***A CORD OF 3 STRANDS IS NOT EASILY BROKEN*** By Caleb - TopicsExpress


***A CORD OF 3 STRANDS IS NOT EASILY BROKEN*** By Caleb Jennings Breakey / calebbreakey One strand is easily broken. Two strands are better than one because if one breaks, the other is there to take on the weight. But a three-corded piece of rope? That’s strength. When Brittney and I were going through a very difficult time in our relationship, she chose three cords, and I chose one. People prayed for Brittney. She was able to express her innermost feelings, thereby releasing bottled-up emotions. And others could weep with her in her weeping. Me, on the other hand...I bottled up my feelings, cried silently in my room, pressed my fingernails into my skin, and tried to drown out the wailing in my soul. And what eventually brought me out of it? A friend who pursued me week after week, even when I didn’t want to be pursued. It’s humbling to let others hold you up when you feel you can continue alone, but the hit to your pride is a small blow for the strength you’ll radiate in your relationship. So humble yourself. Open your relationship to those who love you and want what’s best for you. Get vulnerable. Ask for help and advice and lots of specific prayer. This is usually an honor for others. If your relationship means enough to you that you want to give it every last ounce of your strength, why not recruit the willing strength of others? A CORD OF 3 STRANDS ONE CORD Just You. When entering a relationship, you can have all sorts of resolutions and willpower. But the fact is, no one can stay strong forever. We all break. And when our one cord breaks, everything falls apart—and trying to tie it back together is a long, tedious process. I chose this way with Brittney at first because I thought I could handle it. It didn’t take long before failure humbled me and I realized that there was no way I could fly without help. TWO CORDS You and Another. Having the support of another in your relationship is huge. This person can be there to talk with you through your feelings and your struggles and also push you to stick to your convictions. For much of my relationship with Brittney, this person was my pastor, who not only left his office door open to me but actually sought me out and urged me to choose what was best. THREE CORDS You, Another, and a Tribe of Loved Ones. Opening your relationship to several people who love you allows you to be bolstered with prayer, encouragement, and support. The older I get, the more I experience the amazing power of Christian community and prayer. We may never understand how it all works, but God has clearly shown us in Scripture that these aspects play a beautiful role in his economy. Find people to pray for you and your relationship, and be specific in your requests. >>> Get free dating resources at calebbreakey
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:43:04 +0000

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