[A New Year and Updates] Wow its 2015 now. I cant believe Ive - TopicsExpress


[A New Year and Updates] Wow its 2015 now. I cant believe Ive been cosplaying (somewhat) seriously for just over 2 years now. Not to mention people actually care about the things I do! What the heckie? But I love every single one of you goobers who takes the time to like and comment on my posts. Even if you dont think so, I read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ANY OF YOU POST OK?? Having people to share my tomfoolery with is probably one of the best things I could ever ask for. Cosplays!! - Soon youll be able to see some nice pictures of the first thing that Ive ever made from scratch (that wasnt poorly stitched cat ears.) To be honest, Im pretty proud of it for being the first thing I ever made! Also, I have decided what my next cosplay is going to be that Ill be throwing myself into full force (Besides regular outfit Sonata which is still in progress.) It might not be completely new, but it will look so drastically different from the times before that it might as well be new. As for any costumes past that and finishing standard Sonata, well Ive yet to figure them out! I have had Sylveon floating around my brain for a while, but at the same time Ive always wanted to do an Absol or Pikachu. *shrugs* Maybe I should do a blue pokemon? Im wavering a little on Vivi. Im not really motivated to continue that project, but who knows. Super secret October cosplay may or may not be on hold until next October. Suggestions are always welcome. Cons!! - This year I will for sure be attending cons in Washington, California, Maryland, Utah, and probably Richmond, BC. If there are any others, I have yet to confirm them as of right now. If you have any suggestions, sharing is caring! Birthday!! - For those of you going to BABScon in April, I will be having a poolside birthday party there since my birthday is the Thursday after the con.. When we get closer to the con, I will be putting up an event with all the details! If you arent able to go, but still want to send me birthday wishes, my PO box is always open. Updates!! - Ive been trying to get a tumblr up and running for a while as an alternate place to post things, but Ive been having trouble starting it just because I want to put everything Ive done to date up in a nice looking chronological order. When I finally stop fussing over it and its finally up, Ill post the link. For those of you that know about the AMAZING website cospix.net, Im finally getting around to updating it. I havent since early 2014 it seems... For you cosplay friends who want a website designed for cosplayers and photographers (that just so happens to have the best color scheme ever) go check out Cospix.net. Also if you have a Cospix, send me a link to your profile so I can follow you! Shenanigans!! - Dazzling necklaces are still for sale, but not at the link I posted a while ago. If youre still wanting one, please message me either through this page, or email me at littlemissbloo@gmail. I have an ambitious project set for the next few months in the form of a music video. Whether or not I actually complete it is highly dependent on if I can do it on time and do it to the level that I expect. For those of you asking I do sell prints, but not through a store any longer. If you would like a print, I go through paypal. If youre international, I go through eBay. As promised, the New Years giveaway will be underway here shortly. Im still drafting up exactly what Im going to include. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in the box, make sure to comment with your ideas! I super duper pooper scooper love you all. Lets make this year a great one! ~ Bloo ☆
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:23:02 +0000

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