( A post by Steine) I wanted to step away from the posts that - TopicsExpress


( A post by Steine) I wanted to step away from the posts that we have been discussing over the past few day by I feel that what I want to talk about is going to lead straight back to them. In fact I think I will have to go back over the events of the past few days to actually talk about FREEDOM OF SPEECH, PRESS and the like. Let’s start with a relatively easy one and lets how complicated it gets. A Doctor, Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines. Has had venues cancelled on her because of her views on Vaccines. She is a nut job that does not believe in them and wants to spread her message of fear to all that will listen to her. Oh I could rant all day about anti vaxers and the hidden agenda but that is not what this about. This is about free speech and her right to speak her mind to all that will listen. The venues operators have bow to public pressure and stopped her inherent right in a free country such as OURS and bowed to Protests. Another right we have in Australia. But this went further people wanted her not to step foot on our soil and here is a quote from the Sydney Morning Herald Pressure has also been mounting on Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to revoke Dr Tenpennys visa on the grounds that her beliefs are a very real threat to society, according to one of several petitions started by pro-vaccination groups. Please no comments that we could use this law on the Muslim faith because this Law would be countered by the law Freedom of Religion. HMMMM....Not Fen good is it? A woman, A Doctor with no criminal record being refused a visa into Australia because of WHAT? HER BELIEFS!!!!. Now let’s have a look at the world events in particular Paris. Extremist attack the press for their right to freedom of the press. They attacked with violence on a grand scale. They wanted to take away freedoms that we enjoyed because their Hyper sensitive prophet and god might be offended. Now some in our society, ones with a voice and power want to stop a satirical cartoons and humour of the Muslim Faith here in the west, so as we dont offend the Muslims. While saying nothing about the 100s of other faiths and beliefs in the world. I guess all the other gods have thicker skins and their prophets arent nut jobs. And their religions arent run by clerics that need to take a Prozac or two, have a bubble bath and instead of baying for blood every time some big meanie with a pencil pisses them off. My personal belief is, we should not stand in the way of our freedoms not matter what the subject. As much as I do not people being swayed by the likes of this Dr Tenpennys views. We can protest outside her venues and use our own rights of free speech and the right to peaceful protest to make her voice not as loud. I also believe that it is our right to piss off these terrorist along the way. Stand defiant. Use satire and humour to get our point across That we will not be constrained, hemmed in or bullied into submission by these cowards. If we start to control who has the right to freedom of speech then we have given up our right to those very same freedoms. The floor is open (Steine)
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 03:36:04 +0000

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