#92 Still hand in hand we walked to the gate, Lungelo still - TopicsExpress


#92 Still hand in hand we walked to the gate, Lungelo still standing their leaning on the fence. We got closer to him & stood up straight & without uttering a singel word he grabbed my free hand, pulled me close to him & hugged me for the longest time brushing my back & for the first time in 2weeks I cried again, I wasnt sure whether I was crying because I was hurt or whether I was crying because I was happy to see him, he held me in his strong arms. He had an unfamiliar scent but it smelt realy good. We broke it off when the bell rang I missed u he said kissing my forehead Me too i whispered he wiped my tears away with his hands saying akana tissue you look beautiful mntwamu i faked a smile. Because i knew he was just tryng to make me feel better ngoba bendi rhini rhini zinyembezi & had lost some weight nibe bendingenalo kwa nqatha kwasekuqaleni. I notice the weight loss when i was dressing in my school uniform besisi khulu iSkirt. Khaya had walked a distance from us but uLungelo walked me towards her & the 3 of us walked together sincokola about iReports. When we got to the quad we all went our separate ways, Lungelo said he would see me after school. During breaktime we sat at our usual place no Kaya Her: yinton nindikhabisa amatye ekuseni apha mntase?*she laughed* hay nam funeka ndiz funele umntu apha esikolweni nzaw phelelwa zizihlangu mos apha. We both laughed. Then continued talking about random stuff. My friend was sad at the fact that soon I will not be attending classes & yena uzoba yedwa she even said yhoo andithethi nextyear nzoba yini ngapandle kwakho. That was the sad part about both of us, we both didnt have any other friends here at school bendiqwayiza mna kuqala when she is absent, so i understood fully what she was feeling, as a result bendingakwazi noxoko ndithi kuzobaryt. After the break we went our separate ways saya ezi klasini zethu. After school Lungelo walked us wae wayosibeka eStopini he kissed my hand sakhwela & the taxi drove off, just befor we got to town i recievd an sms Andisabaweli ukuphuza it was him, I put the phone back in my pocket, when we got homesenza ukutya & we exchanged our report cards no Khaya, she had realy done well shame & I was proud of hher, i also did well considering the fact that I woul always get lazy when i had to study. I guess ukuhlala eHostel helped because we had study periods so ubufunda uthanda ungathandi. Later that day we cooked supper & did the dishes. The week went on just fine I was enjoying my stay kulo Khaya but the time came when I had to go, evryone was sad to see me going but it had to happen sooner or later on the other side of life Lungelo was very excited that i was coming back, i wished i could be as excited as him. He even wanted to arrange transport to come fetch my things but i told him I was gud. Being back at the hostel was physicaly & emotionaly draining bendiveske ndidikwe yonto yonke even my roomies noticed but i assured them that i was fine. Beku Saturday sivelo tatsha no Lungelo, i stiil hadnt told him what realy happened. But we were getting closer & closer again slowly. We chilled outside almost evryday & talked randoms & not once did we touch the baby issue. Ndithe ndisando ngena eRumini Bongi & Siya were chilling on their beds & i joined them. I sat on Bongis bed which was in the middle. I suddenly had the urge to pee I took toilet paper & headed to the bathroom & i did my busines ndaphuma. I washed my hands in the basin & then my face with the running water. Asanda walked in the moment she saw me wacinka impumlo zakhe, bekunga nuki nonuka kula toilet but im sure she saw the toilet paper next to me & put 2 & 2 together kwaphuma isigezo phuu nguban lo ugqibo kaka apha unukisa ingath utya iziKorobo i let out a slight laugh because ikaka biyi le ayithethayo. She was standing by the door khanizen ne airfreshner ndiyapela apha Me: ndicela uqitha Asanda Her: ubanjwe yinton ke ubitye kangaka yinton ezobangela ungakwaz uqitha apha? Hee i ignored her ndamgila & passed, i took 2 steps & she pulled my hair, khange ndimlinde noba athethe ndaguquka nge Nkunzikazi yempama, i was about to go for the next 1 when she held my hand. I pushed her against the wall, andiwazi amandla ndiwathathephi cause Asanda was talller than me. I punched her stomach she bent down, ndafaka iDolo. Ndibone sekubomvu. In no time the passage was full of spectators other cheering abanye benqanda. Someone was pulling me from behind ndiz xuthuluza. Asanda yena ebenditsala ngenwele ndabe ndimfaki ntloko apha esuswini okwe nkomo. I dont know who pushed me but I fell on the floor & when i stood up the others held me. Ndabe ndikhala Ndiyekeni maan uAsanda makathethe lento ayifunayo kum rhaa i was even spitting on the floor Asandas nose was bleeding the floor was red iskipa sam sikrazukile. Bongi wandigona Masambe Rumi uyinyisile la Girafee she said We got to our room i looked amongst my things & took out a scissor. #Goodgirl_gonBad
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:54:21 +0000

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