{{{“A Solemn Warning”}}} No wonder why “Jude’ strongly - TopicsExpress


{{{“A Solemn Warning”}}} No wonder why “Jude’ strongly admonished the early church: “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). The Apostle Jude warned the early church about the creeping in of false teachings in the church that the “common salvation” will be abolished, and the Faith which was once delivered unto the saints (the Apostles’ Doctrine) will be slandered as “heresy”. Paul declared: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:8-9). Many records today from Encyclopedias and different history books telling us that before the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated, in second century after the death of the apostles, all water baptisms were performed in the “Name of Jesus Christ”, and NOT’ in the “name / titles” of the Trinity. Even after the doctrine of the Trinity and triune baptism were established in the third century, still majority of Christians remained faithful to the apostolic doctrine of water baptism in Jesus’ name and to the One God truth. History shows us that water baptism in the name of the Trinity is a later development. It was not the apostolic way. In fact, a Hebrew translation of the Book of Matthew removed the wordings “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” and considered it spurious. This claim is based upon the records of Eusebius of the 2nd century, citing no trace of triune baptism in the Great Commission in the original manuscript but was later added to suffice the “Trinitarian Translators”. In fact, the passage of “1 John 5:7” found in KJV’ is considered spurious and modern translations do not include such passage in them. However, even if the church believe the facts of these claims on the original wordings of “Mathew 28:19”, it was still proven that the ‘Early Church’ *Never Baptized* using the (titles’ of ‘Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’) But “Always in the *Name of Jesus Christ.*!!! MATT 28:19 VERY PLAINLY STATES {{NAME}} (SINGULAR)=[JESUS] {NOT} (NAMES) PLURAL’ “TITLES”... FATHER IS “NOT” A “NAME”… THE “FATHERS” NAME, IS “NOT” FATHER”!!! THE “NAME OF THE FATHER” IS “JESUS”, THE “EMANUELLE” ((GOD’ WITH US”))!! Joh 5:43 I am come ((in my “Fathers Name”)), and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. THE ((SON’S “NAME” IS “NOT” SON”)) & OF COURSE, THE “HOLY=GHOST’S” NAME, IS “NOT” “HOLY GHOST OR HOLY SPIRIT”!!! (MATT. 28:19) THE GREAT COMMISSION {BACK UP TO VERSE 16}, WHO WAS HE TALKING TOO??? Mat 28:16 Then the ((**Eleven Disciples**)), went away into Galilee, into a mountain where **Jesus** had appointed them… ((( THEY WERE AS ALWAYS, SEEKING TO OBEY HIM & THEY DID “EXACTLY” AS INSTRUCTED, THROUGH=OUT REMAINDER OF THE BIBLE’)))!!! ((DO YOU’ REALLY THINK, THAT FOLLOWING THE “RESSURECTION” & “GREAT COMMISSION”, THEY ALL OF A SUDDEN, TO DECIDED, TO START *DIS=OBEYING* HIM???)) IN ADDITION, Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake Unto Them, ((THE ELEVEN)) saying,((( All Power))) is given unto **ME** ((SINGULAR)) in **Heaven and in Earth.** ... (((WHAT DOES THAT LEAVE, FOR DADDY OR THE OTHER ONE, YOU KNOW THE “BIRD gOD’ / THE DOVE’ gOD’???))) DO YOU REALLY, BELIEVE, THAT WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN... WE WILL SEE ((( A OLD MAN, A YOUNG MAN & A BIRD / DOVE???))) The First of “ALL” {“COMMANDMENTS”} We Shall Have “NO” other gods Before “HIM” …. (SINGULAR) God in his mercy gave us cognitive thinking. 1+1+1 = “1” {Wrong} 1+1+1 = “3”.!!! THERE IS “NO ‘TRINITY” IN HEAVEN!!! The Baptismal Formula In Scripture And History According to both the Bible and history, the New Testament church invoked only the *Name of Jesus’* at “Water Baptism”.!!! Its “Baptismal Formula”, was in the *Name of’ *Jesus Christ**, “NOT” EVER in the *Titles* of (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)~!!!... Scriptural Records Proves the Truth In the following verses, it can be found that no matter the nationalities, religious backgrounds, or the locations and situations of the prospects, they were Straightway *Baptized* [“Immersed”] in *Jesus’ Name*: The Jews on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38) >> “…be *Baptized Every One of You’ in the *Name of Jesus Christ*…” The People in Samaria (Acts 8:16) >> “…only they were *Baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus*.” The Gentiles at Cornelius’ household (Acts 10:48) >>“And he “Commanded’ them” to *be Baptized in the Name of the Lord*!!…” [Note: “Early manuscripts’ says, “in the *Name of Jesus Christ*”] The Disciples of John the Baptist at Ephesus (Acts 19:5) >> “…they were *Baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus*.” The Apostle Paul Himself (Acts 22:16) “…and Be *Baptized… Calling on the Name of the Lord*.”!!! Hidden Truths Revealed in Historical Records: The ‘baptismal invocation’ of (“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”) was just an “Invention by Those’ who Hate Oneness”… Their ultimate goal is Not’ just to “Remove the Authoritative and Saving Name” of the *Lord Jesus*, which Effects’ the “Cleansing Power’ of the Blood” during *Water Baptism*, But also to “Deny’ the Doctrines of the *Absolute’ Numerical *One God* and the *Supreme Deity* of *Jesus Christ*.!!! NOW, I PRAY THAT YOU MIGHT CONSIDER, ABANDONING the TRADITION of MEN & CHOOSE TO SEEK THE TRUTH’ & OBEY the GOSPEL of “JESUS CHRIST!!!! Concerning the “Authenticity and Validity’ of these claims, the following “Records” are being Quoted’ as follows: *Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (1951), II, Pages 384, 389: “The formula used was “in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” or some “Synonymous Phrase”; there is *No evidence for the use of triune name or title*!… The earliest form, represented in the Acts, was “simple immersion…in water, the use of the *Name of the Lord*, and the *Laying on of Hands*. To these were added, at various times and places which cannot be safely identified, (a) the triune name (Justin)…” *Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (1962), I, Page 351: “The ((Evidence suggests that “Baptism in Early Christianity”, was Administered, NOT’ in the “threefold name or title”, But ‘in the *Name of Jesus Christ’* or ‘in the *Name of the Lord Jesus.’*” *Otto Heick’s A History of Christian Thought (1965), I, Page 53: “At First’ “Baptism was Administered in the *Name of Jesus*, but Gradually in the (name or titles’ of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).” * Hasting’s Dictionary of the Bible (1898), I, Page 241: “[One explanation is that] the original form of words was ‘into the *Name of Jesus Christ’* or ‘the *Lord Jesus’*.!!! >>> {{Baptism into the name of the Trinity was a later development}}.” *Williston Walker’s A History of the Christian Church (1947), Page 58: “The (Trinitarian baptismal formula), was *Displacing* the “Older Baptism” in the *Name of Christ.” *The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (1957), I, Page 435: “The *New Testament*, Knows Only’ **Baptism in the Name of Jesus**… which Still Occurs’ even in the Second and Third Centuries.” *Canney’s Encyclopedia of Religions (1970), Page 53: “Persons were baptized at first ‘in the *Name of Jesus Christ’*!!!…or ‘in the *Name of the Lord Jesus’*!!!… Afterwards’, with the {{development of the doctrine of the Trinity}}, they were baptized ‘in the ((name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost)).” *Encyclopedia Biblica (1899), I, Page 473: “It is natural to conclude that baptism was administered in the *Earliest Times* ‘in the {{Name of Jesus Christ’ or ‘in the Name of the Lord Jesus’}}. … (((This view is “Confirmed” by the Fact’ that the Earliest’ forms of the *Baptismal Confession*, Appear to have been *SINGLE* – Not’ triple*, as was the later creed.” *Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition (1920), II, Page 365: “The *Trinitarian formula and triune immersion were not uniformly used from the “Beginning”*!… *Baptism into the Name of the Lord* [was] the normal formula of the New Testament…. In the “3 rd Century”, *Baptism in the Name of Christ*, was Still so “Widespread’ that *Pope Stephen*, in Opposition to Cyprian of Carthage, *Declared it to be Valid*.” * ((The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263)): “The Baptismal Formula” was *Changed* from the “Name of Jesus Christ” to the words’ (((Father, Son, and Holy Spirit))) >>> by the *Catholic Church’ in the Second Century*.” *The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, IV, page 2637, Under “Baptism”: “(Matthew 28:19) in particular only canonizes a later ecclesiastical situation, that its universalism is contrary to the facts of early Christian history, and its “Trinitarian Formula”, is *Foreign to the mouth of Jesus*.” *The Jerusalem Bible, a scholarly Catholic work, states: “It may be that this formula, (Triune Matthew 28:19) so far as the fullness of its expression is concerned, is a reflection of the (Man-made) liturgical usage established later in the primitive (Catholic) community. It will be remembered that Acts speaks of baptizing in the name of Jesus. Wrongly Accused as Heresy This is the absolute truth! It was hidden from many people and churches, but these records shows us that water baptism in Jesus’ name is not a “new issue” or a “new doctrine”. It was not a message of “cult” or a “heresy” as Trinitarian churches are telling their members… No! Oneness doctrine and water baptism in Jesus’ name were never heresies! The doctrines of One God in Christ and baptism in Jesus’ name are and will always be the hallmarks of the apostolic identity. Together with the apostle Paul, The Pentecostals affirmatively declares: “But this I confess unto thee, that after he way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets” (Acts 24:14). “ An Innocent Blood Cried Out Loud” ::: Most Christians do not know the life story of Michael Servetus. He was that first Westerner who have discovered and recorded the pulmonary circulation of the blood (through the lungs from the right to the left side of the heart). In 1531, at age twenty, Servetus published his book, “On the Errors of the Trinity”, which challenged the traditional doctrine of the Trinity during the reformation period. He held the doctrine of God essentially the same as the modern Oneness theology, that there is only One God, that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three manifestations of God, and that Jesus Christ is the only Person of God, in Whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily. He questioned both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in embracing the false doctrine of the Trinity. John Calvin, one of the reformers, who was reached by Servetus’ publications condemned him to death by not worshipping the “Trinitarian God of Three Persons”. He was burned at stake outside Geneva, Switzerland on October 27, 1553. The Trinitarian opponents of Michael Servetus burned him in the name of the Trinity. In his execution, his last words were recorded as: “Jesus, Son of the Eternal God, have mercy on me”. Calvin said that his life could have been saved if he said, “Jesus, the eternal Son of God”, instead of “Jesus, the Son of eternal God”. [Read his story at A God I Can Understand by Search For Truth Publications, Inc., and in David K. Bernard’s A History of Christian Doctrine Vol. II, page 96 under “Michael Servetus”]. Thus’ “Declares The Lord”: I have given You “Many Warnings”, and “I have Blown the Trumpet” by My’ prophets!!... “My True’ Watchmen have Delivered My’ Messages”!!!... And Still, *You Refuse Me*, Preferring Your Own Way, Holding Fast to Your Own Deceptions”!!!... Therefore You’ have Chosen!... Therefore You are Given Up’, And Must Now Walk Through a Great and Dark Valley!!!... In the Shadow of Death, Shall You Walk’, Through the “Fire” You Must Pass’!!!... For by No Other Means, Shall You Come to “Know Me, to See Me” as *I’ Truly Am*.!!! “Come OUT’ From Among Them”, Therefore! And “Be Separate”!! *Says The Lord*... Touch No’ More’, All These *Un=Clean Things’*, and **I’ Will Receive You**!!! THE “GOD HEAD” ANSWER: YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN OUR: ***$10,000.00*** “CHALLENGE” // “REWARD”!!!! “WE” WILL GIVE ** $10,000.00 ** TO “ANYONE”, WHO’ CAN SHOW US ONE PLACE THAT’S RIGHT, ((JUST “1” SCRIPTURE”)), IN THE **KING JAMES VERSION** OF THE “BIBLE”.... WHERE ANY=ONE WAS “EVER”, *ACTUALLY* BAPTIZED ((A “BAPTISM” PERFORMED)), CALLING ON THE TITLES OF ... “FATHER”, “SON” & “HOLY GHOST”, IN WATER BAPTISM !!!! ONE PLACE, WHERE “ANYONE”, WAS EVER’ TOLD TO JUST “REPEAT A SINNERS’ PRAYER” OR TO SIMPLY *ACCEPT THE LORD AS A “PERSONAL’ SAVIOUR*??? THATS RIGHT!!!! ... JUST ONE PLACE ((ONLY “1” “SCRIPTURE”))!!!!... SURELY, IF IT IS SO COMMONLY “PRACTICED”, “THIS WAY IN MANY CHURCH’S TODAY’, USING A “”TRINITARIAN (TRI. = 3 = GOD) FORMULA“” “TODAY”, ((IN SO MANY “CHURCH DENOMINATIONS”))!!!! THIS SHOULD BE “VERY EASY”, FOR YOU TO “PROVE” & “CLAIM”, “YOUR” **$10,000.00** “PRIZE”!!!... SO, GO AHEAD & GIVE US’ A CALL @ ((478) 278-5462’ & CLAIM YOUR “PRIZE”, “TODAY” OR’ LETS SCHEDULE A FREE HOME BIBLE STUDY & DISCUSS THIS MORE’))!!!!! LETS GET TOGETHER ASAP!!! !!!!! (((HAVE YOU, BEEN “”OBEDIENTLY BAPTIZED”” IN **JESUS NAME**???))) {THE “”ONLY BIBLICAL FORMULA“”}, GIVEN TO MEN (SEE ACTS 4:12)!!!!... JUST A THOUGHT, IF IT CANT BE FOUND, IN THE SCRIPTURE, WHO, GAVE THE AUTHORITY / OR / PERMISSION... TO CHANGE THE WAY OR “”FORMULA“” OF WATER BAPTISM??? CALL, TODAY & “SCHEDULE”, YOUR “FREE” HOME “BIBLE STUDY”!!! (478) 278-5462
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:29:39 +0000

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