#63 Lunga:” and? How are we doing?” mondli:” its - TopicsExpress


#63 Lunga:” and? How are we doing?” mondli:” its breakthrough bleeding” lunga:” thank God, how are you feeling?” me:” the discomfort I had earlier is starting to wear off, otherwise I want to go home” lunga:” mondli?” mondli:” why are you looking at me? take her home and I apologise for what happened…” lunga:” don’t mention it” me:” I need to settle the bill” mondli:” don’t worry I will take care of it first thing tomorrow, I think I owe you that much” me:” thanks” lunga helps me off the bed, he quickly takes a wheelchair, me:” I can walk on my own” lunga:” I know but sit anyway” I can help but notice the awkward stares by the two female nurse between lunga and myself. If they’ve already figured out what is going on, then good for them. otherwise I refuse to be a prisoner in my own body because of fearing what people will say, Im keeping my baby. The baby daddy issue I will deal with at a later stage for now, I have to take care of myself and my babies. We get to lunga’s car he helps me in and drives me home. We get home zodwa is still awake waiting to hear what is wrong with me, the girls are already in bed. I stand on the entrance of the house and lunga is standing outside me:” thank you for the ride and everything else” lunga:” that’s what Im here for” me:” drive safely and good night” lunga:” eat before you go to bed” me:” I will” I smile at him and I can see his face crack up slowly into a smile. I walk towards him and throw my hands around him, he holds me tight and whispers, “ I love you” me:” I know” I pull back and he reluctantly releases me. me:” bye” lunga:” bye” he comes closer and plants a kiss on my cheek and turns to his car. I wait until he is out of the yard, I close the gate, enter the house secure the doors and go to the kitchen to make something to eat, zodwa is there making herself a snack. Zodwa:” so what is wrong with you sisi” me:” nothing much, I just need to rest” zodwa:” ok” I make myself two hot dogs and green tea and I have it in my room. After eating I place the plate and mug on the side table and I get under the covers, I stare into the ceiling thinking about the day’s events, right then my phone rings its lunga, me:” hello” lunga:” hey mummy, I am safely home” me:” Im glad” lunga:” did you have something to eat?” me:” yes” lunga:” that’s my girl” me:” good night” lunga:” sweet dreams baby” we hang up, I place my phone aside and pray. I have so much to be thankful for, and the safety of my unborn being one. Days go by and things get better between lunga and myself, sandile continues pleading for forgiveness and still insist on us working through things. I just cant, so much has happened in such a short period of time. I have started seeking legal advice on pertaining the divorce, even though I hadn’t filed as yet but I need to do as much research about it as I can, maybe its not even research Im stalling for what I have no idea. My biggest worry being the kids and our families but they will all have to get over it one way or the other. Its Thursday evening lunga has asked me out on a date, although I don’t normally like us going out during the week but I agree because Friday is a public holiday and that means we will have what most people like to call ‘ilong weekend ende’ (a long, long weeked). I get home after work, Mrs Scotts has already brought the kids home. I bath them while zodwa prepares their noodles. I sit with them as they eat and when they are done they go to the nursery to play. I use that time to bath and get ready for my night out. I wear a black knee length, mesh sleeves and plunging neckline. I pair it up with a pair of blue/green statement heels and a matching clutch purse. I look good even without any make up, I put on some lip gloss. Check on the girls who are now sleeping and I leave. Lunga and I have decided to meet at Piatto, because of the excellent food and service we received there. Again I arrive a few minutes late, as I approach the entrance I spot lunga, our eyes meet. He gets up from the table and smile at me. I cant help but blush and be taken aback by how handsome he looks in black jeans, gray t-shirt and black blazer…
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:49:51 +0000

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