#72 why didnt i figure it out!?i just wasnt up 4 his sorries n - TopicsExpress


#72 why didnt i figure it out!?i just wasnt up 4 his sorries n empty promises me:i cant do this wth u Khwezi,Zee pls take me home..he luked hurt zee:im sori bt i cant do dat,its tym urls stop actin immature nd sort things out instead of ignorin each ada,Simtha im nt defendin him bt atleast hes tryn so stop pushin him away nd meet him halfway,andaz whether url think relationships r easy na bt obviously ther ar tyms u hate each ada bt dsnt mean u dnt luv each ada bt means u should work harder at fixin ur relationship,so suck it up cos u r gona talk..yoh!i just stood ther lookin at them her:now im goin 2 da mall,ill be back at 5 2 take u home ok?..i nodded nd watched her go out,then da car drive away..it was now just me nd K nd da silence him:wat Zee sad is ryt bt im nt gonna force u 2 stay if u dnt wanna talk 2 me me:no its fyn lets talk..he smiled him:lets go 2 my room..i luked at him him:4 privacy,relax its just us nd MamSiza da others arent here 4 da weekend..i nodded then followed we finally got 2 his room then he closed da door,he sat on da corner of his bed whilst i sat on a chair opposite him,there was silence him:wen did we get 2 this point? Me:andaz him:i hate wats happenin between us me:me 2 him:im rly sori 4 4gettin ur birthday its just theres alot thngs goin on in my head,i luv u nd i never want u 2 doubt dat regardless of wat happens between us,i get insecure nd end up nt trustin u becos im scared u have found anada guy who will be able 2 treat u beta than i do nd i know i always make empty promises 2 u nd always apologies bt end up doin da same thing bt its nt my intension 2 hurt u,da way i spoke 2 u yesterday was way outa line nd im sori 4 da stuff i said i was brought up 2 respect women bt dats nt wat ive done 2 u,i fall 2 show u how much i love u by nt thinkin str8 nd all dats in my head is 2 not loose u..wen i asked u 2 give us a 2nd chance its becos i was willin 2 change 4 u cos u make me wana be a beta person n i just wana be with u,i know u myt think im a broken record bt i rly mean everythin ive just said,all i ask is 4 u 2 give me a chance 2 show u how much i care,if we could just start afresh..i kept quiet,i couldnt say anythin,so i just luked at him,1 thing i valued abt K is he knew wen he was wrong nd was never shy 2 apologise,i could see he meant wat he said with da sincerity in his eyes,yes hes got his fault bt i luv him,im sure we all hav dat person regardless of wat they do u just luv em nd cant let them go,well dats how i felt me:whats goin on between u nd Precious..he kept quiet me:im askin him:da niyt of da party,we were playin dis stupid game of spin da bottle nd babe i was drunk,miserable without nd wasnt thinkin straight so we ended up kissin bt i told her it meant nothin nd i luv u,i was just scared of tellin u cos i thought u myt leave me bt im sori.all uve done is 2 be faithful towards me nd all i do is through it in ur face dats all ive been hiddin frm u,lets pls move on..ngathula,i gec he wouldve lied 2 me bt he didnt he was honest so i gec i had 2 be grateful 4 dat him:Simtha? Me:lets start afresh..he smiled him:thanx..he came close nd hugged me tightly,just then mom called me:helo her:we r goin 2 check on da house edbn then visit umah eLamontville,do u want us 2 wait 4 u? Me:uhm no u can go,wen will u be back? Her:ebsuk around 11 me: ok..we spoke kancan then she hung up,K was smillin me:nd then? Him:i heard the convo,dat means ive got da whole day with u me:haha mxm..we took off our shoes then climbed on da bed,then watched The Vow,he got pissed cos i kept on goin crazy over Channing,then switched it off me:lol aw! him:im not gona sit here nd watch u go crazy over sum white guy me:lol jelousy him:lol im not me:cmon ths guy ngzomgcina emamovin bt ur here forever..he smiled him:lol good..we sat there talkin nje then he went out wabuya with jelly beans,he knows how much i luv em,we kept on foolin around hittin each ada with then,he was lyin in bed nd i was standin on my knees wen he got up nd grabbed me sawa sow2 ebhedin,he was on top of me him:damn u have big eyes..i hit his shoulder nd pretended 2 be mad,lol i know i have big eyes so i wasnt offended him:bt they are beautiful..i smiled me:thanx..he slowly came close nd kissed me,it was slow nd full of emotion,we kissed 4 da longest tym,with him kissin my neck which just sent chills throu my body,he slowly took of my top nd i took off his,he kissed my boobs nd neck gently nd slowly,he was inbetween my legs when he tracked kisses down my stomach then came back up,i felt his hand brush my thighs over da jean,then held my waist pullin me towards him,he kissed my ear then let out deep warm breath,his hands went on my jean nd unbuttoned it,he slowly pulled it down while kissin me then quickly took of his jean 2,we were left in our underwear,he pulled my leg over his waiste,after awhile he stopped kissin me him:im sori i know ur nt ready..he was about to get off me when i pulled him nd whispered me:im ready #K_S
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:51:39 +0000

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