre Battledriver -0 ($.10) Possibility Storm - 0 ($.10) Pyrewild Shaman +7 ($2.00) Scourge of Valkas – +1 ($0.10) Shivan Dragon - 0 ($0.10) Shock - +27 ($.10) Skullcrack - 0 ($0.10) Striking Sliver - +30 ($1.25) Thorncaster Sliver – 2 ($.75)Utvara Hellkite – 8 ($0.10) Wild Ricochet - -1 ($.10) Wrecking Ogre-+6 ($1.50) Young Pyromancer - 0 Green ($.10)DeadbridgeGoliath - 3 ($0.10) Death’s Presence - 4 ($0.10) Elvish Mystic - 4 ($1.00)Experiment One – 7 ($10.00) Garruk, Call/beast-7 4($0.10) Garruk’s Horde - +2 ($.75) Giant Adephage – 8 ($1.00) Gyre Sage –+2 ($0.10) Into the Wilds - 6 ($10.00) Kalonian Hydra – 4 ($0.10) Lay o/t Land - +54 ($.10)Mana Bloom – 5 ($0.75) Manaweft Sliver - 3 ($0.75) Megantic Sliver – 0 ($0.10) Oath o/t Anci Wood - +5 ($0.10) Ooze Flux – 1 ($0.10) Phytoburst - +2 ($0.10) Predatory Sliver - +38 ($4.00) Primeval Bounty – 0 ($0.10) Renegade Krasis – 1 ($1.00) Savage Summoning - 0 ($9.00) Scavenging Ooze – 0 ($0.10) Skarrg Goliath - +1 ($.75) Skylasher - 1 ($1.00)Sylvan Primordial – 5 ($0.10) Vastwood Hydra - 2 ($.10)Wild Beastmaster +1 ($2.50) Witchstalker -+1 ($1.50)Worldspine Wurm-2 Gold ($4.00)Abrupt Decay – 6 ($2.00) Advent of the Wurm -0 ($0.10) Alms Beast - 1 ($.10)Archon of the Tri - 0 ($1.25)Armada Wurm – 2 ($1.25) Assemble Legion – 3 ($1.50) Aurelia’s Fury – 1 ($2.50) Aurelia Warleader -1 ($0.75)Azorius Charm – 7 ($.10) Biovisionary – 2 ($12.50) Blood Baron – 2 ($.75)Borborygmos, - 0 ($0.10) Boros Battle - +5 ($1.00) Boros Charm – -2 ($.10)Carnival Hellsteed – +1 ($.10) Clan Defiance - +9 ($.10)Collective Blessing – 5 ($1.25) Consuming Abb – 5 ($0.10)Corpsejack Men – 1 ($.75) Council o/t Absolute - +3 ($0.10)Counterflux – 2 ($1.00) Deadbridge Chant – 3 ($.75)Deathpact Angel – +1 ($0.10) Deputy of Aquittals - +2 ($1.00)DetentionSphere – +7 ($0.10) Dimir Charm – 4 ($15.00) Domri Rade – 6 ($.10)Dragonshift-4 ($2.50)Dreadbore – 0 ($0.10) Drown in Filth - +6 ($2.00) Duskmantle Seer – 0 ($0.10) Emmara – 1 ($0.75)Epic Experiment – 0 ($1.00) Exava Blood Witch – 5 ($0.10) Fathom Mage – 4 ($.10) Firemane Avenger-4 ($.10)Firemind’s Fo- +2 ($0.10) Foundry Champion-+2 ($.10) Gaze of Granite – 0 ($1.00) Ghor-Clan Rampager+15 ($0.10) Gruul Charm+22 ($0.10) Gruul Ragebeast – 0 ($.10)Havoc Festival – +3 ($.10) High Priest of Pen 4($.10)Hypersonic Dragon– 0 ($.75)Isperia – 2 ($0.75)Jarad, Lord – 4 ($.10) Jarad’s Orders - 0 ($1.00) Lazav, Dimir - 2 ($2.50) Legions Initiatitive – +1 ($.10) Lavinia - +22 ($1.00)Lotleth Troll –0 ($2.00)Loxoden Smiter – 0 ($3.50) Master Biomancer-6 ($1.50) Master of Cruelties – 6 ($0.10) Melek -5 ($0.75) Merciless Eviction – +1 ($.10)Mercurial Chem – 0 ($1.00) Mind Grind – 4 ($0.10) Mirkovosk - 4 ($0.10) Mystic Genesis – 0 ($1.00) Niv Mizzet – 0 ($0.10) Nivix Cyclops - +26 ($.10) Notion Thief - 0 ($7.50) Obzedat, - +1? ($.10) Obzidat’s Aid - +5 ($0.10) Pilfered Plans - 2 ($.10) Plasm Capture – +2 ($1.50)Prime Speaker –2 ($1.75) Progenitor Mimic -8 ($.10) Purtefy - 4 ($4.00)Rakdos’s Return – 1 ($1.25)Rakdos, Lord of – 2 ($6.00) Ral Zarek – 0 ($.75) Reap Intellect - +2 ($0.10) Render Silent – 1 ($.10)Righteous Authority – +2 ($0.10) Rubblehulk – 2 ($.10) Ruric Thar –1 ($2.00) Savage Born Hydra - 1 ($.10)Selesnya Charm - 6 ($0.10) Signal the Clans – 0 ($0.10) Sin Collector - +6 ($.10) Sire of Insanity - 5 ($0.75)Slaughter Games – 0 ($0.10) Soul Ransom – +2 ($.10) Spark Trooper – 0 ($15.00)Sphinx’s Revelat – 8 ($4.00)Supreme Verdict – 6 ($.10) Tajic Blade of – 4 ($.10) Teysa - 1 ($0.10) Treasury Thrill - 5 ($4.00)Trostani – 3 ($0.10) Unexpected Results-3 ($0.10) Unflinching Cour - 6 ($1.00) Varolz Scar Striped - 4 (0.10)Vizkopa Guildmage-6 ($22.50) Voice of Resu – 0 ($ .10) Vorel - +1 ($5.00)Vraska - 3 ($0.10) Warleaders Helix -+28 ($.10)Wayfaring Temple – 2 ($.10) Whispering Madness-6 ($0.10) Zhur-taa Ancient – 3 Hybrid ($.10)Azor’s Elec – 0 ($0.10) Biomass Mutation – +1 ($10.00) Boros Reckoner –0 ($1.25) Burning-Tree Emm - 0 ($.10)Cryptborn Horror - +3 ($10.00)Deathrite Shaman -5 ($0.10)Growing Ranks – 4 ($.10)Immortal Servitude-0 ($.10)Judge’s Familiar - 0 ($5.00) Nightveil Specter – 0 ($.10)Nivmagus Element – 6 ($.10)Rakdos Cackler - 2 ($.10) Rubblebelt Raiders+1 Artifact ($1.50)Chromatic Lantern-2 ($1.50) Darksteel Forge – 1 ($1.25) Door of Destinies - 2 ($.10) Glaring Spotlight – +1 ($0.10) Guardian o/t Ages - +5 ($1.00) Haunted Plate Mail - 0 ($.10) Illusionist’s Bracer -+3 ($1.00)Pithing Needle – 6 ($0.10) Pyromancer’s Gaunt - 4 ($1.25) Ratchet Bomb – 1 ($1.25) Ring of 3 Wishes – 1 ($1.00) Strionic Resonator – 0 ($0.10) Trading Post - 5 ($.10)Volatile Rig - 1 SPLIT ($.10) Beck // Call - +12 ($.10) Breaking // Entering – 2 ($0.10) Catch // Release - +2 ($0.10) Far // Away - 6 ($0.10) Flesh // Blood - +1 ($0.10) Ready // Willing - 4 ($0.10) Turn // Burn - +10 Land ($6.50)Blood Crypt – 3 ($5.00) Breeding Pool – 1 ($6.50) Godless Shrine – 7 ($0.10) Grove o/t Guardian - +4 ($5.00)HallowedFoun – 7 ($1.00) Maze’s End -4 ($12.50)Mutavault - 7 ($6.50)Overgrown Tomb- 5 ($7.50) Sacred Foundry – 5 ($5.00)Steam Vents – 8 ($6.50)StompingGround–1 ($7.50)Temple Garden – 3 ($.10) Thespian’s Stage – 4 ($6.50) Watery Grave - 8 ...cipation.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:59:20 +0000

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