*******A police force is a constituted body of persons empowered - TopicsExpress


*******A police force is a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder.*******[1] Their powers include the legitimized use of force.....Police forces are often defined as being separate from military or other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors; however, gendarmerie are military units charged with civil policing............After the American Civil War, policing became more paramilitary in character, with the increased use of uniforms and military ranks. Before this, sheriffs offices had been non-uniformed organizations without a para-military hierarchy....******************************************************************************* .In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that police do not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm......****************** .>OKAY i understand this its simple.....no reason to lie to us anymore government lets all come clean...these armored vehicles, machine guns, tasers, swat cars, and blast proof trucks , the ones we tax payers have been paying for with our tax dollars.? you know the ones i mean the cool gov surplus toys you all have been stockpiling ... WE know about this things .... and you have supplemented your income with our forfeiture laws.you know the assets you take from us?... well those paramilitary assets .are here to be used against us, whenever they want,to limit civil disorder,******************** its in black and white... no more serve and protect as of 2005...law enforcement officers exist to.protect property and limit civil order... whose idea of what is civil disorder??? they can quell civil disorder,using deadly firepower,,,,??? wow,,, .quell civil disorder.by any means necessary? with no accountability?..and they get to tell us what constitutes civil disorder? HUH???shouldnt WE define what civil disorder is?>>... we must be able to hold these officers of our courts of our government and of our police force, accountable. Just as we are held responsible for ours..,look at how they protect one another and hold private closed investigations into dept things...WE NEED TOTAL disclosure and to lead to that we need to put modern ID badges on ALL government officers.only while serving the public duty they are paid using tax dollars to perform.. their private time is just that,...but i believe its time for them to wear camera recording satellite linked gps badges.. ALL of em,,, DHS,CPS>Mayors. GOv, Sen. lets all be honest and open for a change,,if we can trace assets in the field we can better manage them and loinking officers together is a great way to help them all communicate,,, the old VHF, and UHF way of doing things isnt the best way to handle modern communication,i should be able to log on to a website and see my tax dollars at work it only makes sense and an honest government should embrace the idea, shouldnt they?//// lets see whos an honest officer for the people eh?... all those abbreviated well funded government officers need to be held to the same standard all Americans are held to... the constitution and nothing less..... ..........................................................................................................................And meanwhile right in my own backyard....lansingstatejournal/article/20140817/NEWS02/308170051
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:49:13 +0000

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