[7JIB THANKS TO] DONGHAE Dear Father/ Last time I saw you was - TopicsExpress


[7JIB THANKS TO] DONGHAE Dear Father/ Last time I saw you was around 2006 8/8 Tuesday 3AM, but its already 2014 8/21 Thursday. A lot of time has passed, right? ^^ Like the time thats passed, the environment around, many people, thoughts, and appearance has changed a lot. Some changed for the better, some not. But I am always working hard so that my core that I am holding on, does not change a lot. Because you, father, are in that core too. Youd be disappointed if I changed to (not good/bad), so I am working hard to (not change) ^^ then you can compliment me when I meet you again. Im still young, and Im still the son that wants to receive compliments from father. But its been a really long time since Ive been unable to hear those compliments. Soon, I will perform 100th concert performance; It would have been nice if father could have watched at least one of those 100 performances. Its sad. Im really thankful to be able to do a job that I love, be loved while doing that job, that there are people who cry, laugh, and be happy because of me-though, what am I (for them to feel that way for me)-, and that there are people who have dreams while watching me. Im very thankful that those people exist, and I am thankful about everything, that I can feel that I am living a life that I am more thankful of. Complains, not being satisfied, being lazy... Looking back now, I can see that everything- even things that I didnt feel good about- are thankful things. What I am most thankful about is that I am your son. Its a letter to you after a long time. 2014 8/21 Thursday 7:04PM, after 2 years... Lets talk again when another album comes out in future ^^ I love you, dad. Dear Mom, Hyung, HyunGyum / Mom, dont get sick. When you are sick, I feel even more hurt. There are many things I wasnt able to feel when I wasnt able to live with you when I was young, and now, living together, I feel them. I feel thankful from small things like being able to be together, being able to see you, and being able to touch you. When you look at me and smile, when you- who looked big when I was young- now look smaller than me, when you- who walked really fast- walk slower than me, and when I felt that you- who looked strong and powerful- have become weaker than me, and is depending on me, tears come to my eyes. Just dont get sick. I love you mom^^ Beloved hyung, you are very tired, exhausted, and bored these days right? But I am happy and full of energy because of hyung. I think a lot about how I can do more for you, hyung. Its not that I just want to give you something; its more like.. Im thankful that I have a brother, and thankful that I can share with hyung. I hope hyung enjoys it a bit more, and I hope that you will be happy. I also hope that we brothers would rely on each other more. I love you, hyung. HyunGyum-ah, hyung is proud and happy that you have a dream at such a young age. I hope you will work harder, and if you dont want to get hit, listen to hyung more! hehe. Listen to mom, and sleep early. Dear SJ/ There really is no need for words!! I like that we are together, Im happy that we are together, and Im thankful that whenever I feel tired and look back, youre standing there by my side without a word^^ Theres no need for anything else, lets just do well just among ourselves^^ Suju is the best hehe. Leader Teuk-ee hyung... I will trust hyung and go! and Yesung-ee hyung... If hyung were with us, we would have shined more. I will make it so that when hyung returns, hyungs spot will shine more ^^ I love you hyung! Grow your hand a bit, or Ill just have a smaller mic prepared for you ^^ (Youngjoon-ee hyung, Byungjoon-ee hyung, Junghoon-ee hyung, Yongsun-ee hyung, MinGeun-ee hyung, Siyong-ee hyung, Yongsuk-ee) We are Super Juni-or! ^^ Thank you and I love you. Dear ELF/ You waited a really long time right? Me too me too mee too really!! hehe finally advancing out! ELF all over the world, are you ready?? We are ready ^^ In short words, because ELF exists, SuJu can breathe ^^ Please continue to let us breathe ^^ I love you, love you, love you, and love you^^ Always thankful and love you ^^ © NKsubs #SuperJunior #슈퍼주니어 #MAMACITA #마마시타 #AYAYA #아야야
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:57:53 +0000

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