#8 episode of #Life_goes_on Noor- MUM! Pick up the - TopicsExpress


#8 episode of #Life_goes_on Noor- MUM! Pick up the phone Sara- OK hun! Sara- *picked up the phone* Hello Asiya- How are you Sara and how is your daughter Noor? Sara- She is fine thank you, how about use all and especially Safa did she get better? Asiya- We are all fine thanks and yeah she did get better thank God, I called because i want to get the notes that your daughter have done today from the lesson she had today... If you dont mind Ill come and get them off you now? :) Sara- Um.. Asyia my daughter couldnt go today to school for some personal reason of hers. o.O Asiya- oh really :o I hope she is ok? & dont matter Ill contact someone that studies with her in class Sara- yeah she is dont worry and thanks for understanding Asiya- oh no dont worry about it, Ill get going then.. bye! Sara- bye *then the line shut* *while Noors mum and Asyia were talking Noor was thinking about Aseels confession beside the fact that unknown have said something he shouldnt have said and she got angry @>@ about it but she forgot about it straight away))* Then Noor slept with her head on the desk of over thinking about the situation that happened ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ـ ــ ـ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ــ ـ Noor woke up as usual got dressed and found her mum drunk so she left without saying anything to her )()** While Noor was walking there was a kid on the bike that passed by her on a bicycle. She was wondering why was that person in a hurry to school>>> Then she looked at her watch Noor- *shouted* OMG Im late *((she ran so she can get inside school on time and so she wont have to climb the fences to get in like what happened before but she was lucky she found it open*** Safa- Thanks for making my mum go crazy to find someone and get the note book to write at Noor turned over))* Noor- AAhh!! Im sorry about that its a long story Safa- dont want to hear it tbh **(Safa walked inside the school building and fed up from Noors inappropriate actions* **((Noor was going to her locker to put her books in and get out the ones are needed for maths lesson, she got her stuff and twisted around and bumped into the same kid that rushed with the bike in the morning*** Noor- *her books dropped out of her hand* Arghh watch it man! Abdul- Im sorry *knelled down to tidy Noors book and give it her to accept his apology Noor- *knelled down to get her books and stationary and felt embarrassed at front of the other students* You dont need to do it, its fine Abdul- There you go the rest *he seemed that shes kind and sweet person* **((Noor was on her way to lesson and she met Aziza & Reem and she got happy that her friends are smiling which obviously will make you smile as well** Aziza- Hey gorgeous, feeling like i havent seen you for agesss :v Noor- Ahaha guess you missed me that much and you were about to die cuz of it :D Reem- -_- Aziza- Dont get gassed Reem- *disturbed Aziza* Who is that kid that dropped your books and picked it up for you? Noor- Ah i dont know, its my first time seeing him here x) Reem&Aziza- me too :o Noor- Wheres zainab Reem- hehe i havent told you yet didnt I? Noor- I bet you told the rest of the girls and I am the last person to know Aziza- hahaha Noor- seeee! Reem- anyways Feras and zainab are dating! Noor- No waaaay, all that time Feras is running around zainab to show her his feelings towards him and she finally accepted him Reem & Aziza- yeaap ^-^ Safa- *peaked out from the maths door whispering* rather than standing there you should see this Noor- It better be something worth to see Reem- *ran to the door and saw it* Wow th... Aziza ((**didnt bother at all Noor- *went to the door and saw the new kid with a huge line of girls giving him attention and some presents))* what the hell is going on! Safa- As you can see this new kid is being so stush and he is only new Aziza- **came to see what the girls are whispering and looking at, saw the new kid))* Isnt that the guy that dropped your books Noor? Noor- yeah and look where he is sitting, IN MY SEAT (((**Noor went up to him)) Noor- Excuse me whoever you are...get out of my seat NOW Abdul- *looked at her straight ahead** Weel, i like this seat and there is a seat next to me you can sit there, i dont mind Noor- Im sorry kid *pointing at him and all the girls eyes were about to pop out of there faces* But the seat your sat on is mine soooo OUT Abdul- take it easy and let me introduce myself to you Noor- I dont want to know anything about you *Noor was about to take his stuff and Aziza & Reem & Safa there mouths were open but Abdul hold Noor hand** Abdul- ....... *((>>What do you think Abdul have said to Noor? Sorry for posting the story late and its all because of the emas that have started, i hope you all understand..))**
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:05:52 +0000

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