#66 Before I share my story, I want to thank everyone for their - TopicsExpress


#66 Before I share my story, I want to thank everyone for their bravery. I know that for many of us here, it can be very difficult, and even painful, to relate our personal histories, particularly through social media. In all honesty, I am reluctant to share my story, strictly because I could have experience the many dire circumstances outlined here, if it were not for luck (if luck even exists). For those who do read my story, I only ask that you bear one thing in mind: I do not intend to show off. If I come off as showing off, please know that that is not my intention at all. I merely want to put into perspective the tremendous generosity my family has experienced, and the good that exists between the rich and the poor. Preface: A Tale of Two Cities While I was in primary school, my parents separated. My mother was left to rear three boys on her own while working a full time job (my mother worked, and continues to work, as a housekeeper). As you can imagine, it was no easy task. It soon reached the point when my mother couldnt handle the stress anymore, and cried while at work one day. Her boss, who Ill name for convenience sake KL, approached my mother to inquire what was wrong. In realizing my mothers circumstances, KL offered to help. I. It was the best of times... KL relocated my family to a safer and still affordable location, and enrolled my brothers and I to a private, primary school (she paid full tuition for each of us). During the summers, KL allowed us to attend several summer camps and programs; the tuition for one particular summer camp reached five figures, an exorbitant amount my mother could not have afforded by any means. Multiply that tuition by three and then by two, since we attended the camp for two consecutive summers (keep in mind that there were also additional costs, since the tuition did not cover clothes or sports equipment). One of my brothers even had the opportunity to travel to Europe for several weeks, all thanks to KL. Even now, no one in my family, immediate or not, could even afford to go to Europe on their own savings.... The mere fact that my brother has continues to baffle us to this day. III. It was the worst of times.... When an immediate family member of KL passed away in a tragic accident, or when another immediate family member suffered a stroke, my mother was always there as vital support. When KL needed my mother to work overtime, she unconditionally agreed, even if that meant that she had to reschedule any family vacation for the next summer. Reciprocally, when my mother was diagnosed with Diabetes, Type II, KL sent her to the best hospital in the city, and paid for all the necessary examinations and treatments. And, when my mothers jaw became infected from a previous surgical mishap, KL immediately scheduled a surgery to rid her of the infection while also covering the medical bills. It was in these times of need when our families drew closer. What bonded us together was not money or anything of the sort, but mere love for one another. Through good times or bad, we always were one big family. Epilogue: Great Expectations If it were not for my mothers work ethic or KLs generosity, though more so the former, l would not be here. The fact that I, or anyone else for that matter who believed that college was beyond their grasp, made it this far is a miracle-- the American Dream in the making as KL and my mother often like to say. And, as the saying goes, to whom much is given, much is expected. Quite frankly, I dont know what the future will hold for me. I only hope that, in pursing my career, I can one day become a benefactor for a family in need.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:24:13 +0000

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