Ⓜ[A MESSAGE I WILL PREACH TO BE UNPOPULAR #2] If you are - TopicsExpress


Ⓜ[A MESSAGE I WILL PREACH TO BE UNPOPULAR #2] If you are engaged now, I would plead you finish and make time to read this. I want to speak about a sensitive matter concerning a certain woman who is the only wife of a respected man I know and have come to love. The wife is a celebrity I believe you know and seen around on a lot of posters these days organizing programs here and there and is found on the media often times. I was invited by this wife (name revealed at the end ) for one of her programs and behold I was a speaker. I got to the venue very early to familiarize myself with the place and amazingly I met this young beautiful lady who had come early organizing the place for the program. Quickly another lady entered mentioning this ladys name as Florence and quickly it registered on my MIND. The program started and mistakenly, the MC introduced me adding the title prophet to my name and come and see the applause. I was overwhelmed so I started delivering my message while I walked towards Florence in the crowd. I told her to stand up because I wanted to prophecy. Immediately the room went quiet waiting to see the theatrics that follows after. I said to her God says he is your shepherd and you shall not want and will make you to lie down in green pastures, The room was still silent while I was expecting an applause. I was so disappointed at that moment so I went back to her and I asked if she knows me or has seen me before and she replied no then I said you are Florence and gave other details the other lady friend had leaked when they were organizing the place. Oh my word, come and see the applause and excitement. The whole room was charged up ready for more theatrics. I believe there is a difference between the office of a Prophet and the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is one of the nine spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit 1Corinthians 12:4 but Prophets are not a gift of the Holy Spirit like the gift of prophecy; instead, Prophets are Christ’s gift to the church Ephesians 4:7 that is a twist of it nobody wants to be identified with. I quickly zoomed into my message and laid my tools to carry out one of the most complicated surgeries I have ever performed as a #MINDSURGEON. I told them this, what is MORE PROPHETIC than speaking the MIND OF GOD that is so evident in his word at least with a scriptural reference that has stood the test of time as compared to me standing in front of you and calling out your name and so you say am powerful based on mentioning your name? Is this the first time you heard your name yourself? Did your parents not have a naming ceremony for you? So what is so exciting and prophetic about me mentioning your name? After saying these words the place went quiet and people started going on their knees as we began to worship. Hear this, there is no prophecy without the word of God. Theatrics dont bring Gods presence rather his spoken word does. This woman I was talking about is the ECCLESIA (CHURCH) married to the bridegroom called JESUS. Have we compromised our core values and faith? RENEW YOUR MIND. #dALE qUIST The #MindSurgeon MINDSET NETWORKS ©2014 mindsetnetworks.org mindsetnetworks@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:31:09 +0000

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