“A university is supposed to be a forum where people can develop - TopicsExpress


“A university is supposed to be a forum where people can develop critical tools that enable them to criticize the orthodoxy, and that can lead into some unpalatable areas,” said Lancaster University’s Dr Simon Mabon. “Then we would engage with them, in lectures and in seminars where students are challenged by other students and their tutors … I don’t think it’s the government’s place to tell universities what can and can’t be talked about.” Mabon also told the Guardian that while holding an event on the jihadist militia group Islamic State, many of the panelists and attendees were worried there were undercover police observing the debate, who may take their words out of context. Student activist groups have also expressed outrage at the proposals. Tom Slater, coordinator of the Down With Campus campaign, said universities were already doing enough to screen speakers who could be seen as dangerous to university life. “It is already difficult for students to invite a speaker who is even possibly controversial,” he said. ........ rt/uk/210767-terror-public-order-protest/
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:54:26 +0000

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