***A beautiful clients experience of taking my Unleash your - TopicsExpress


***A beautiful clients experience of taking my Unleash your Selfish Diva course (shared with their permission)*** I absolutely LOVED the visualisation we did last week. I just found it AMAZING. LIFE-CHANGING. This week I’ve just allowed it to BE and sink in. I’ve been standing there in my power and feeling the JOY. I’ve been sinking my feet into the green lush grass, breathing in the fresh, ALIVE scent and raising my hands to the sky, painting colours of blue, red, yellow, orange. It’s been like a curtain has been drawn and where I thought there was a black brick wall, it turns out it was a window on the most amazing view all this time. WHO KNEW??????? So, I’ve just been pottering around all this week in my normal life, but relaxing and KNOWING that everything I do comes from this place of joy. BLOODY HELL!! In meditation this morning, I just got a sense of this vastness of the universe.....and I was somehow able to be a part of it even though I was this tiny little speck. Generally, what I’m feeling is the emergence once more of HOPE and now the universe is having some fun!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:23:08 +0000

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