#8 So I was coaching a fellow the other day who hated his - TopicsExpress


#8 So I was coaching a fellow the other day who hated his life. He said that his life had no meaning and he wished that he had never been born. I told him “come on, everyone has a purpose. I told him that “his life was meant to be fulfilling.” He told me Brad, “You don’t seem to understand, my birth certificate was a letter of apology to my father from the Trojan Condom Company.” (DA DA BOOM) Alright, alright... Moving on…. How do we create an enchanted life? Well, the only thing that you have complete control of, is your thoughts. ~ If you change your thoughts, you will change your life. Transforming your life is a very exciting process. If you take the word transform and dissect it, you will find the prefix trans means (to go beyond, to go past or soar above)... The word form refers to (our physical experience, our boundaries). A few years ago, something resonated in me that set me in a different direction… I made a conscious decision to detach from a lifetime of accumulation and start over as a clean slate. The most extraordinary thing happened as I began to change and choose my thoughts carefully. First, I had some karma to pay, : 0 ) ... Once I paid all that crappy karma, my whole world started to transform. ~This is not some fairy tale or made up happenstance. There are certain principals and laws to this universe. If you abide within the proper universal formula, you will eventually reap the rewards. If you don’t, you won’t. Most people end up somewhere in between. This is a law of attraction based universe with orchestrated outcomes influenced by the law of cause in effect.” This is mentioned in the Bible as “sewing and reaping.” Today I challenge you to live at higher levels. What I mean is, not only live more vivacious, more engaged and more streamlined but make a conscious decision to do the “right things”moment to moment. Choose to live a life of integrity. Refuse to engage in “gossip” or “useless negative diatribe.” ~Speaking “badly” about other people, does not only violate proper intention to attract what you want in your life, but it also portrays a lack of integrity within yourself. This behavior is for “lower life forms.” This is not for you. Also, rid yourself of people who have nothing better to do than focus on what is wrong in life. You know who I am talking about… These are the people that have nothing better to do than create problems. This way of thinking is VERY primitive. In life, we typically get more of whatever we focus upon. Our goal should be to focus on the OUTCOMES we desire, no get stuck on the problems or the past events that have happened previous. If we focus on the problem, this is exactly what we will tend to manifest for ourselves. ~In-fact, there is a percentage formula that has been discovered by studying the most effective, powerful and successful people on the planet - and here it is. When problems arise, focus 15% of your time on the problem, and the remaining 85% of your time, on THE SOLUTION. THE MORE “SOLUTION ORIENTED” WE BECOME, ~THE MORE SUCCESSFUL WE WILL BECOME. Also, It has been said that a person’s outer-world is a direct reflection of their inner world. ~ If you have any thoughts about your past, present or future that do not serve you, I encourage you to change your interpretation about these thoughts… Extract a powerful meaning OR quickly discard them… If you have habitual thoughts of the past, re-living negative events or situations that have been done wrong to you, ...Unload it! How do we create meaning out of dis-empowering thoughts? Be willing to learn from the events. How do you learn from negative experiences? ...Ask yourself this very question........~How can I learn from this experience? ~What is the meaning in this situation? What is good about this situation? ~Just like your muscles grow and get stronger by applying a heavy demand in the gym, human Beings grow through pain... I’m sorry to tell you, it is the only way my friend... Child birth is painful... Relationships are painful... Life is sometimes painful... You are not alone.. People who seem to have it all have the very same problems as everyone else. The only difference is, they have created a better meaning from their experiences. Remember, we all interpret events just a bit differently than each other and you can CHOSE a better “interpretation” moment to moment. He who engages in the very best “interpretation” of his world will create lasting/meaningful relationships, financial abundance, opportunities and happiness… Some people habituate themselves to immediately create good meaning out of events and it is their patterned way of doing. These turn out to be the most resourceful and intelligent people on the planet. Here I go again, if I don’t stop now, I’ll write all day long.. (D)-1 Today go back to yesterday and choose just one goal. After you wrote it out on paper, I encourage you to develop a designated plan of how you will attain this goal. Don’t know how to create a plan? Ask yourself the question, how can I create a plan to attain this goal? (D)-2 Put a reasonable time-line on this goal.. (D)-3 Look at this goal every morning….. (D)-4 Be flexible. Reshape, reform the plan day to day. (Make it your magnificent obsession). DO IT! If you do this, you will get results… If you don’t, you wont. Again, Thanks for all the great E-mails from everyone : ) ~ B
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:19:58 +0000

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