#9: Sleepless Nights Liam: You always struggled falling asleep, - TopicsExpress


#9: Sleepless Nights Liam: You always struggled falling asleep, everything had been so busy and hectic lately that your only time to really think and process everything was late at night, where you would sit in bed unable to fall into unconsciousness. You boyfriend was lying down next to you, his warmth radiating through the sheets and the familiar feeling began to relax you. Being the gentleman that he is, he refused to fall asleep before you; he couldn’t relax until his you were taken care of. He knew whenever you couldn’t sleep there was just too much on your mind and you just needed some time to process everything going on lately. He would cradle you body in towards his, allowing his warmth to spread to you as he pulled his arm around your waist, gently rubbing small circles on your back. No words were spoken, no words were needed. You just allowed yourself to relax, enjoying your boyfriend’s presence. His scent filled your brain, subconsciously calming you as you begin to let you mind deal with the clouded thoughts running through your brain. Niall: You had lost track of time while you were staying at your boyfriend’s flat. He had you completely mesmerized as you watched him carefully pluck at the guitar in his lap. He was so absorbed in the gently strumming noises filling the air that he didn’t notice you sitting down beside him until you placed a soft kiss to his check, pulling his attention to you. Placing his guitar beside him, a smile slowly appeared upon his lips as he pulled you towards him, kissing you slowly but passionately. You pull away but left your foreheads touching as you try to regain your breath. “Can you teach me?” you quietly asked. Confused, he pulls back farther to look into your eyes, silently asking you to explain. “To play. I’ve always wanted to learn.” “Why didn’t you tell my sooner?” He responds before pulling you into his lap. He places a quick kiss to your neck as he grabs the guitar once again and sets it in your lap. His hands wrap around your body, placing them on top of yours while he delicately strums the cords, the gentle vibrations filling the air around the two of you as you got caught up in your little world and continued into the early hours of the morning. Zayn: It had been so long since he held you in his arms that once he was back you refused to let him go. Of course you supported his career, but these past few weeks had been especially hard and you were just grateful to have him back home, back with you. You hold him close, and slowly take in the subtle differences in his appearance that changed while he was away. He nuzzles his head in your neck, the slight stubble he grew tickling your skin but was soon replaced by the warmth radiating from his skin. His lips would meet your neck, softly kissing and sucking at the skin as a quiet moan escapes you lips, the feeling a bit foreign to you and yet so familiar at the same time. Your fingers are on his newest tattoo that you had yet to have seen before, tracing over the inked skin. You both take your time together, allowing each other to readjust to each other’s bodies. Relaxing into his body, you let go of all the stress you had been carrying for the past few weeks. Surprising you, his lips capture yours into a heated embrace, feeling all of the passion in his actions as he had waited so long to be able to do this again. The two of you are caught up in each other, overwhelming each other’s senses as you stay up all night, too excited to possible sleep. Louis: With too much energy surging through your veins, you both pull an all nighter. After making a quick ice cream run, you decide that the two of you should put all this energy to good use. Taking out his phone, he dials a number and quickly hands you the phone. Unsure what do you, you muster up your best foreign accent and tell the person on the other line you would like to buy his two best sheep. Holding back the laughter, you keep the act up for a while before finally hanging up mid-sentence as you burst out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer. You hand the phone to your boyfriend, but not before ensuring to block your own number before dialing and putting the phone on speaker. Louis, being Louis, decided to pretend to be a screaming fan to a rather confused Harry on the other line. Clearly you both had woken up from his sleep and he couldn’t figure out what was going on. After deciding he had tortured his poor friend long enough he hangs up and once again the air is filled with pent up laughter between the two of you. You decide to get up and grab some snacks as it seemed like this would be going on for quite some time as the two of you just enjoyed being carefree and enjoying the time off. Harry: Whenever you were away from your boyfriend, be it a day or a month, when you reunited, the two of you would spend all night catching up on everything you missed while apart. The sound of your giggles fill the air at a story he insisted on telling you which resulted in you laughing till your sides hurt. Talking over each other, you two would fight over who got to talk next in a playful manner. A smile was plastered on his face and his eyes were gleaming as he got caught up in his latest story. Other times, he was content to just listen to what you had to tell him as he let your words fill his mind. It always amazed you how you two never ran out of conversation topics, yet the conversation always flowed naturally, effortlessly. Talking to him was as easy as breathing, as simple as walking. Dawn was just breaking through as a faint light began to shine through your windows. You smiled up at the boy beside you, realizing you had spent the whole night chatting and yet, there was still so much you wanted to tell him as you launched into another story. ~laurieV~
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 03:11:58 +0000

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