#68 When he returns from the bedroom, he scoops me in his arms - TopicsExpress


#68 When he returns from the bedroom, he scoops me in his arms hold me tight and gives me one hell of a kiss. I allow myself to just go with the flow and enjoy his lips against mine, this is just pure bliss and I don’t want it to end. My hand is placed firmly at the back of his head, I draw him closer everytime he tries pulling back until I am high on his kiss and I release him. lunga:” wow, that was intense” he plants quite a number of soft kisses on my lips and draws me into one of his bear hugs. We break the embrace and he leads me to the dining room, the closer we get to it the more Im drawn to the pleasant aroma of BBQ pork ribs. We get to the dining room and the table is laid out already, there is a casserole dish with pork ribs drapped with a thick BBQ source, another has backed sweet potato wedges, another has lemon and herbs fish cakes and the last one has fresh from the bakery buns. Lunga:” this is the best that I could do, if you may” he pulls out a chair for me and goes to his seat. I intitiate dishing out for us, lunga:” don’t worry I will do it” starts dishing out for us and we start eating. Im just amazed at how wonderful this man is to me. even after finding out that my baby could be sandile’s and not his but that hasn’t stopped him from treating me well and making sure that baby and I are well taken care of. Lunga:” what are you thinking about?” me:”mmm, nothing” lunga:” you have developed quite an appetite. I the little guy is not giving you a hard time” me:” not at all” we finish eating and I clear the table, he helps me with the dishes and before long we are sitting in the lounge and he is giving me a foot massage. My phone rings, lunga reaches out for it on the coffe table and hands it to me. its my mother in-law, me:” hello ma” mum nonku:” hello my baby how are you?” me:” I’m well thanks are the girls ok?” mum nonku:” yes, they are well. I wanted to inform you that sandile has asked to come and see us tomorrow” me:” oh” mum nonku:” do you have any idea what it could be about?” me:” I don’t want to speculate on anything but he told me his woman is pregnant…” mum nonku:” what? Tell me it’s a joke” me:” I wish I could” mum nonku:” I’m sorry my baby, I hate the way things have continued to spiral out of control between you two” I realise then that I haven’t told her that Im pregnant too, but how do I tell her that my baby could be that of another man? For now let me not share this with her, I need to buy myself enough time to plan out how I will break the news to my family. I can already imagine the disappointment in my parents and in-laws and as if that is not bad enough I still need to inform then that I will be filing for divorce. Its high time I do it anyway. Me:” its life I guess” mum nonku:” I will continue to pray that a miracle happens and you get back together again” I look at lunga who is smiling affectionately at me, with so much loving and I cant seem to imagine having to tell lunga that Im going back to sandile. Mum nonku can pray as much as she wants I’m not going back, its time I move forward even if moving forward feels so painful but I have to. Me:” I doubt that will happen ma, a lot has happened and its too late to fix things now” mum nonku:” oh lethu my baby” her calling out to me is coming off as a sad plea, I am so emotionally attached to the zuma clan that parting ways with sandile feels like I’m stripping myself off the love, respect and bond that I have developed with my in-laws. I feel myself close to tears, me:” ma, I have to go. thank you very much for the call and please kiss my babies for me. I will fetch them after church” my voice is cracking, mum nonku:” ok, my baby. Have a great evening, bye” me:” you too, bye ma”. The minute we hang up, tears roll down my cheeks. Lunga gets closer and holds me, comforting me the best way he know how. Lunga:” ssshhh baby, things will get better. You’ll see” he pulls away and wipes my tears away before giving me a peck on the lips. This was meant to be an innocent kiss, but I decide to take it further and just go with the flow and see where it leads us. I cup his face, slightly tilt my head to the side and our lips gently meet. We delicately explore each others mouths with so much love…
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:05:24 +0000

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