[8:19pm, 22/08/2014] +233 54 323 0179: A MESSAGE FOR FELLOW - TopicsExpress


[8:19pm, 22/08/2014] +233 54 323 0179: A MESSAGE FOR FELLOW TALIBES OF SHAYKH HASSAN CISSE (RA) from the beloved Sidi Fakhruddin Owaisi As-Salam Alaykum dear beloved ones. Here is something I wrote to a fellow Talibe of the late Qutb al-Akbar Sayyidina Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) regarding who to follow after him. It reflects my personal feelings, understandings and opinions. No one is bound by it. However, I share it with you for mutual benefit Wa Alaykum As-Salam dear Sidi. In short: - Shaykh Tijani Cisse is the Captain of the Ship now. The Imam of the grand Mosque of Medina-Baye, about which Shaykh Sukayrij (RA) had written: “The Station of Ibrahim! And whoever enters it will be in safety through his guidance.” He is the brother of Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) to whom Shaykh Hassan (RA) had said: “Be for me what Harun (AS) was for Musa (AS).” He is also the son-in-law of al-Haj Abdullahi Niasse (RA) and al-Haj Ahmad Dam Niasse (RA), the two successive Khalifahs of the noble Niasse family. As Captain, he was has many many duties of a very high nature. This leaves him with little time for “small” stuff such as answering everyone’s calls and seeing to their needs and dreams and visions and problems....etc. He is trying hard to continue and complete the gigantic projects Shaykh Hassan (RA) had started. Therefore, he appreciates most those people who can assist in this, rather than add to the burden. - Shaykh Mahy Cisse on the other hand has more time to deal with people personally. He is also a complete successor of Shaykh Hassan (RA). A man of Tarbiyah and Tarqiyah in the Tariqah Tijaniyyah. He is also the son-in-law of Shaykh Mahy Niasse. - My suggestion for you is to be a soldier for Shaykh Tijani, and contact Shaykh Mahy for your personal/spiritual needs. That’s what I do. - Consider both brothers your Masters and do not belittle any of them. - And yes, Shaykh Hassan (RA) had the power to do both jobs, but he was a unique man. I have not seen anyone like him. - As a Tijani, one may also benefit from any pious Tijani Muqaddam, especially from our Ibrahimi Line. However, this must be done in its limits. One must totally stay away from so-called muqaddams who are only interested in selling Asrar, making money and have nothing to offer but dreams, visions and talk of the end of the world. - As Talibes of Baye Niasse (RA), one MUST also stay away from any so-called tijani that attacks the Khilafah status of Baye-Niasse (RA), the Ibrahimi Faydah, the Tarbiyah (we received from Shaykh Hassan) or any of the teachings of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA), i.e. in Fiqh matters or the Ma’rifah of the Haqa’iq and Hadarat. Many were destroyed because of such association with those who slander their Shaykh and his teachings. This does not mean that we should condemn or disrespect such people. We should simply avoid mixing with them, for our sake and for their sake. Mixing is a poison for the Talibe. Distraction leads to Destruction. - Know also that in this Tariqah and its Faydah, you are ultimately a murid of Sayyidna Rasul-Allah (SAW), with Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) being his Door, and Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) being the Key. So do whatever you can to please them, obey them and most importantly LOVE THEM. Wallahi, their love opens a million doors! Their teachings and life-styles are well-documented and preserved! - With some Ma’rifah, you know that everything is this Universe is also your teacher. ALLAH is teaching you something in every Manifestation of His. Always turn to Allah with Dua and Zikr! He is the only Reality! When Shaykh Hassan (RA) was born, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote: We name him al-Hasan, so that the barakah of the Prophet (SAW)s grandson al-Hasan shines on him. Shaykh Hassan was born on Bayes bed! When Shaykh Tijani Cisse was born, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) immediately named him “al-Shaykh Abul-Faydh Ahmad al-Tijani”. The father Saydi Ali Cisse (RA) wrote in his dairy: “I pray that my son becomes a complete Khalifah of al-Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) due to this naming.” When our Mother Fatimatu Zahra (Yafatu) Niasse was pregnant with Shaykh Mahy Cisse, she saw the Pr[truncated by WhatsApp] [8:21pm, 22/08/2014] +233 54 323 0179: she saw the Prophet (SAW) in a dream, ordering her to name the child “Muhammad al-Mahy”. She hid the dream from everyone. When the baby was born and was taken to her father Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) for giving the name, he automatically named the child, “Muhammad al-Mahy.” Mahy is a name of the Prophet (SAW), and it means, “The Eraser.” The Prophet (SAW) was named Mahy because he came to erase Kufr and Shirk from the hearts of people and from this earth. It is interesting to note that Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote: هدمت الذي قد أسسوه وإنني بسر المقفى لا يهد بنائي Indeed, I have destroyed all that they have built (to fight me) And through the Secret of the Final Prophet, My Building cant be destroyed رموني و ما نولوا مرادا وإنني أمزق بالماحي جموع عدائي They attacked me but they did not achieve their goal Indeed, through the MAHY, I have destroyed the armies of my enemies Al-HumduliLlah! Through Shaykh “Mahy”, much confusion has also been erased and effaced, lately. Those who were belittling Baye (RA) have been humiliated and exposed. May Allah protect our connections to our Shaykhs. Amen. Finally! Salat-ul-Fatih and sincere love for our Masters is the KEY. Duas given and taken Was-Salam, Talibe-Baye forever, Fakhri Owaisi
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 23:00:51 +0000

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