:|] A few suggestions have been made: 1. A tutorial for apps - TopicsExpress


:|] A few suggestions have been made: 1. A tutorial for apps like WatchMaker and Facer. This could be possible on a group via the document/files area. You would have to A) follow a title format so people can find it such as Watchmaker: Adding Gifs or Facer: Exporting and B) make sure you arent repeating a tutorial that is already posted. This can also be done through Google Drive. A public folder can be created that either allows people to post their tutorials (same Title format) or people can send me their tutorials and I can add them to the folder daily or weekly. Thoughts? 2. It has come to my attention that some people would like apps, but may not have the money to pay for them. I have a large family and my income isnt that great. There are things I would like to have for my wear device that I cant get because I dont want to spend the money and realize I actually dont want/need it or I really just cant spare it at the moment (yes, it might only be 1 or 2 dollars, but that will be the 1 or 2 dollars I am looking for the day before payday lol) So, a solution I came up with is to create a PayPal account for donation. The way it would work is a person could donate 1 or 2 or however much they want. There will be a public spreadsheet created through Google docs so everyone knows who donated and how much (first names and last initials) is available at all times. Then, if a person needs money for an app, it can be transfered to their PayPal. You are only allowed ONE donation app a month and it cannot exceed 2 bucks for now. If you donate, you can get TWO apps a month and same cap (cannot exceed 2 dollars each) At the end of the month, the money will roll over. The most important part is keeping the records public. I will not be compensated for now for setting this up and doing the work lol...depends on how much time has to be invested and if we grow at all. And if I do, it will be on the public spreadsheet and it wont be much...maybe enough to get me a nice lunch once a month for the work... Let me know how this sounds to you as a group...I will see if I can maybe set up a poll...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:43:53 +0000

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