#93 Guy:aw sorry bra,but i must admit you got catch on your - TopicsExpress


#93 Guy:aw sorry bra,but i must admit you got catch on your hands..he walked away winkin at me,I didnt like the guy nd was not gonna give him my number but he had no right to involve himself nd I just didnt have the energy to argue with him so I chose to walk towards Clicks him:Simtha..i turned nd he indicated I come to him,so I dragged myself to him him:unjani me: ok you? Him:im fine,im sorry if I interfered but I was just lookin out for my brother..I took a deep breathe me:we arent together anymore,we broke up a long time ago him: oh,I just assumed since yourl met up at night yourl managed to fix things..i was embarassed me:it was a stupid arrangement that didnt work out him: oh im sorry,for the break up me:dont be twas for the best him:yourl seemed to be good together me:for awhile we were,but we just messed it up him:uhm uhamba wedwa? Me:no,im with a friend usangene apha him: oh,uhm since your a girl nd into them fashion things can you please help me choose a suit for some wedding we are going to this weekend,im clueless nd have two options so a girls perspective would be nice me:uhm Id love to but my friend.. Him:cant you tell her yourl be back after awhile..please..i took my phone nd texted Nhle,we waited awhile nd she replied with 10 minutes me:lets go..I found it strange how he just asked me outa everybody!..we walked in silence to Truworths,nd he showed me the suits me:so whats the colout of the day? Him:uhm dont know ey me:ey ok him:see how hopeless I am..he was light in complexion so I looked through the suits around nd found some navy blue suit,lined with black nd had black patchs,I gave it to him nd told him to go try it on him:im not sure about this color me:cmon your goin to a weddin not a funeral so live a little nd itll compliment your skin..he laughed then walked to the fitting room nd came out after a few nd I have to admit it fit him perfectly nd the color complimented his skin,I smiled me:its perfect him:you think..he said lookin at himself in the mirror,the assistant came him: perfect choice Sir Luth:thank this lovely lady him:well I guess youve got good choice in clothes nd girlfriends me:no were not datin we just uhm Luth:friends him: oh sorry sir..he went away luth:im taking it thanks..i nodded,he bought a white shirt,a black tie then said he has black shoes,i was about to go since yena he was going to pay him:wait..i stood there nd waited for him to finish up him:thanks for the help hey im really clueless kulezinto,well Zee was gonna help me but something came up me:its cool him:can I atleast get you something to say thanks me:no it was a pleasure him:im suppose to be meeting up with Khwezi to make sure he gets a suit too but let me walk you back to Clicks,its the least I could do..i nodded nd we walked with him tellin more about the wedding me:whos gettin married?im sure theyre a nervous wreck!..well he told that its his Dabs,how she lost her husband a few years ago nd lost all hope of love but managed to find a guy who loves her as much,he seemed like a real romantic me:if i didnt know better Id actually say you believe in true love him:I do,I believe when God creates man,he makes a better half of him which is his soulmate someone to share his life with,be his support system nd reason to keep fightin,like he did with Adam..i laughed me:nd you know the Bible too him:church bra..we laughed me:haha aw Mfundisi him:its good to see you smilling,that the Mbathas are not only a source of pain for you..i faked smiled him:your to young to be stressin emotionally I know how my brother can get nd how he can treat women which I dont condone,I talked to him after what happened between yourl nd he knows thats not how women are treated nd we werent brought up like that,he knows women are meant to be respected nd loved I guess hes still a kid nd doesnt understand,I hope the next guy you meet treats you the way you deserve nd Khwezi didnt make you close all opportunities of love for you,but your still a kid yourl find someone later in life..wow for someone who seemed reserved nd quiet,he really knew how to put words me:thanks him:i still feel like a should thank you for your time me:maybe another day..sisathetha I heard someone call him,we turned to see Khwezi,he was with Precious,holdin her hand,it was the first time ndibabona officially together nd it hurt I dont wanna lie,he whispered something in her ear then weza me:i have to go him:no,you cant avoid him forever..i stood there K:you bought the suit without me luth:i got help..he hit me with his elbow lightly him: oh,its cool,ill get my babe to help me with mine..Luths phone rang nd he excused himself,it was me nd K K:why havent you been answerun my calls? Me:theres nothin we can talk about him:but I miss you,i wanted to see you last night me:K what we are doing is not workin out for me so I think we should just stop nd i give you space to continue with your girl..he laughed him:so you can get space to continue with my brother?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:46:25 +0000

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